Chapter 929 Bright Future

At the end of November in the 12th year of Chongzhen, the decisive battle between Ping and Liao ended for nearly half a month.

The "Red Banner Army" regained Shenyang Wei, Haizhou Wei, Gaizhou Wei, Fuzhou Wei, Tieling Wei, Liaohai Wei, Liaoyang, Fushun and other cities, and beheaded more than 2 people. The Qing army only had less than [-] people slipping through the net. Delivered to the capital.

It was so unexpected, the news of victory came too fast and too suddenly, and the eagerly awaited emperor and the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty were ecstatic.

"Shenyang Great Victory", the "Hanwang" led the "Red Banner Army" to capture the puppet capital of the Qing Dynasty, and after the news spread that 10,000+ Qing troops had been killed, the whole capital was boiling. The five noisy Lantern Festival is even more lively.

"'King of Han' is victorious! 'Red Banner Army is victorious!'" The shouts went straight to the sky.

There were no less than 30 soldiers and civilians who took the initiative to parade in the streets wearing their New Year's clothes. Dragon dances, lion dances, and stilt-walking teams came one after another, and they were too busy to maintain order.

A few days later, during the morning court, Chongzhen, who was in a good mood, encountered a problem.

The cabinet minister Zheng Guochang reported that on the night of November [-]th, he fought against the Qing army in North Shenyang, defeating [-] to [-] Mongolian cavalry in one fell swoop. General Yang Danian, one of the heroes who beheaded more than [-] people, traveled thousands of miles to the capital to offer prisoners and Chaotianque.

He asked to lead civil servants and military generals from Liaodong and [-] cavalry who fought fiercely to establish slaves in the north of Shenyang to hit Chang'an Street and accept the reward.

The reason is very good, these two thousand cavalry are the heroes who broke the slaves, each of them has at least three levels of beheading skills, and they are all heroes who killed the enemy for the country.

Today is the Great Court Meeting, and there are hundreds of civil and military officials in the previous court.

After hearing Mr. Zheng Ge's performance, [-]% of the civil servants and military generals came out to support the decision, talking about meritorious ministers who should be honored, and letting the soldiers and civilians of the capital see heroes parading through the streets will help boost morale and stabilize people's hearts.

Chongzhen had no choice but, three days after he declared his position, it would be an auspicious day, when he would lead all the civil and military officials to accept prisoners at Chengtianmen and inspect the "Red Banner Army" soldiers who had done meritorious service.

The Manchu and Qing puppet regimes have been breached, and Liaodong will be pacified soon, and the large-scale clearance work will be completed by next summer at the latest. At that time, only [-] regular barracks and [-] thousand household guards will be left for garrison.

Starting next spring, [-] to [-] "Red Banner Army" soldiers will enter the customs successively. At that time, the strength of the "Hanwang" department will be obvious to all.

"The rabbit is dead and the dog is cooking, and the bird is dead and the bow is hidden." Everyone in the world knows that Huang Han, a traveler, can let Chongzhen squeeze him. The autumn of Chongzhen's 13th year should be the time when the picture is poor.

Princess Zheng Xiu'e lived in the "Hanwang" mansion in the capital most of the time. Except for Qin Yuyi's sons and daughters who stayed in Shizhu, Huang Han's other children were all in the capital.

The conflict between the emperor and Huang Han will become more and more acute, and it is imperative to be on guard against others. Huang Han is still worried that there are only banner guards and nightless city guards protecting the mansion of the "King of Han".

In order to gain a foothold in the capital and also for the safety of the whole family, they simply sent two thousand educated young cavalry soldiers who had made great contributions to the capital. The main purpose was to stay in the city and not leave.

The mansion of "King of Han" is different from the others. It was expanded again on the basis of the mansion of "Junwang of Han River".

Although the building area is not comparable to the Forbidden City, nor is it comparable to the mansions of King Fu of Luoyang and King Zhou of Kaifeng, its firmness and defense are no less than that of a small European castle in the Middle Ages.

If the entire Evernight City community faces enemy attacks, the guards can use prefabricated parts, wood, stones, and gravel bags to block each passage within an hour. After six hours, a defense system whose overall function is no less than that of a city can be formed.

The number of guards that can be organized in the city that never sleeps is as high as 800. Of course, the number of people who report to Jinyiwei will not be so many, only [-] people, equipped with [-] bicycles.

After the [-] cavalry were stationed in the city that never sleeps, the total strength reached [-], and [-]% of the cavalry were above the rank of non-commissioned officers and all of them were trained as officers, with unparalleled combat effectiveness.

There are at least [-] military and civilian households in the capital that belong to the "Red Banner Army" fortress households. Most of them are military dependents, or the head of the family has a good job in the "Red Banner Army" system.

The proportion of fortress households concentrated in the vicinity of the city that never sleeps is higher, and it is entirely possible to mobilize [-] to [-] young adults to participate in the defense of the city that never sleeps.

Of course, this is just a contingency plan to prevent Chongzhen's evil hands, and this situation may not necessarily happen.

Because the imperial power is getting weaker and weaker, there are fewer and fewer loyal ministers and good generals who are willing to die for Ming Dynasty.

How many soldiers and horses can Chongzhen mobilize and how much food can be raised to complete the surprise attack?

Liu Zhilun and Fang Zhenghua led [-] elite troops from the Beijing camp to confront the bandits along the Yellow River, and there were very few soldiers in the capital who could fight.

Although the Jinyiwei who can fight is close to 1 horses, from the commander Li Ruolian to the fellow acquaintance Lou Yun, signing Zhang Chao, etc., the generals with real power have benefited from the support of Huang Han, so that the military merits are today.

Jinyiwei and the "Red Banner Army" get along well, they are allies. The emperor ordered to attack the city that never sleeps.

The soldiers of the Wucheng Bingma Division are only maintaining law and order. If they really receive the imperial edict to start a war with the "Red Banner Army", [-]% of them will desert immediately. It is estimated that [-]% of them will choose to surrender. It is quite conservative.

All in all, the powerful enemies outside the customs have been wiped out. For the dream of strengthening the country, let the dragon flag fly all over the world, and no longer let the headstrong, irritable, and narrow-minded Chongzhen play the piano indiscriminately.

The capital city is the symbol of supreme power, and Huang Han plans to lead his troops into the capital city to live in the "Hanwang" mansion in the fall of next year, blatantly establishing the "Hanwang regime".

Instead of directly reviewing memorials, appointing and dismissing officials, and implementing new policies, Chongzhen changed the stereotyped selection system to a civil servant national examination similar to later generations.

Giving scholars the hope of being an official is the cornerstone of a stable society, and a fair, open, and just national examination is essential.

Only by giving poor scholars and ordinary soldiers from the grassroots a fair chance to compete and have a bright future can this country achieve long-term stability.

In the future, there will only be two kinds of officials in the "Great Han Empire", one is to rely on reading to get to the top, and the other is to gain military exploits and become an official.

You can have a hereditary title, but it just means enjoying the treatment given by the state and having a halo of honor. If you want to be an official to govern a party, you must take the civil service examination, or join the army to win military merits.

There will definitely be resistance to the implementation of the New Deal. Huang Han doesn't care, it just violates the interests of a few privileged classes, and there is no big wave.

As long as it can benefit more people and make the country prosperous and strong, there is no need to worry about not being supported.

This is also Huang Han's direct signal to Chongzhen. Even if he is the righteous emperor of Ming Dynasty, owning the Golden Temple and the imperial city does not mean that he has the supreme imperial power.

(End of this chapter)

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