Chapter 930
Huang Han has taken over all important affairs of the country, and Chongzhen, who has no memorials to read and is used to busyness, will definitely be very idle.

In order to prevent trouble from being idle, to prevent Chongzhen from thinking wildly and going to extremes.

Every day, three or five lobbyists selected from civil servants, military generals, nobles, clan relatives, and eunuchs were dispatched to reassure Chongzhen.

The main content is of course that the "King of Han" promises not to harm Zhu Ming's royal clan, and at least give them the living conditions of a rich man.

The expenses of the emperor, empress and concubines, princes, and princesses will only increase and will not be deducted, and will not restrict the emperor's personal freedom at all.

The emperor can go anywhere he wants, even going to the "Hanjiang Province" or the new territory of the Americas. The "Hanwang" must send the "Red Banner Army" to be responsible for security.

Of course, in addition to speaking reassuring words, it is also possible to persuade Chongzhen to abdicate by the way.

In order to reduce bloodshed and avoid fratricide to the greatest extent, it is necessary to proceed step by step.

Huang Han plans to take Chongzhen off the shelf for a year or two to kill his violent temper, and then he will use the time to wipe out the bandits and implement the New Deal, and then directly slap him in the face with the beautiful achievements of Hai Qing, He Yan, and the country's prosperity and people's strength.

When he forced the palace, he asked Chongzhen face to face if he would continue to be the emperor, which once again caused bandits and bandits to live in poverty, and brought disaster to hundreds of millions of people?
It is necessary for Chongzhen to abdicate. If he is stubborn and never compromises, he can also be flexible, and he can be forced to abdicate to help the crown prince Zhu Cihong ascend the throne.

This prince is an out-and-out soft-boned man, and he actually surrendered to Li Chuang in history, and he was even named "Song King".

The ending of Zhu Cihong in history is not very clear. He must have died in the rebellion in the 17th year of Chongzhen, but was it a thief?Or Jian slave?Or Wu Sangui's Guanning Army?Can't judge.

Anyway, it was Huang Han's goal to steal the Great Ming Dynasty and bleed as little as possible, but he never thought of taking the lives of Chongzhen's family. It would not hurt to spend more time and trouble for this.

After Zhu Cihong became the puppet emperor, if he did not choose to abdicate, it would be no problem to threaten him directly, because he still has two younger brothers.

At worst, they will go to great lengths to force Zhu Cihong to abdicate, and then make way for Tian Hongyu's grandson, the fourth son of the emperor, Zhu Cizhao.

This is the good man who escaped the massacre in history and lived in the Qing Dynasty until he was in his seventies, but he was inevitably cut into pieces by Kang Mazi, the "one emperor through the ages" and killed his whole family.

Zhu Cizhao's bones were even softer, and there was no possibility of failure if he was allowed to pass the throne of the Ming Dynasty for a while before abdicating.

All in all, the great Ming Dynasty fell into the hands of Huang Han, which was actually a kind of salvation for Chongzhen and his big family, but it was impossible to tell them.

Now Chongzhen is still the emperor of Ming Dynasty. He knows that the victory of Shenyang has been sealed. Only about [-]% of the main forces of the puppet Manchu and Qing Dynasties are left, and they will no longer be able to make a comeback.

The emperor knew that the "King of Han" was good at leading troops and that his subordinates could fight bravely, but he didn't expect that the "Red Banner Army" was so powerful that the slaves who had been rampant in Liaodong for five or sixty years were defeated overnight.

In fact, Chongzhen was an honest man, and he loved face very much. Such a personality was destined not to be an effective politician.

To engage in politics, one has to make upheavals, intrigues, boastful, boastful, and full of lies. How can he be ashamed?

And Chongzhen just couldn't bear to obliterate the great achievements of the "Hanwang" officials and soldiers, and always had to show his attitude.

He handed over the matter of rewards to the cabinet for collegial discussion, and set a date for celebrating the "Shenyang Great Victory".

The ceremony of presenting prisoners and military parade on the sixth day of the twelfth lunar month attracted hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians to watch.

Two thousand majestic and murderous knights, led by Yang Danian and Gu Jixiang, crossed the outer city and entered the inner city to fight horses on Chang'an Street.

Gu Jixiang actually carried the ace army dog ​​Ge Liuben on his back, and a general with a dog on his back was too eye-catching and became the focus.

Onlookers, military and civilian officials learned that this military dog ​​was the hero who captured the puppet Manchu and Qing prince Doduo alive, and shouted in unison to ask the emperor to grant him a canonization, which amused the crowd all over the street.

After the ceremony, thousands of civilian and military generals of the "Hanwang" family were promoted to ranks, and Huang Yizhou and Hanzi were canonized as "Liaoyang Marquis" and "Ningyuan Marquis" respectively.

All the soldiers who died in battle were honored, and Yuan Siming, the highest-ranking martyr, was posthumously named "Boss of Loyalty and Justice" hereditary replacement.

Song Pengfei, Huang Yong, Yang Danian, Zheng Xiaowen, Gao Youmou, Yang Hanwei, Sun Chuanting, Chen Qiyu, Sun Yuanhua, Wang Zhicheng, Yang Guoen, Liu Fenyong, Sang Yu, Wang Zhanpeng, Mao Chenglu, Shang Keyi and other 38 civil and military generals were conferred uncles.

However, except for the two hereditary marquises, the 38 earls are all exiles, and the imperial court does not give them salaries, which are left to the "Hanjiang Province" to solve by themselves.

It is not surprising that the civil servants and military generals of the "King of Han" family have never been paid by the imperial court.

They didn't realize that the emperor suddenly became generous and gave so many empty titles all at once, and that favoring one and favoring another was actually suspected of alienation.

Fortunately, Huang Han has always emphasized that titles only represent honor, treatment, and status, and are not linked to actual positions or power.

The "Red Banner Army" system, which has almost monopolized foreign trade, is really not bad at making money even by grabbing belts, and there are too many industries in its hands that can earn huge profits.

In addition to iron and steel factories, cement factories, vehicle factories, pipe factories, valve factories, sanitary ware factories, textile machinery and equipment factories, etc., the steam engine factory that is under construction will become the most dazzling taxpayer.

This is because a lot of experience in building steam engines has been accumulated, and technological innovation is always in progress. Seven steel ships will be launched on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month next year.

Three of them are sea-going ships with a displacement of [-] tons. They will be equipped with [-] cannons, and their speed can reach [-] knots against the wind, and a terrifying [-]-[-] knots when the wind is smooth.

This is entirely because the designer has fully considered the cost of sailing, saved fuel, and made use of the wind as much as possible in the case of downwind. Starting a steam engine to drive the propeller basically chooses to sail with sails in a headwind state.

Of course, when a warship is chasing an enemy ship, it must be fully driven. It is impossible for any sailing warship to escape the pursuit of a steel warship.

There are also four flat-bottomed river boats with a displacement of 150 tons. These four boats will basically not undertake transportation tasks alone. They can tow a dozen river boats with a displacement of about [-] tons to and from Nantong Prefecture, Nanjing, and Anqing Prefecture. , Kuizhou Mansion, Shizhu.

After the advent of the steam engine ship, the Yangtze River sailed much faster. The original speed when going upstream was not as slow as walking. This will be rewritten, and the speed can be increased by three times.

Using thermal power throughout the whole process, starting from Nantongzhou and going upstream to reach Shizhu, it is not a problem to arrive within seven or eight days.

(End of this chapter)

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