Chapter 926
Under the cover of the raging flames, the fool who looked like a killing god shouted while slashing and chopping with a battle ax:

"Brothers, fight the enemy bravely! Jiannu is at the end of the road, and the destruction of the country is just around the corner. Kill them as much as possible outside Shenyang City, so that Liaodong will have long-term peace and stability in the future!"

The blood-soaked Sang Yu monster shouted: "Today's battle must be unprecedented. Brothers, work harder and strive for great achievements. There will never be such a good opportunity in the future! Follow me!"

Wang Zhicheng was still silent, but the knife-clamp in his hand was never idle for a moment, and he was the fiercest rusher.

Shi Lang had lost his mind at this time, his long spear and short blunderbuss had already been emptied. Facing the layers of Qing troops, he did not flinch, and the saber in his hand had already been cut to the point of curling.

Yuan Siming fought more and more courageously, the saber in his hand flew up and down, and there were no less than ten Jiannu and Tartars killed by him.

Due to his outstanding riding skills and the fact that his horse is one of thousands of Arabian horses, he charged too fast, causing his guards to be unable to maintain their formation and fell into a melee.

Suddenly a voice sounded: "I am Gu Kui, the commander of the personal guard battalion. Brothers of the personal guard camp, follow me and charge hard! We are the best cavalry, don't let Yang Dalang's direct battalion be inferior!"

The young man from the guard camp who had been irritated by the blood and corpses suddenly let out a howl like a wolf: "The guard camp is invincible, the guard camp is invincible! Kill..."

The Mongolian and Mongolian cavalry were also red-eyed, and the shouts in Mongolian and Manchu were like howling: "'Red Devil' is too vicious, our wives and children are finished, brothers, fight! Pull a back before you die!"

"Revenge! Revenge! Kill Hangou!"

"Prince Zheng? Who saw Prince Zheng? They were still fighting just now, why didn't they disappear at this moment?"

"The master is gone, and I'm not alive anymore, come on, come on, come and kill me! Ah..."

"Help! Someone come and save the master of the British County Prince, he was hit and his chest is bleeding..."

"Don't worry about me, it hurts too much, I can't hold on anymore, you guys give me a knife, and run for your lives!"

"Wuuuuuu, master, the servant's family is gone, I don't want to live for a long time, let's fight to the death with you!"

"Prince Su, don't want to fight, you must rush out and leave some seeds for the Qing Dynasty!"

"Brothers, go! Follow me and go out, it's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years!"

The scuffle continued, and fresh life was not as good as ants. The sound of people shouting and neighing was mixed with the sound of gunfire, metal impact, bone shattering and heart-piercing screams...

In Shengjing City, outside the Qingning Palace, hundreds of riders were waiting silently. Aobai knelt on the ground and kowtowed, his forehead was already oozing blood. He said in a crying voice:
"Master, you can't hesitate anymore, let's go! The Qing Dynasty cannot live without you!"

Emperor Chongde was in a bit of a panic. He only had one shoe on his feet, and he didn't know whether he didn't have time to wear it or lost one. He was looking around at this time. The terrain here is high, and he can basically see a radius of two or three miles.

"Playing, it's all over, woo woo woo..." Ba Xiao, who has always been strong, cried, helpless like a child at this time, fully exposing the nature of being strong on the outside but doing nothing on the inside.

He thought he had already made all the preparations, and was just waiting to fight Huang Han to the death, but who knew that the devastating blow came from the sky, and his heart felt ashamed.

Suddenly Ba Xiao's face trembled, and he let out a heart-piercing howl: "Huang Han, you are cruel enough, even if I become a ghost, I will haunt you to death!"


The longest night finally passed, white belly appeared in the east, a round of red sun rose slowly, and the sky was full of clouds soon.

The air was filled with the smell of blood and gunpowder. Tens of thousands of "Red Banner Army" infantrymen and medical soldiers appeared on the battlefield strewn with corpses.

This is not a massacre, but the infantry brothers are treating the wounded and wounded horses of the Qing army while treating Paize...

Four infantrymen carried a stretcher and walked like flying, one of them should be a corporal, he said loudly: "Brother, hold on, you must hold on, don't sleep! Our medical officer is skilled, you won't die of."

"Killed in the middle of the night, tired and exhausted, I fell asleep, and I could dream of my mother when I fell asleep. I want to tell my mother that my son killed three Jian slaves with his own hands to save her face."

"Brother, you can't sleep! Hold on, you're too powerful. If you get a third-level decapitation skill, a small flag officer will definitely not be able to escape."

"Ahem, I'm already a small flag officer, haven't you seen the logo on my military uniform?"

"Oh! Sir, I'm sorry, you are covered in blood, we really didn't see it."

"Sir, can you tell us a little about the night?


In order to save the injured Paoze, everyone did their best. This was the battle with the heaviest casualties since the birth of the "Red Banner Army".

The "Red Banner Army" will not be hypocritical, and give priority to treating the wounded on its own side. When there is a surplus of medical resources, it can consider treating some wounded soldiers of the Qing army who have a high chance of survival and will not be disabled.

Hanzi, Wang Zhicheng, Gu Kui, Sang Yu, Liu Fenyong, Yuan Siming, Zhang Yang, etc. led the cavalry to intercept and kill the Manchu and Mongolian cavalry who rushed out of Shenyang North. The results were brilliant.

The number of beheadings exceeded [-], and no more than [-] Qing troops could escape.

The three defense lines in the east, west and south were not spectators. The Qing army, which was dizzy from the smoke and fire, was killed by tens of thousands when they approached the defense line. More than 5 people chose to kneel and surrender.

Why did they approach the Ming military industrial group as if they were dying?That was a last resort, the entire Shengjing was burning, and the fire spread too fast, if you didn't run to the outside, you would burn your ass.

In fact, some places were not attacked by incendiary bombs, but the slave soldiers and civilians in heavy cotton-padded clothes were stained with kerosene and set alight. The panic-stricken burners became the medium and directly ignited tents and shacks, causing the fire to burn more and more.

The specific results of the Ping-Liao final battle cannot be counted, but can only be guessed.

Because of the harm to heaven and harmony, there is no specific number of deaths recorded in the history books, only vague words that many people died after the slavery and subjugation of the country.

Later, after interrogating 10,000+ surviving soldiers and civilians of the Qing Dynasty, some insiders reported that the Emperor Chongde of the Qing Dynasty had the opportunity to escape but gave up, waiting for the raging fire to approach, and finally burned to the ground with his concubine, palace, and young son.

Dorgon was stationed on the outskirts of Shenyang, but it was a pity that he was placed in the south by Hong. Although his troops were not burned too hard, they were also scared out of their souls.

After discovering that the escape route was blocked by the fire, Dorgon surrendered collectively with the 5000 surviving troops.

(End of this chapter)

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