Chapter 927
The villain is very tall, Fan Wencheng has neurasthenia and can't sleep well. He was awakened immediately when he heard the noise at night.

More than half of his pigtails were burned off, his head and face were covered with burns, and his whole body was so black that he couldn't even recognize him, thinking that he might be a blessing in disguise.

It's a pity that the screening by the "Red Banner Army" was too meticulous. Fan Wencheng, who was mixed with a group of Ahas, was still found. What awaited him was definitely cut into pieces, and he had to spend a full [-] knives.

Cao Zhenyan, Meng Qiaofang, Yang Wenkui, Shi Tingzhu, Li Sizhong, Su Hongzu, Zu Zepu, Ma Siwen and more than a hundred other big traitors were captured alive.

It is conservatively estimated that several hundred hardcore traitors were buried in the flames, including Bao Chengxian, Li Qifeng, Zu Zehong, Tong Tulai, Li Sutai, Gao Hongzhong, Sun Youguang and so on.

It can be concluded that the vast majority of traitors did not slip through the net, and there were not a few who were exterminated.

This is understandable. After all, the propaganda of the "Red Banner Army" was too powerful, and many real slaves were shaken. In the eyes of the military nobles of the Manchu and Qing Dynasties, the traitors who were inferior to dogs were basically restricted in their freedom, and the horses in the mansion had long been requisitioned.

Therefore, even if the lucky traitors run out of Shengjing, they will not escape the fate of being captured. Soon the traitors will know that it is really happy to be burned to death in sleep...

The bodies of Jierhalang, Azig, and Dudu were found in Shenyang North, and they should have died in the scuffle.

Tang Gu, Abatai, Nexai, Babutai, etc. did not appear among the people who broke out, and they were temporarily judged to be missing. They may have become scorched bones, or their faces may have been chopped and trampled so that they could not be recognized.

It can be concluded that Haug, Shitku, Ekeqin, Wukeshan, Obai and other dozens of senior generals above Jiala Ezhen broke through the encirclement and fled.

The puppet capital Shengjing was on fire, and the whole city was burning. The "Red Banner Army" did not try to put out the fire, because it is easy to set fire in this era, but it is even more difficult to put out fire.

Only when the city is reduced to ashes, the fire will naturally go out.

The cavalry of the "Red Banner Army" suffered heavy casualties, and more than [-] people were directly reduced, of which more than [-] were killed and no less than [-] were disabled.

Although the main general was protected, there were still too many accidents in the melee.

Yuan Siming, who had followed Huang Hanzu for ten years, was killed in battle, and more than a dozen battalion leaders including Liu Fenyong, Shang Keyi, Zhang Yang, etc. were seriously injured.

The rest of the generals and assistant leaders who participated in the charge of the cavalry corps basically had no beards or tails. Hanzi, Wang Zhicheng, Shi Lang, etc. all had minor or minor injuries.

More than [-] officers and non-commissioned officers above the general banner officer died in battle, including the seventeen warriors who were the ultimate soldier kings.

Although it was foreseeable that the casualties would not be small, Huang Han still felt uncomfortable seeing the familiar faces being carried down.

He has been busy comforting the wounded during this period, and personally came to the field hospital to urge the military doctors to reduce the death rate at all costs.

Yuan Siming's coffin was carried by eight people, Huang Han, Huang Yizhou, Zheng Xiaowen, Sun Chuanting, Yang Danian, Sun Yuanhua, Shen Cunli, and Zhang Fengyi, and walked out of Liaoyang City step by step under the watchful eyes of tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians.

On November 12, 21th year of Chongzhen, that is, five days after the final battle, the meritorious service group was formed.

Yang Danian, Zhang Fengyi, Liang Tingdong, Gao Youmou, Wu Xiang, Yang Yipeng, Kong Wenshi, Yan Shengdou, and Gu Jixiang formed a delegation of nine civil and military generals.

They will lead [-] cavalry officers and soldiers with beheadings of more than three ranks to Beijing to praise their meritorious service.

More than [-] cavalry duel, and it is a night battle. The enemy is one of the kings of cold-armed cavalry in the world today. The "Red Banner Army" cavalry has withstood the test and is even stronger in spirit.

In the fierce battle, far more than [-] soldiers were beheaded. Many knights were killed, many were disabled, and many were Mongolians.

This time, they went to Beijing to undertake a special mission. The selected two thousand cavalrymen who had won the third rank were all educated youths, all of them had the rank of non-commissioned officer, and their positions were at least corps commander and small banner officer.

The work of screening prisoners of war was proceeding in an orderly manner. Liu Xiaomei, who had become the head of the women's barracks, took the female soldiers under her command to screen women and found something unusual.

Several unkempt women looked dirty, but their hands were tender, and the skin visible from the neck was delicate and fair.

It turns out that not all concubines are willing to accompany Hong Ei to die for the country. At least the former Lin Danhan's Doro Dafujin is also the "Nangnang Fujin". Fatty is purely for profit.

The Mongols in this era married absurdly early, and girls as young as twelve or thirteen were married.

In history, Xiaozhuang, who stole Dorgon and hooked up with him, possibly murdered Hong Jieshi, married Hong Jieshi, who was nearly 13 years old, at the age of [-], which made Dorgon, who was about the same age, salivate , Sowed the seeds of disaster.

At this time, Na Muzhong was only 27, still a great beauty, ranked third in the Manchu harem, had no relationship with Hong Jie, of course he refused to die with him, brought a few confidantes with him in the chaos The maid ran out of "Linzhi Palace".

The whole city was set on fire, and the women didn't know where to flee. Fortunately, Na Muzhong, who had experienced the grassland fire, had some experience in escaping from a fire.

She didn't run around like a headless chicken, but came to the square in front of the "Qingning Palace" and waited for the fire to subside.

Later, thousands of survivors gathered in the square. On the afternoon of the third day, when the fire subsided a bit, the "Red Banner Army" infantry who entered the city discovered the place, and thousands of people were evacuated outside the city for centralized surveillance.

Na Muzhong didn't resist, and didn't think about running away, because she knew that in the cold weather, even if the women could run to the grassland, they would surely freeze to death or starve to death.

She observed secretly for several days and found that the "Red Banner Army" did not carry out a massacre, nor did she see anyone abusing women, and she felt relieved a lot.

She has seen too many big battles, and her heart cannot be said to be full of hatred, and the weak prey on the strong.

When the Jurchen beat Lin Danhan and fled Qinghai far away, tens of thousands of Mongols died under Jiannu's knife, and she was used to it.

When Liu Xiaomei found out about her and called her out for questioning alone, Na Muzhong immediately revealed that she was the "Grand Noble Concubine Yijing" of the Qing Dynasty and asked to see His Highness the "King of Han".

After catching a big fish, the excited Liu Xiaomei immediately reported to her superiors, and soon Huang Han got the news.

He felt that it was necessary to meet the Dafu Jin of the former Lin Dan Khan. There are so many Mongols, and it is very good to win them over for my use.

Leaving Namu Zhong to raise it is conducive to conquering Chahar, Horqin and other tribes.

This woman is very smart, knowing that whether she can continue to be prosperous and rich in the rest of her life depends on the attitude of the "Hanwang".

She was just a woman, and she was destined to be unable to make big waves in the "Red Flag Army" system. It didn't matter whether she was sincere or not. Huang Han promised to keep her alive, and gave her monthly money and a few maids so that she could spend the rest of her life in peace.

Ranna Muzhong hoped to get more, and in order to claim credit, she took the initiative to tell Huang Han that she knew the whereabouts of the "Jade Seal of Chuanguo" and could take the "Red Banner Army" to search carefully in the ruins of "Qingning Palace".

She swears that the "Chuan Guo Yuxi" is locked in the cabinet, protected by mahogany boxes and jade boxes, and it cannot be destroyed by fire. She knows the exact location and should be able to find it.

In history, it was Namu Zhongxian who brought tens of thousands of Mongolian soldiers and civilians to surrender to the Qing Dynasty with the "Jade Seal of Chuanguo", and exchanged for prosperity and wealth, and now he is repeating the same trick.

(End of this chapter)

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