Chapter 922
Lu Wang Zhu Changhao, whose mansion is in Weihui Fucheng, is not stupid to stay in the fief and resign himself to fate.

Instead, he took his family and went to Tianjin Wei early to go to sea by boat and prepare to settle in Seoul.

He escaped easily because he was the first vassal king of Ming Dynasty who chose to cooperate with Huang Han, and he had no notoriety, and he was secretly cared for and protected by the banner guards.

The "Red Banner Army" system notifies him of every stock offering, and because he, a literary youth, is not good at management, he simply looks for Huang Han to place a bet. In recent years, most of his family's property has been realized and basically used to buy stocks.

Now those original stocks have increased in value. In late May this year, "Red Flag Daily" reported that the fleet sailing to the Americas returned with a full load. Hainan Island successfully transplanted [-] rubber trees and planted [-] tree species.

Encouraged investors are enthusiastic. The stock of Hainan Rubber has doubled in half a year, and there is still no market. I believe that the first batch of real modern tires will be born early next year, and this stock will continue to go crazy. rise.

After the sale of bicycles and tricycles equipped with rubber tires, the stocks of vehicle factories and steel factories will soar again, attracting Daming capital that is unpredictable.

The news that Weihui Mansion was captured by bandits was known to many vassal kings, county kings, and town generals.

Just when they thought that the fate of King Qin, King Rui, and King Xiang would befall King Lu again.

The "Red Flag Daily" published an article reporting that Lu Wang had the foresight to use his wealth to buy stocks long ago, and now he has no losses at all. He has bought a luxurious mansion in Seoul and can live affluently entirely on dividends.

Facts speak louder than words. It is well known that King Lu is close to the "King of Han". His good fortune is entirely due to his belief in the "King of Han". Many hesitant Zhu Ming clans finally made up their minds.

Wu Xiang, Liang Tingdong, and Zhang Fengyi, who were in charge of the united front and attracting investment, did a lot better, and too many princes and nobles took the initiative to contact and consult.

Another wave of capital fleeing from Daming is about to happen!However, the court was powerless to stop it.

Because the entire Ming Dynasty has been infiltrated by the banner guards, too many civil servants and military generals secretly swear allegiance to the "King of Han" and are quietly transferring assets, and Emperor Chongzhen will soon be emptied.

After Li Yan joined, the rogues really changed their nature. They faced the dilemma of vast land and sparse population and needed population to farm.

Therefore, if you don't intentionally kill and set fire, as long as you don't choose to resist to the end, the Ming army and Xiangyong will basically be left alive.

Jin Minghu and Zhao Shisan who went to the Taihang Mountains are of course like ducks in water. Four counties and one state city surrendered without a fight. The Ming army and Xiangyong who took refuge in the army reached more than [-]. Has a full [-] men.

Originally, the "Winged Tiger" department was incompatible with most of the rogues, but since Gao Yingxiang appointed Li Yan as the dog-headed military adviser, the situation has changed greatly.

Li Yan inspected Jin Minghu's troops many times, and often praised Jin Minghu and Zhao Shisan's strict military discipline in front of Gao Yingxiang, and called on other leaders to follow the example of the "Winged Tiger" department.

How did he know that Huang Han had planned six years ago, and that the "Winged Tiger" department would fight back in the most important meeting, playing a decisive role ten times stronger than the uprising of the 110th Division in the Battle of Huaihai? more than.

As the Beijing battalion has shrunk its line of defense, the local garrison battalion has too few troops to stop them, basically fleeing on the lookout.

The bandits' attack went smoothly, and the three prefectures in the south of Shanxi that originally belonged to the Ming Dynasty were easily captured by the bandits, and a large amount of grain, gold and silver treasures were seized.

Today, the rogue bandits, who have grown to 40, engulf hundreds of thousands of rogue militiamen and march towards the capital in two ways.

Chongzhen, who was waiting for the good news from Liaodong, did not get what he wanted, but waited for the bad news that the rogues claimed that millions of people invaded the land of Gyeonggi.

Liu Zhilun led more than [-] troops from the Beijing camp to fight and retreat until the defense lines of Houjiazhuang and "Loyalty Fort" where the "Red Banner Army" had been operating for many years could gain a foothold.

It's not that the troops in the capital camp are too weak, in fact, the troops brought out by Liu Zhilun and Fang Zhenghua are stronger than those of the rogues, but because the actual strength of the rogues is five or six times that of the Ming army.

After the Yellow River was frozen, the line of defense was too long, and there was no danger to stop the bandits from crossing the river. In order not to be surrounded by the bandits, and also because the two dared not take risks, they lost the only [-] to [-] remaining soldiers of the Ming Dynasty.

Therefore, Fang Zhenghua and Li Ruolian each led 3 to [-] horses and retreated all the way northward. The worst plan was to preserve their strength to guard the capital, consume a large number of rogues outside the capital, and then organize a full-strength attack.

Chongzhen heard that the rogues were attacking massively, and the number of troops was said to be in the millions. The Yellow River defense line was easily broken through, and he was shocked. He still expected Liu Zhilun and Fang Zhenghua's strong army to become the seed army and finally become the mainstay of the Ming Dynasty. How dare he take risks?
His first reaction was to issue an order to Liu Zhilun and Fang Zhenghua, reminding them not to run out of troops in their hands, and it is best to lead them back into the capital immediately.

The military and civilian officials in the capital also read the "Red Flag Daily". Too many people knew that the "King of Han" was about to fight the Manchus in a decisive battle.

The price of grain in the capital suddenly soared, and the "Red Flag Grain Bank" had to start again the mode of rationing and supplying by relying on grain and household registration. At the same time, it urgently dispatched grain from Tongzhou and Tianjin Wei.

In fact, there is no shortage of food in the capital, but because of panic buying, some people hoard a large amount, resulting in the slow-moving citizens unable to buy rations, and there is a false food shortage.

This is the same as the rumor that salt can resist radiation. Many people who don't know the truth bought a lot of salt and put it at home, and there was a joke about not being able to buy salt in the market.

As long as the soldiers and civilians of the capital see a four-wheeled carriage full of grain entering the city, it will not take long for the panic to ease. At least there will be no panic again until the rogues surround the capital and cut off the connection between Tongzhou and the capital.

The new order established with great difficulty cannot be broken by the rogues again, and the defenders must do their best.

Huang Sifang, who was in charge of the safety of the Gyeonggi area, directly conveyed the order without waiting or relying on it.

In Tianjinwei, Yongpingfu, Jizhou, Shuntianfu and other areas, as long as there are "Red Banner Army" soldiers, guards, banner guards, bodyguards, and veterans, they all bring their own armor, horses, and weapons to gather nearby.

They are responsible for leading the regiment to train the armed forces, and the Xiangyong who has been trained for more than two years rushed to the "Loyalty Fort" as quickly as possible.

Huang Sifang personally led the assembled troops to build the "Loyalty Fort" and Houjiazhuang's defense line to cooperate with the Beijing camp to ensure that the bandits stopped here.

He has been a spy chief for ten years, and he knows how to weigh the pros and cons best. He has a clear goal, and if he defends it, he will win. As for how to eliminate the rogues, he will not consider it for the time being.

If it weren't for the immeasurable losses caused by the rogues besieging the capital, it would also indirectly affect the reputation of the "Red Banner Army". Huang Sifang even thought that it would be the best policy to open the door to the robbers and let the rogues break into the capital and arrest the emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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