Chapter 933
On the first day of the first month of the 13th year of Chongzhen, Huang Han took thousands of civil servants and military generals to witness the reappearance of the "Jade Seal of the Kingdom" on the square in front of the current "Hanwang" Xingyuan Gate of the former General Military Mansion in Liaoyang.

This is really not a deceit, but after [-] days of cleaning and excavation, a cabinet suspected to contain the imperial jade seal was found from the ruins of the "Qingning Palace".

After Na Muzhong's careful identification and confirmation, Liu Zaiqi and Jiang Xin personally escorted them to Liaoyang with great fanfare.

In order to have a sense of ritual, Huang Han deliberately chose to open the box on the first day of the first lunar month, and opened it under the watchful eyes of thousands of civil and military officials and tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians.

Of course, in order to prevent accidents, some preparations were made in advance. Liu Zaiqi hid a jade box in his arms, and there was also a "Chuan Guo Yuxi" wrapped in yellow silk inside.

No one has ever seen the real thing, but the size and engraving of the past dynasties are known through written records, so it is not difficult to make a fake one.

Huang Han was lucky, he didn't need to cheat in full view, Liu Zaiqi really had a jade box in the mahogany box he opened.

When Liu Zaiqi raised the jade box high above his head and shouted "Long live! Long live!", the military and civilian officials all responded with one voice.

None of the former civil servants and generals of the Great Ming Dynasty showed strange expressions, they also cheered, and their joy was beyond words.

Now that good things come true, of course we have to be more frank, so as not to be guessed.

Huang Han did not take the jade box, but asked Zheng Xiaowen and Sun Chuanting to open it in public, and asked them to take out the "Jade Seal of Chuanguo" and show it to civil and military officials, soldiers and civilians first.

At this moment, Zheng Xiaowen hesitated, he didn't know what to do, he was really worried that there was no legendary pre-Qin "Jade Seal of Chuanguo" in the jade box.

Sun Chuanting saw the clue, he smiled and comforted: "Master Zheng, there must be a 'Chuan Guoyu Seal' in the jade box, and the 'King of Han' let us open it to give us the greatest trust. Could it be that such a trivial matter we both don't care about?" Can't do it well?"

Zheng Xiaowen looked at Sun Chuanting who was talking and winking, and immediately understood.

It’s okay to see the real thing and show it to everyone. If there is nothing in it, just pretend to be shocked by the "Jade Seal of the Chuan Kingdom", and then tremblingly raise the jade box mountain with trembling hands and shout "Long live! Long live!" Dare to peep?

Huang Han didn't care about the "Chuan Guo Yuxi", but paid attention to Sun Chuanting, and found that he was full of energy and radiant, and he knew it well.

Obviously, this hero in the late Ming Dynasty has returned to his heart, and he can let go of the heavy responsibility in the future.

There was no accident, the fire came suddenly, and Emperor Chongde ran outside before he could put on his shoes. Who had the time to think about running into the inner room to open the cabinet, mahogany box, and jade box to take the "Jade Seal of Chuanguo" and lock them up?
Zheng Xiaowen opened the jade box, and found that the "Jade Seal of Chuanguo" did exist. At that time, no one specifically verified this jade seal, and preconceived it as a pre-Qin relic.

Even Sun Chuanting, who has always been calm, could not hide his excitement.

Then the atmosphere reached its climax. Zheng Xiaowen and Sun Chuanting took turns holding up the "Jade Seal of Chuanguo" for everyone to show. Tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of military and civilian officials paid homage to the mountain and shouted "Long live! Long live!"

It's just that no one is willing to lift the last veil in front of thousands of military and civilian officials. Do you worship the "Jade Seal of Chuanguo" or the "King of Han"?It's tacit!

Undoubtedly, the sense of belonging brought by the "King of Han" to the military and civilian officials in the system after obtaining the "Jade Seal of Chuanguo" is unparalleled, even surpassing that of defeating slaves and destroying the country.

In private, too many soldiers and civilians are talking about changing the dynasty, and it is beyond doubt that the "King of Han" ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor within the system.

Corruption is prevalent and the country will be ruined. The literati involved in corruption know it well. Scholars, eunuchs, and Jinshi come to serve as officials and subordinates under the "Han King" and do not need to be greeted and sent, and there is no need to be corrupt and pervert the law. , income can be guaranteed.

Officials and officials who work hard will not be ignored. Performance appraisals are based on word-of-mouth of the common people and treated fairly with reference to political achievements. Bribery and acceptance of bribes are the same crime.

Therefore, too many scholar-bureaucrats and scholar-officials put aside their selfish thoughts and dealt with official affairs seriously, and basically achieved fairness, justice, and openness. Although they did not participate in the war, many of them were promoted.

Moreover, the "Hanwang" system does not stick to one pattern in the use of talents. Even scholars who are officials, as long as they make achievements in their work, they can be promoted step by step without capping.

How big is Liaodong? How could the "Red Banner Army" rely on the original Great Wall of Liaodong to establish a line of defense?

The goal of the first step is to take all of Monan and restore the Nuergandu command and envoy, and then seek to capture Mobei and advance the actual control area to Siberia.

Liaodong will soon become the hinterland outside the customs. The place is huge. At least set up a minister of government and envoys. Sooner or later, we will overdo it. Officials such as county magistrates, county magistrates, magistrates, prefects, etc. are indispensable, and the opportunities for promotion will naturally be brought. many.

Huang Han will not consider building the Great Wall at all in the future, but will only maintain and preserve this historical relic regularly.

Instead, use energy and financial resources to train cavalry. As long as you find a tribe on the prairie who does not change their minds and dares to enter the pass to rob, wait for their fate - extermination.

How vast is the prairie?The oath of sovereignty is essential. A city must be built one or two hundred miles away from the grasslands and mountains close to the Great Wall. Farther north, a castle of the Han people will appear within two to three hundred miles.

All the cities and fortresses outside the pass were not only used for garrison but only for defense, because the future "Han Empire" did not know how to defend, but only knew how to find and annihilate potential enemies.

The castle is not only an oath of sovereignty, but also the cornerstone of the development of the surrounding area. It is also a place where commodities are concentrated for hundreds of miles, with government offices, temples, military camps, hospitals, schools, markets, factories and other supporting facilities.

Huang Han was in a good mood. He entertained civil servants and generals almost every day during the first month. While drinking and chatting with everyone, he talked about how to deploy in the north in the future, trying to completely eliminate the scourge from the nomads that has never stopped for thousands of years.

No defense, although the attack mode sounds unreliable, but the old generals of the "Red Banner Army" unconditionally believe that it can be done.

Sun Chuanting, Chen Qiyu, Cao Bianjiao, Mengruhu, Hu Dawei, etc. The original Ming Dynasty civil and military forces have experienced the offensive and defensive battles in Shenyang, and they are also full of confidence.

They have all carefully studied the tactical concept of the flying army commanding the ground troops to approach and outflank the grassland tribes in the sky, and they all agree that it is effective, and they are all eager to try.

The tribes on the prairie are scattered, and it is difficult to communicate with each other. The "Red Banner Army" has 2 horses along the way, and it is possible that they will face [-] to [-] potential enemies.

But these enemies live in tribes or families, scattered over hundreds of miles.

The "Red Banner Army" concentrates its forces to defeat each of them. As long as they can find it, they will not worry about eating it. It was extremely difficult to find the tribes on the prairie. Now with hot air balloons and well-trained flying troops for aerial reconnaissance, this big problem is easily solved. .

Civilian and military generals are full of confidence in the next North Sweep operation to eliminate potential threats. Although the Tartars are very poor, there will be a lot of war horses, draft horses, cattle and sheep. Conquering them should not lose money.

It's just that some officials don't quite understand that although the land in the extreme north is vast but useless, why did the "King of Han" plan to seize and control those places?
(End of this chapter)

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