Chapter 931
With steam steamers sailing on the busiest waterway, the Yangtze River, it is certain that the transportation efficiency will be doubled.

The huge roar of the steel ship and the rising smoke will definitely attract the attention of countless people.

It would not be long before the speed and capacity of the steamer became known to all, and the benefits of the steam engine would spread widely.

Merchants and dignitaries with capital will of course see business opportunities.

It is still a word, whoever invests will benefit, it is better to enjoy it alone than to enjoy it together, sharing benefits and risks.

The government only needs to ensure tax revenue, and must not operate directly. The only way for great development is to implement a joint-stock cooperative system and introduce a competition mechanism.

Huang Han plans to convert patent rights, design drawings, and production technology into equity, and continue to raise social funds to produce steam engines in large quantities, not only to drive ships, but also to drive textile machines, pulverizers, forging hammers, etc.

The next step is to consider making a steam engine locomotive. Once it is successfully developed, it will start to build a railway from Tianjin Wei to Beijing.

The princes, nobles, and bureaucratic groups of the Ming Dynasty control [-] to [-]% of the capital of the Ming Dynasty, and they cannot use robbery methods to snatch it all away.

The "Li Chuangzei" in history is just a short-sighted bandit leader, doomed to defeat.

In fact, the reason why many civilian and military generals of the Ming Dynasty chose to shave their heads and become traitors is that "Li Chuangzei" not only wanted money but also killed him. This bastard is really inferior to Jiannu.

"A gentleman loves money, and he gets it in a proper way!" How could Huang Han be as vicious and vicious as "Li Chuangzei".

Even with the "Red Banner Army" that dominates the world, they would never rob in the homeland of Ming Dynasty. They are too unskilled and ashamed to do so.

Instead, let all the rich people predict the rate of return, scrambling to invest the money hidden in their homes, and publicize the protection of private property in a high-profile manner, and encourage everyone to make a fortune.

For the sake of fair competition and to prevent monopoly operations from affecting the healthy development of all walks of life, no single dominant company is allowed to exist. Even the manufacture of steam engines must be split into at least three joint-stock companies.

After the establishment of the "Great Han Empire", the government only collected taxes to formulate policies and regulations, acted as a good referee, properly guided the direction of investment, and avoided overheating investment and excess products.

At the beginning of the over-industrialization, the possibility of investment failure is very small, and Huang Han, the prophet, holds the final approval power of large projects, so investors will not lose their money.

As long as the princes, nobles, and bureaucratic groups of the original Ming Dynasty participated in the investment, they could basically become rich by relying on dividends, and the sentiment against the new dynasty should not be too great.

With the development of Huang Han to the present, Chongzhen has become the biggest stumbling block, and it is time for the emperor to be emptied.

So many lords appeared all at once, which made many civil servants and generals of the Ming Dynasty envy and hate. They couldn't figure out why the emperor became so generous?

What Emperor Chongzhen didn't expect was that in the next few days, restaurants and teahouses were discussing the matter of conferring titles. Many soldiers and civilians were full of yearning to seek a prince from thousands of miles away, and there were many people who made up their minds to follow the "King of Han".

The two thousand cavalry did not go out of the city after the review, but stationed in the city that never sleeps for the reason of protecting the family of the "King of Han".

Yang Danian played to the imperial court that the "King of Han" should be in the sky after the completion of Ping Liao, and he will enter Beijing in the second half of next year at the latest.

Two thousand cavalry stayed in the capital to make preliminary preparations, and later became the guards of the "King of Han" in the capital.

The "Red Banner Army" with money and food didn't need to answer whether the court agreed or not. They were stationed in the city that never sleeps to train guards and village bravery. It can be regarded as a few months of relaxation for the prosperous capital after the war.

Let these educated youths who have knowledge, actual combat experience, military merits, and experience the test of life and death experience another experience in another environment, and all of them will be assigned to garrison in various places as key training officers in the future.

How to make the military and civilians feel the changes around them as quickly as possible?Strengthening public security control and improving urban sanitation is the easiest way.

In order to show the demeanor of the "Red Banner Army", Yang Danian and Gu Jixiang took the initiative to lead their subordinates to maintain law and order and fight against gangsters and evil forces with the secret cooperation of Huang Sifang's command of the banner guards.

Li Sanniang mobilized all the fortress households in the outer city to participate in the management of environmental sanitation.

In just a few days, more than a dozen mafia gangs with gang nature that were rampant in the market were brought to an end.

This is not bragging, the army, and it is the most powerful "Red Banner Army" in the world today. Dealing with underworld gangs is like crushing a few ants to death.

Hundreds of years ago, the vicious black bosses, thugs, hooligans, and gangsters were bundled into rice dumplings by the "Red Banner Army" and paraded through the streets with signs.

Yang Danian only asked for the execution of more than a dozen black bosses who had been involved in bloody crimes. The rest of the criminals were not killed at all. Instead, they were sent to the Xishan Coal Mine for labor reform.

More than a dozen were killed and hundreds were exiled. The "Red Banner Army" supported the common people in the capital. They vigorously called on the common people to report gangster-related gangs, which won the support of all people, and many gangsters and hooligans who had no time to escape were arrested.

There is no place where the "Red Banner Army" dare not arrest people in the Wucheng Bingmasi, Jinyiwei, Liubu Yamen, and even Xungui's mansion.

More than 100 government servants, subordinate officials, and officials who provided protection for the evil forces were arrested, and their fate was to be exiled with their families to tap rubber in Hainan Island.

Yang Danian's accurate shot was entirely due to the fact that the flag guards had collected a large number of incriminating evidence against current officials.

It took only a dozen days to eradicate harm for the people, and the capital almost managed not to pick up lost items on the road and close their doors at night. As long as they are good people, they hope that the "Red Banner Army" will be stationed in the capital forever.

Chongzhen was threatened again, but unable to resolve it, the two thousand meritorious officials did not need to be paid by the court to stay in the city that never sleeps. If they didn't want to tear themselves apart with the "King of Han" immediately, there was really no way to drive them away.

The emperor could only arrange for Li Ruolian to be on guard secretly, and also squeezed out food and salary to increase the training of the Jinyiwei, striving to improve the combat effectiveness of the Jinyiwei.

It is a pity that Li Ruolian, Lou Yun, Zhang Chao, Tian Hongyu, etc. did not have the idea of ​​​​making enemies with the "Red Banner Army".

Not many civil servants and military generals in the entire Ming Dynasty would consider confronting the "King of Han", except of course some so-called "clear ministers".

In fact, the fighting power of these two thousand "Red Banner Army" knights who have at least three levels of gains is no less than that of the elite "Gebush Xianchaoha" among the elites who built slaves. They really clashed with the Ming army cavalry.

However, most of the elite men and horses of the capital camp are serving in Liu Zhilun and Fang Zhenghua's army, and there are not many men and horses left in the capital. It is possible to organize seven or eight thousand cavalry, but it may be difficult for those who meet the cavalry standard to gather three thousand.

Among the generals in the capital, there are too many honored children or disciples, and most of the honored group has a cooperative relationship with the "Hanwang" department. Basically, no one is stupid enough to be an enemy of the "Red Banner Army".

(End of this chapter)

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