Chapter 924 The Fire Burns the City
The rogues retreated on a large scale, how could the movement be so small?It was quickly detected by the Ming army's scouts.

Zhou Yuji personally participated in the tongue-catching and interrogation in order to find out the truth. After confirming that the information was accurate, he rushed to the Chinese army to report to Liu Zhilun, hoping to take advantage of the victory and pursue it.

The Ming army won a complete victory, and the casualty rate was not high. The "Red Banner Army" medical soldiers participated in the treatment of the wounded, and the casualty rate was even lower. Liu Zhilun, who only lost more than [-] troops, was full of confidence.

He analyzed the combat effectiveness of the rogues, and believed that joining forces with the "Red Banner Army" stationed on the front line of "Loyalty Fort", even if they could not guarantee a complete victory over the rogues, at least they would not have to worry about being surrounded and wiped out by the rogues.

He warmly invited Huang Sifang to chase Gao Yingxiang together, but unfortunately he was rejected.

The rogue bandits are weak in fighting power, most of them are mobs, and half of those who voluntarily surrendered against the "Red Banner Army" can reach half.

However, it is too early to weaken the rogues' vitality at this time, Huang Sifang knows well that he has already achieved his goal of making the rogues retreat in spite of difficulties, so of course he refuses to chase after them.

Huang Sifang's reason for his refusal was simple. The cavalry of the "Red Banner Army" were all transferred to the Liaodong battlefield, and they could not form a rush. The infantry had to be responsible for the hundreds of thousands of people who needed protection and could not leave the "Loyalty Fort" too far.

A wooden wall was built between "Loyalty Fort" and Houjiazhuang, and hundreds of thousands of people who came to seek refuge lived there. Basically, no one felt disturbed, because they trusted the "King of Han" so much.

As long as the "Red Banner Army" can be seen, the common people will observe discipline. If the "Red Banner Army" is launched, tens of thousands of people who have no sense of security will riot, and the consequences will be disastrous.

After listening to Huang Sifang's explanation, Liu Zhilun thought about it, and finally gave up the pursuit, but led his troops to follow from a distance, taking advantage of the retreat of the bandits to regain the lost ground.

Zhou Yuji, Chen Gao and others led the cavalry to fight skirmishly, and often swallowed dozens of cavalry sent by Gao Yingxiang to lure the enemy, and then resolutely stopped and did not pursue them. As a result, King Gao Chuang, who concentrated the cavalry of the old battalion to prepare to fight back, was in vain. field.

Although the plan to set up an ambush failed, Gao Yingxiang, who had learned how to fight in the war, already possessed instincts. He asked the subordinates who had escaped successfully, so he judged that the cavalry following him must not be the "Red Banner Army".

In order to boost morale again, Gao Yingxiang organized a large-scale counterattack. He personally led the old cavalry to turn around and pounce on the Ming cavalry who were like tarsal maggots.

Unexpectedly, the rogue cavalry suddenly turned around, and many of the following Ming army cavalry did not have time to escape, and Gao Yingxiang swallowed hundreds of horses.

Gao Yingxiang chased and killed him for a hundred or two hundred miles. Although the results were limited, Zhou Yuji, who had suffered a loss, did not dare to get too close to avoid losses.

Li Yan took the opportunity to carry out propaganda, advocating that King Gao Chuang personally led the old battalion elite to fight back the Ming army for [-] miles and captured more than [-].

The rogue team, mainly illiterate, was easy to deceive. Under the flickering of the unscrupulous literati Li Yan, many gangsters regained their confidence, and the phenomenon of fleeing was curbed.

On November [-]th, Liu Zhilun's good news was delivered to the capital.

The Beijing camp and the vanguard of the bandits fought bloody battles in Zhangde Mansion, defeated [-] people in one fell swoop, beheaded more than [-] people, captured nearly [-] people, and captured more than [-] leaders under the big boss Liu Zongmin alive.

Liu Zhilun is no longer a pure cynic, but a veteran in the officialdom who has been in a high position for more than ten years.

He accepted Huang Sifang's suggestion and never mentioned joining forces with the "Red Banner Army" in the victory report, but he also needed military supplies, rewards, food and grass.

You can ask yourself to be noble, but it is a taboo for leaders to impose nobleness on others for moral kidnapping.

The soldiers under his command fought with their heads up, not for selfless dedication to the cause of Ming Dynasty, but to support their families, to get promoted and make a fortune, to glorify their ancestors.

What's more, the "Red Banner Army" is polite, and they control food and drink and give up the power of beheading.

Chongzhen was already mentally prepared to launch a defensive battle in the capital, but Liu Zhilun set up an ambush to eat the aggressive bandits on the way to retreat, blocking the attack of the bandits and forcing them to retreat.

The emperor was excited by this unexpected joy. He was not stingy at all at this time, and immediately arranged for the cabinet to come up with the reward regulations, and ordered the Ministry of Households to send the food and reward silver as quickly as possible.

The Beijing camp troops trained in the "Red Banner Army" model have made great achievements under the leadership of Liu Zhilun and Fang Zhenghua. Chongzhen pinned all his hopes on this army.

He thought it over, even if he had to sell all the iron, he had to ensure that the puppets had no worries about food and clothing, and if the finances were a little better, they would have to expand the army on a large scale.

Soon the rewards were issued, Liu Zhilun was promoted to the second assistant of the cabinet and won the honor of prince and grand teacher, Zhou Yuji was awarded the rank of general to suppress bandits, and became one of the eight generals with the seal of general.

Fang Zhenghua was not only the supervisor of ceremonies, but also the admiral of the Beijing camp. Generals such as Chen Gao and Lin Daye were promoted by one or two ranks.

In fact, the soldiers of the Beijing camp who participated in the war knew it well. If it weren't for the [-] "Red Banner Army" soldiers who were fighting head-on, and the bombardment scared the bandits out of their souls, there would be no follow-up destruction.

They have joined forces with the "Red Banner Army" several times, and they know that the "Red Banner Army" in the interior is not the main force at all. Most of them come from the Type B battalion, and their combat effectiveness is one level worse than that of the Type A battalion outside the customs.

Because they understand each other, they know themselves and their enemies. The vast majority of Beijing soldiers will not be willing to fight against the "Red Banner Army". Chongzhen's dream is doomed to be shattered.

It was also November 100th, the Liaodong Puppet Manchurian Qing Dynasty, and the all-out war had been launched for more than [-] days.

After three days of northwesterly winds, the weather improved and the wind weakened.

When a bright moon was in the sky, the hot air balloon was lifted into the sky, the flying army was dispatched, and the burning of the city was about to begin.

Dozens of exercises have been performed, and the meritorious service is just at this moment. All pilots are striving for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

In order to carry more incendiary bottles, it is more funny when selecting pilots, and under the same conditions, the lighter weight is preferred.

In fact, when the air strikes were first trained, the flying troops were in groups of two, but later found that doing so was a waste of resources.

A well-trained flying army is enough to throw away all the Molotov cocktails they carry within the budget time, so why not be able to carry 120 more catties of Ming Dynasty city by reducing the weight of one person?
Surrounded on three sides, drifting with the wind from northwest to southeast, the landing point of the flying army after completing the air strike is in its own camp, where dozens of fires will be burned to point out the direction for the flying army returning in triumph.

The night flight training has been done many times, and the [-] actual combat personnel selected from the [-] flying army have excellent technical and psychological qualities. As long as there are no accidents and accidents in the middle of the rush, the battle damage should be negligible.

In the middle of the night, it was another cold winter night. In Shengjing City, most of the military and civilian officials had already fallen asleep. Even Chongde, who suffered from neurasthenia and often suffered from insomnia, fell asleep after tossing and turning for an hour.

(End of this chapter)

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