Chapter 928 Suicide Charge

"Chuan Guo Yuxi" is just a symbol, without any practical meaning in itself.

But in a feudal dynasty that relied on ignorance to consolidate its ruling position, it is necessary to tell fairy tales.

Huang Han knew that the "Jade Seal of Chuanguo" of the pre-Qin Empire disappeared when the Tang Dynasty fell, and the "Jade Seal of Chuanguo" presented by Na Muzhong to the Qing Dynasty was just a fake.

But this is not important, the search for the "Jade Seal of Chuanguo" can be made vigorously, so that more soldiers, civilians and officials can see it, and strive to achieve the effect of spreading it to everyone.

The final result must be that they were found. As for whether they were found, Liu Zaiqi, Jiang Xin, etc. should be asked to prepare imitations in advance.

Three days later, Na Muzhong, dressed up in fancy clothes, came down to the ruins of the old palace surrounded by a dozen maids to give directions.

A Baizong engineer started to clean up and search with a small shovel and a brush. The "Chuan Guo Yuxi" was not found for the time being, but a lot of gold and silver treasures were found.

There are great advantages to using precious metals as currency. Jiannu would not expect the imminent destruction of the country and extinction, and it is impossible to transfer property in advance.

Besides, where in Liaodong is safer than Shengjing, which has one or two thousand large and small artillery pieces and hundreds of thousands of military and civilian defenses?
It is estimated that more than 60% of the wealth accumulated by Jiannu over the past 1000 or [-] years is here. Even if Shengjing is reduced to scorched earth, the gold and silver treasures will not be lost.

The search for the "Jade Seal of Chuanguo" is just an episode. The most important thing is to completely eliminate Jiannu and make Liaodong long-term stability.

It is time to beat the dogs in the water, and it is possible to let the [-] Manchu and Mongolian cavalry escape easily. We must race against time.

Hanzi, Gu Kui, Yang Hanwei, etc. led [-] cavalry and [-] bicycle infantry to form an army in pursuit.

In the days that followed, the Tartars who had aided the tyrants were also having a hard time. The Horqin people were affected by Chiyu, and several of their winter settlements were successively attacked.

Because the Tartars learned that Jiannu master had been wiped out of the country, they had no fighting spirit, and the capture was far greater than the capture, so Wu Keshan, who had been scared out of his wits for a long time, was captured without a fight.

Hauge's whereabouts are unknown, and he was seen fleeing farther north with more than [-] horsemen.

Song Pengfei, Huang Long and others led the "Red Banner Army" infantry to attack the city with a thunderous force, and the cities and fortresses in the north and east of Shenyang were recovered one by one, and 10,000+ Aha were rescued.

The decisive battle has come to an end, and both the Jiannu and the Tartars learned from the escaped clansmen that the Qing army was defeated and the Qing Dynasty was over.

Some Jiannu who were unwilling to surrender took their families and escaped into the mountains and forests. More people knew current affairs, and they chose to submit to the "King of Han".

Hanzi, Gu Kui, Wang Zhicheng and others led more than [-] cavalry to chase the defeated army with the largest number of troops, Hauge.

In fact, after the Shengjing War, the battles that took place in Liaodong were not worth mentioning.

There was only one effective resistance by more than 1000 troops, and the fight was quite brutal. It was when Oboi, who was at the end of his life, wanted to die and launched a suicide charge.

Aobai and the three-hundred-year-old Bush Xianchao Hayingba Yala who watched their master Chongde rush into the sea of ​​fire with their own eyes, and the sixty-seven million Jiannu armored soldiers who were desperate and just wanted to die, refused to flee to the end of the world.

They form an formation to directly attack the Mongolian light cavalry who are the most active in pursuit. You must know that there are more than [-] cavalry here.

Originally, 1000 elite slaves were enough to overwhelm [-] Mongolian light cavalry, but the powerful cat is like a tiger, and the phoenix that falls is not as good as a chicken.

In order to get the beheading silver, the Mongols became the soldiers of the "Red Banner Army" for meritorious service, and because they knew that the "Red Banner Army" behind them would come soon.

They burst out with great enthusiasm for fighting, scrambling to fight, regardless of whether the opponent was Gebush Xianchaoha, and just greeted with Mongolian scimitars and strong bows and hard crossbows issued by the "Red Banner Army".

The battle was fought in the dark, the Mongolian light cavalry did not back down, and tried their best to surround and beat Oboi's men and horses.

Although the Qing army came to fight with the will to die, they were at a disadvantage of ten to one in strength.

When Hanzi led his troops to the battlefield, the Mongols actually won the battle and wiped out nearly a thousand slaves under Obai.

However, the Mongols also suffered huge casualties. Nearly 1000 were killed in battle, [-] to [-] were slightly injured, more than [-] were disabled due to injuries, and there were more than [-] seriously injured who had to be injured for at least three months.

After Huang Han heard the news, he gave instructions on the spot. All the Mongolian cavalry participating in the battle were treated as regular soldiers, and the standard armor was immediately removed to supplement the shortage of "Red Banner Army" cavalry due to battle damage.

Disabled and killed Mongols enjoy the same treatment as regular soldiers of the "Red Banner Army", with the addition that they or their immediate relatives are selected first to manage the surrendered tribes.

As long as they are willing to fight to the death, they can cash in on the benefits on the spot. The Mongolian soldiers with low intelligence, little money, and hard life will work harder in the chase.

Oboi was completely worthy of his master, Emperor Chongde, because he led the troops to countercharge and launch a suicide attack, which enabled Hauge, who had been bitten tightly, to lead the troops to get rid of them, and separated from the pursuers for a day or two.

That's because when Hanzi rushed to the battlefield, he found that there were too many dead and injured Mongolian light cavalry, so he had to give up chasing Jiannu and organize people to rescue the dying and heal the wounded. It took a whole day and a night until the follow-up bicycle infantry arrived before continuing on the road.

The subsequent gains became less and less, and because the northwest wind rolled up thousands of piles of snow to cover the tracks of Hauge's men and horses many times, even with military dogs, it became more and more difficult to search in the snow. lost.

It is no wonder that the prairie is so vast, and 2 horses are just a drop in the ocean. There are no hot air balloons to look out, and the flying army does not use semaphore to communicate and indicate the direction. Even if the enemy is nearby, it may not be found by the cavalry searching .

Fortunately, Hauge, who escaped, had limited talent. Even if there were more than 1 troops, it was not a concern. It can be roughly judged that they should have been at least [-] miles away from Shenyang.

Because the Puppet Manchu and Qing Dynasties had already subjugated the country, there was no need for thousands of gold, and the surrendered Dorgon was of no use. Huang Han did not kill him, but asked Fang Jingcheng to arrange for someone to be castrated and sent to the capital to be handed over to the emperor.

I don't know how Chongzhen made a decision?Did Dorgon stay in the palace as an eunuch and be named "Xiao Duo Zi"?Or was it that the puppet Prince Qingrui of Manchukuo was hacked to pieces at Caishikou?
The traitor deserves to die, and Huang Han, who had basically completed Ping Liao, no longer needed to disintegrate the morale of the Qing army and win the Qing army to surrender voluntarily.

The captured traitors, except for ordinary soldiers and low-level officers below the level of the general banner officer of the Ming Dynasty, were sentenced to death by beheading in half. Meng Qiaofang and other well-known traitors were skinned alive one by one.

To prevent Chongzhen from being insane again and spare anyone, the hundred traitors who were selected to keep as captives were first subjected to corruption, and then put into a wooden cage prison cart and sent to the capital.

(End of this chapter)

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