Chapter 925 The Longest Night

For more than three months, the Ming army never launched a night attack, nor did it attempt to attack the Qing army's outlying positions. The originally tense nerves of the Qing army were somewhat relaxed.

The weather is getting colder and colder, and the number of Qing troops patrolling the city of Shengjing has decreased a lot, and the frequency of patrols is getting lower and lower.

Several patrols of about 30 people walked on the city wall carelessly. Some Qing soldiers saw the dots of fire in the northwest sky and didn't care at all.

Unexpectedly, the flame was moving and getting closer and closer to the city.

The Qing army patrols on duty at night didn't realize that the time limit was approaching, they all stopped and looked at the strange scenery stupidly.

The Qing army didn't even report this abnormal phenomenon to their masters in time. They were pointing at the top of the city, talking about whether those were shooting stars?
Why don't the meteors seen today move across the sky quickly?
The flying army, which came with a good wind, threw lighted Molotov cocktails in echelons according to the plan. The range of each group of air strikes was roughly delineated. Even if there were dead spots, it would not hurt.

Seeing the dots of flames getting closer and closer, they finally saw clearly that they were not stars but UFOs. All the Qing troops who saw them were dumbfounded. They were frightened and didn't know how to deal with it.

At this moment, the first batch of hot air balloons had already floated over the center of Shengjing City. Many Qing soldiers saw it clearly and screamed, "Oh my god! Look! There are people up there!"

"Brothers, did you see it? Someone is in the sky!"

"My God! Is it a fairy descending from the earth?"

"Could it be the Heavenly Soldiers and Generals?"

"Maybe it's the spell cast by the 'King of Han' of the Ming Dynasty!"

The answer was revealed in the next moment, the air strike officially started, and the timing was just right.

The speed of the hot air balloon drifting downwind is not fast, and the flying altitude is between 200 and [-] meters. Of course, the pilot can do it in a targeted manner.

When the air strikes outside the city, the Molotov cocktails were basically still in the shacks and tent areas, and some were thrown directly on the hay pile.

The defense of Dajun's forage field is naturally tight, and fire prevention measures are essential, but who can predict the fire from the sky, of course, it will start a prairie fire in an instant.

The houses in the city are denser, and there are many thatched huts, and a few Molotov cocktails can set fire to the entire camp.

In an instant, the flames in and outside the city of Shengjing shot up to the sky. It is true that "fire borrows the power of the wind, and the wind helps the power of the fire". This is actually a normal phenomenon.

The ignorant Qing army finally understood that they were being attacked, and many Jiannu exclaimed: "Enemy attack! It is an enemy attack! My God, the Ming army threw fireballs from the sky! Report to the master quickly!"

A Niu Luer really shouted: "Brothers, knock the gong, knock the gong quickly, wake everyone up to put out the fire!"

A few panicked armored soldiers yelled, "The fire is too big, how can we save it?"

A group of Qing soldiers scrambling with their heads in their hands cried, "No way! Fireballs are still falling from the sky, where will they get stuck!"

A vest who reacted said: "No, I have to go home and save my wife and children!"

Niu Luerzhen stopped and said: "No chaos, hurry up and organize people to put out the fire! Bastard, where are you running? Don't lose your head?"

It was a mess, it was all a mess, screams, cries, and wailing mixed with the neighing of horses and crackling explosions, and it was suddenly noisy.

"Oh my god! It's caught! Help me, save me quickly!..."

"Why are you looking stupid, waiting to die? Find water!"

"Mother! Mother! Where are you? Woohoo..."

"Wow... Daddy save me! Whoa..."

The cries in Manchu, Mongolian, Chinese, and Korean languages ​​were piercing, and the ruthless fire was spreading rapidly. Even the Qing soldiers who were not in the fire were blinded by the smoke, and many people were choked. Tears flow...

The flying army is divided into five echelons, each flying team has [-] hot air balloons, and each basket carries [-] catties of incendiary bottles. When the first echelon flying army crossed Shenyang City, more than half of the burning bottles they carried happened to be thrown away .

Why not throw it all away at once?That's because there is still a part left for the Qing army stationed outside the city to try something new.

After that, there is actually nothing to describe, only one word "miserable"!
The Qing army did not show absolute weakness before tonight, and the "Red Banner Army" did not complete the encirclement of Shengjing, and did not even enter within ten miles of Shengjing's city wall once.

After the Acropolis of Shenyang, which originally had only four gates, became Shengjing, the capital of the Manchu and Qing Dynasties, Hongjie carried out reinforcement and expansion, not only adding a few forts, but also adding four gates.

None of the eight city gates were blocked. When the fire spread inside and outside the city, many Manchu and Mongolian cavalry who reacted fast enough rushed out of the fire. At least 2 horses rushed out of the two city gates in the north.

The [-] or so troops stationed in the northern suburbs of Shengjing should be the luckiest. The puppies are composed of the Lianghuangqi and Horqin troops, the chief general Hauge, and the deputy general Wu Keshan.

This is also the reason why Hongzhe has selfish intentions. Shengjing is surrounded by the "Red Banner Army" on the east, south, and west sides, and the north of the city is particularly important.

Therefore, he arranged for his eldest son Hauge to lead the elite of the Two Yellow Banners and Gebush Xianchao Ha Battalion to garrison, with [-] troops, and his elder brother Wu Keshan led more than [-] Horqin cavalry to help defend this place.

Just when Hauge was hesitating whether to enter the city to find his father, the "Red Banner Army" cavalry and Mongolian light cavalry who were waiting in battle launched a group charge to beat the dog in the water.

The fire turned half of the sky red, and the black cavalry galloped forward, first firing bursts of guns, and then brandishing sharp sabers.

Counting the [-] Mongolian light cavalry, the "Red Banner Army" dispatched a total of [-] troops, and the cavalry was basically dispatched in full force.

At this time, there were as many as 2 Manchu and Mongolian cavalry assembled outside the north gate, of which [-] were still in shock, and some of them were still burned and scalded, which directly affected their combat effectiveness.

Even so, the cavalry battle of 10,000+ cavalry before dawn was still extremely brutal. Too many Jiannu and Tartars hated the "Red Banner Army" and rushed forward desperately.

Without him, a fool would be able to see that the Qing Dynasty is over, and seeing that his wife and children are about to die in the fire, the death blow that erupted when there is nothing to think about is really not to be underestimated.

Fortunately, the "Red Banner Army" was able to fire guns, and knocked down many seemingly crazy slaves at close range. When the two armies fell into a melee, the comparison of the strength of the two sides had become two against one.

Life and death will be frozen at the moment when the two horses cross each other. As long as you fall off the horse, you will be close to death.

At this time, there is no tactics, only ruthless, Hanzi, Wang Zhicheng, Sang Yu, Zhang Yang and other fierce generals are fully prepared, and everyone is wrapped into an iron man, leading the rampage...

The two armies collided, and the scuffle continued. The number of "Red Banner Army" knights became more and more brave as they fought. The Qing army became more and more timid, and gradually became completely suppressed and beaten.

(End of this chapter)

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