Chapter 934 Sima Zhao's Heart

In the past few days of the Chinese New Year, there has also been an ironic episode.

Na Muzhong, who was born in a Mongolian noble, was confident that it was natural, because she was recognized as a once-in-a-hundred-year beauty on the grassland.

It can be seen that Lin Danhan and Hong Jie are the two heroes outside the customs who are all overwhelmed by her.

She made great contributions to the "King of Han" in finding the "Jade Seal of Chuanguo". Of course, she asked for a reward, and put forward a small additional condition, requesting to stay with the "King of Han", even if she was a maidservant, she would be willing.

In fact, this woman fell in love with the "King of Han" who was about her age, and was just about to take the opportunity to recommend herself as a pillow mat. Of course Huang Han knew it well.

But Huang Han pretended to be stupid, and gave Na Muzhong the title of "Mrs. Liaoyang", and gave the court the treatment of a first-class wife. As for whether she insists on staying by her side to serve, it doesn't matter.

Of course, it is impossible for Yipin Gaoming to serve people. During this period of time, she has been the guest of the "King of Han". This woman is not illiterate, she is quite generous, she can drink well, speak Chinese fluently, and she is generous when chatting and drinking with civil servants and generals. Similar to a courtesan.

There is no clear limit to how much power the "King of Han" has. It is because Daming treats the vassal kings like pigs, giving treatment but not power and political future.

Huang Han gave Na Muzhong the treatment of "Mrs. Madam", is it considered a canonization?Is it a reward from Daming?Or is it a private reward from the "King of Han"?No objection was raised.

Na Muzhong was very smart, and she knelt down to thank the Lord Long En. She worshiped the strong and recognized Huang Han, and it was impossible for her to pay attention to the Emperor Ming.

However, after getting permission from the "King of Han" to live in the backyard of Xingyuan, Na Muzhong, who was originally full of confidence, saw Xu Miaoru and Yuanyuan Chen who were waiting beside the "King of Han", and suddenly felt that Alexander had lost confidence.

Later, when she was watching a play, she discovered Liu Rushi, Dong Xiaowan, Li Xiangjun and other heroines with both talents and looks, each with their own characteristics. The number one beauty on the grassland no longer had a sense of superiority.

Even so, she still refused to leave the "Hanwang" Xingyuan, not for other reasons, but fell in love with watching theatre, and even went to the troupe to watch rehearsals. It may not be long before Na Muzhong will become a fancier.

In the first month, "Red Flag Daily" and several mainstream newspapers reported with great fanfare the whole story of the discovery of the "Chuan Guo Yuxi", describing the joy of civil and military soldiers and civilians in Liaodong, but the Ming court kept secret.

Emperor Chongzhen was even more nervous when he did not wait for the "King of Han" to send an envoy to present the national treasure.

"Sima Zhao's heart is known to all passers-by." Chongzhen was incapable but not stupid. How could he wait for the "King of Han" to force the palace and usurp the throne?

However, the ministers also knew that there would be a big change in the court, a small half of the people chose to wave the flag for the "King of Han", and a small half were ready to wait and see.

Many Qingliu officials decided to fight against the traitors in order to protect the Daming country and the country, and they did not hesitate to smash their bodies, which shows that there is an undercurrent in the capital.

In the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies and tricks are scum.

Huang Han did not make any changes, but continued to do his best to strengthen himself, allocated money and food early, organized 50 soldiers and civilians to dredge the Grand Canal, and started construction on the sixth day of the first lunar month.

At the same time, the Yangzhou Prefecture in South Zhili also launched a major project to excavate and widen the "Tongyang Canal" that connects Nantong Prefecture to the Grand Canal in Yangzhou.

Seven sets of locks will be built on this canal to adjust the water level of the upper and lower rivers and maintain a water level that can navigate flat-bottomed boats with a displacement of about [-] tons.

After completion, it will be able to guarantee year-round navigation, and the flood resistance capacity of the Lixia River area will reach once in 30 years.

At least 200 million people will be benefited, and nearly 1000 million mu of land will be able to keep harvest from drought and flood, and become a high-yield field with two crops a year.

Food is the most important thing for the people, and the "King of Han" is the master of the people. He contracted taxes and taxes so that the common people could produce with peace of mind, and paid out real money and grain to hire hundreds of thousands of common people to build water conservancy facilities.

It is impossible for the small people of Shengdou who have received benefits to care whether the surname of the world is Zhu or Huang. Of course, they actively support the "King of Han" who seeks the well-being of the people.

In order to curb the greed of capital, Huang Han has long formulated many hard and fast rules.

At the end of the year, the regulations formulated in accordance with these regulations were published in full in mainstream newspapers such as "Red Flag Daily", and all businesses and manufacturers were required to study carefully.

Workers who work nine days must take one day off, and the labor protection regulations that the daily working hours are not allowed to exceed five hours are a bit ridiculous compared to the [-]-hour work week in later generations, but they are already very humane in this era.

"Red Flag Daily" and "Hanjiang Evening News" not only published legal provisions for several days in a row, but also welcomed workers to report violations, and published the address for receiving reports.

There are regional differences in wages in different regions, and one size fits all, but the minimum wage in Gyeonggi is [-] yuan per month as a reference, and the guaranteed minimum wage for a worker can at least guarantee the minimum living security for two adults.

The entire "Hanwang" system is developing rapidly. All joint-stock companies have plans to expand reproduction, set the number of workers to be recruited, and post recruitment announcements. Some factories even publish recruitment notices in the "Red Flag Daily".

During the Chinese New Year, there is a hot topic among ordinary people. Many young and middle-aged people want to choose a factory not far from their hometown or work in their hometown.

In the middle of the first month, Liu Zhilun received the emperor's imperial decree and also received a personal letter from the "King of Han".

The "King of Han"'s personal letter has no specific content, but analyzes the importance of defending the defense line of the Yellow River and preventing bandits from poisoning the capital again.

Hearing the sound of strings, he knew the elegant meaning. It was obvious that the "King of Han" was putting himself in line. At this moment, Liu Zhilun was really hesitant, and he quickly sent Liu Quan to invite Fang Zhenghua for a secret discussion.

In fact, Fang Zhenghua also received a letter from the "King of Han".

The retreat of the bandits does not mean that Gao Yingxiang has lost his aggressiveness. During this period of time, the tricks of the bandits were often caught, which fully shows that once the 6 troops in the Beijing camp retreat, the bandits will definitely come back.

Even with a neutral attitude, they can't give up the defense line and retreat to the capital at this time, otherwise the spring plowing will not be possible, let alone the autumn harvest, the loss will be huge, and starving people will be everywhere.

Liu Zhilun and Fang Zhenghua have feelings for Daming, and they will never forget the emperor's kindness, but they also have a relationship with the "King of Han".

The "King of Han" and the current emperor are of the same age. He is like a god of war possessed by Lien Chan and Lian Jie, who established slaves and subjugated the country.

A man who was prematurely decrepit, faced with the country's robbers and robbers who were fragmented and fragmented, but could do nothing. Under his rule, the people died of starvation and starvation, and even the safety of the vassal king could not be guaranteed.

In the end, who is in control of the ups and downs?Self-explanatory.

(End of this chapter)

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