Chapter 932
The "King of Han" made great progress, and the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty knew it well.

More than [-]% of the ministers are not surprised, and half of them are more or less expectant.

The military attache was not romantic, but very practical. Knowing that the gap between the Ming army and the "Red Banner Army" was too great, to fight against it was to hit a stone with an egg, and most of them were psychologically prepared to join the "King of Han".

Less than [-]% of civil servants are the kind of moral gentleman who "talks about his heart with his hands in peacetime, and repays the king when he dies."

Historically, it was because the saliva of these people might drown people, which caused Chongzhen, who was not decisive, to be timid.

The emperor did not dare to openly negotiate with the Manchus and recognize the vested interests of Jiannu, first stabilize the situation in Liaodong, and free up his hands to concentrate on dealing with the rogues.

When "Li Chuangthief" swept towards the capital with a devastating force, Chongzhen was under pressure and did not resolutely abandon the capital and retreat to Nanzhili.

You must know that half of the Ming Dynasty was still there at that time, and if the capital was temporarily thrown to the intruders, Chongzhen still had a chance to manage the south.

Daming originally had two capitals in the north and the south, as well as two sets of teams.

The Chongzhen reign in Nanjing may not mean that there is no possibility of a comeback, at least there will be no internal strife over who will be the emperor, and the Nanming may also last for 200 years like the Southern Song Dynasty.

However, it was these moral gentlemen who killed the emperor and ruined the Ming Dynasty, but they lost their lives to show their integrity, which made future generations sigh and love and hate.

Now Qingliu Zhengchen, headed by Fan Jingwen, Huang Daozhou, Liu Zongzhou, Ni Yuanlu, Meng Zhaoxiang, Wang Jiayan, Li Banghua, Shi Bangyao, Ling Yiqu, Wu Linzheng, Shen Jiayin, etc., are all confronting each other coldly.

It's just that they forbeared and didn't have an attack for the time being. They thought it over and waited until the "King of Han" came to the capital to see the situation.

If the "King of Han" has the heart of disobedience, they will block the "King of Han" from usurping the throne with their thin bodies, spit on the "King of Han" fiercely, and be a loyal minister who will die without eating Zhou Su.

If the "King of Han" is just domineering and has no intention of disobedience, they will collectively kneel in front of the "King of Han" and speak bluntly, persuading him to know etiquette and general knowledge, and be a loyal minister and good general of the Ming Dynasty.

The Ming Dynasty was founded more than [-] years ago, and its roots were deeply rooted. After the country was subjugated, the Southern Ming regime was in great chaos and fought against the Manchu Qing for decades.

Huang Han saw that he was going to replace "Ming" with "Han". If it directly led to the rebellion and the flames of war, it would be a heinous crime.

Arrange in advance to prevent problems before they happen and seize the day and night.

Under Huang Sifang's personal arrangements, the activities of the banner guards became more frequent, and they seized the time to collect the illegal deeds of civil servants, military generals, and nobles who have not expressed their positions so far.

It is very necessary to lure them with profit, move them with affection, understand them with reason, and threaten them with threats. In a word, we must win the vast majority. If your ass is not clean and you dare to jump out to spoil the "King of Han" event, you have to be brought to justice Law.

But some Qingliu really managed to keep themselves clean and live in peace and happiness, and they couldn't grasp the handle.

To deal with these scholar-bureaucrats who sell straight names, we need to pay attention to public opinion. Although these people are incompetent and useless, they have false names.

The common people in Gyeonggi do not have so many twists and turns in their minds. The "Red Banner Army" won a complete victory in the final battle. The death of Emperor Chongde of the Manchu Qing Dynasty means that the slaves who occupied Liaodong for five or sixty years and caused disasters for the Ming Dynasty were wiped out.

Their joy comes from the bottom of their hearts, and they are much more generous in buying new year's goods in the twelfth lunar month. This is of course due to the fact that many residents of the capital work in joint-stock enterprises such as vehicle factories, steel factories, and cement factories, and can earn enough to support their families. reason.

Undercurrents are surging in the official circles of the capital, but the people are peaceful.

Without him, there are no bullies, hooligans, gangsters, and beggars in the city, and there are no subordinates and government servants who eat black and white, and there are almost no garbage and horse manure on the streets.

It is common to see the "Red Banner Army" in a row of two or three. In such an atmosphere, the residents of the capital are of course happy physically and mentally. It is foreseeable that this New Year will be full of excitement.

The cavalry corps led by Hanzi, Wang Zhicheng, etc. chased the defeated Manchu soldiers. After fighting for a month, they withdrew for repairs. At this time, Shenyang was completely reduced to scorched earth, and Liaoyang became the seat of the Chinese army.

There are a lot of Mongolian light cavalry who have become regulars, and the number of people who have made military exploits is as high as five or six thousand. Huang Han did not treat them badly. The reward that should be given is quite a bit of silver, but the promotion that should be given is limited.

Without him, the officers of the "Red Banner Army" are young and educated. Even warriors in the Mongolian tribes can only be non-commissioned officers if they cannot pass the officer examination.

Even so, the returning Mongols were still very excited when they got the snow-white silver coins and golden gold coins.

Ruan Dacheng led six sets of teams to Liaoyang. The crew will perform three new plays for the soldiers to welcome the new year.

Ruan Dacheng, a professional counterpart, is full of drive. He traveled to the south of the Yangtze River at the beginning of the year and collected many red cards from various courtyards, including Liu Rushi, Li Xiangjun, Dong Xiaowan, Kou Baimen and so on mentioned by Huang Han.

He even deliberately went to Yangzhou to find the "skinny horse" trained by his mother since he was a child, and now he has overfulfilled the task assigned by Huang Han to expand the performance team.

Now, in addition to the six troupes he personally brought to Liaoyang to perform for the "King of Han" and the soldiers, there are [-] troupes touring in the capital and Nanzhili respectively.

Acting is not free. Although Huang Han strictly forbids the pursuit of high profits, he is allowed to keep [-]% of the total ticket sales as profit.

Ruan Dacheng is a well-rounded person, capable and good at management, not afraid of small profits, as long as he sells more, he will make a lot of money.

He has created more than [-] crews to go out on tour in turn, constantly innovating, and the total number of performances per month has reached [-] to [-] and is growing.

As a result, the monthly ticket income of the crew is as high as tens of thousands of 10,000+ taels, and it is very possible to make a profit of more than 10 taels a year or even more.

Originally, actors had no status, so maybe they would be stared at by a certain son and grandson during a certain performance, and entangled endlessly.

However, the crew who joined the "Red Flag Army" system became propagandists, with the "Hanwang" as their big backer.

Whoever dares to use coercive means to coerce an actor into submission, will really lose his head.

Originally, some red ladies joined the crew under pressure. After several months of rehearsals and performances, they not only received a lot of money, but also realized the dignity of being a human being. They enjoyed it and wrote letters to their former sisters one after another. .

The direct consequence is that Ruan Dacheng no longer has to go all the way to find someone, and there are always many beauties who think they are beautiful and talented.

Qian Qianyi, who was almost killed by Wen Tiren, was unwilling to be lonely.

He traveled by boat many times to and from "Hanjiang Province", "Tiger Cave City", Lushunkou, Tianjin Wei and other "Hanwang" actual control areas.

By chance, he saw a new play starring Liu Rushi, and Qian Qianyi was so overwhelmed by it that he chased him all the way to Liaodong.

On the 26th of the twelfth lunar month, Huang Han issued an order to reward meritorious deeds, grant beheading money, welfare, lift the ban on alcohol, rest the entire army for 20 days, arrange good wine and meat entertainment programs, so that the soldiers can celebrate the new year happily.

On the [-]th day of the first lunar month next year, the whole army will be divided into ten groups to sweep the prairie.

Each route is equipped with a general "flying army" carrying [-] hot air balloons. It is planned to spend six months to conquer, annihilate, and surrender the foreign domain Mongolia that once surrendered to slavery.

(End of this chapter)

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