Chapter 935
The Yellow River line of defense was too long, so Liu Zhilun and Fang Zhenghua divided the work, and each led their troops to be responsible for hundreds of miles. However, for the convenience of communication, the distance between the two armies was not too far, less than two hundred miles.

Most of the family members of the Jingying people lived in the capital or the prefectures and counties around the capital, and many generals came from the general family.

Liu Zhilun had no way of knowing how much loyalty these people had to Daming, let alone what Fang Zhenghua's plan was, who was born as a servant of the emperor.

After meeting Fang Zhenghua, he asked Fang Zhenghua to recite the content of the imperial decree, and then took the initiative to discuss with Fang Zhenghua, resolutely refusing to reveal his attitude.

In fact, Fang Zhenghua had already guessed the ultimate purpose of Liu Zhilun's invitation to discuss the matter, and he didn't want to make insinuations, so he directly showed Huang Han's letter to Liu Zhilun.

Then he said frankly and honestly: "Mr. Liu Ge, our family is actually like you. We have been with the 'King of Han' for ten years. I will not treat the current Holy Majesty harshly."

A eunuch is so kind, and he directly stated his position. Of course, Liu Zhilun couldn't be cowardly. He reciprocated and showed Huang Han's handwritten letter to himself.

He said bluntly: "Alas! Now that the 'King of Han' is in fact riding a tiger, it is inevitable that he will not end well if he gives up his military power. Besides, how can the proud soldiers of the 'Red Banner Army' be willing to sit back and watch the 'King of Han' lose power?"

Fang Zhenghua said: "Our family has cooperated with the 'King of Han' many times, and we know that in the hearts of the soldiers of the 'Red Banner Army', the 'King of Han' is the bodhisattva who saves suffering.

If the imperial court really had the ability to plot against the 'King of Han', the 'Red Banner Army' would definitely rebel openly, and the country and society of the Ming Dynasty would probably be hard to protect.

At that time, the situation will be even more chaotic. It is inevitable that the entire Ming Dynasty will fall into civil strife, and the soldiers and civilians who will die unexpectedly cannot be predicted.

However, if you and I stand still and secretly acquiesce to the success of the 'King of Han', I am afraid that there will not be many generals in the entire Ming Dynasty who dare to meet the 'Red Banner Army' in battle, and the number of soldiers and civilians who will die may not be many. "

Liu Zhilun said: "Mr. Fang's intention is to choose the lesser of the two evils? No, no, this official's wording is inappropriate. The 'King of Han' treats the army and civilians well and builds water conservancy to relieve the victims. It is beneficial to the country and has no harm. "

Fang Zhenghua laughed and said: "Where do you start with the benefits? Since ancient times, which hero has not had mixed reputations? Looking at the problem from the emperor's point of view, it is not the blessing of the Ming Dynasty, but the harm of the Ming Dynasty.

But millions of ordinary people have recognized the "King of Han" in their hearts, trusted the "King of Han", and were willing to serve the "King of Han" everywhere. "

Liu Zhilun sighed: "The general trend is the trend, we can only follow the trend, so that the [-] soldiers don't die in vain, we have to be a turtle with our heads back."

Fang Zhenghua said: "Liu Ge's old saying is serious. Even if we really lead [-] soldiers to fight the 'Red Banner Army', few of them will really die. Our family even thinks that there is no way to fight. The soldiers under our command have They may directly arrest us and change our banners."

Liu Zhilun was stunned for a while, and said: "The soldiers of the Beijing camp get along well with the 'Red Banner Army', and there is no conflict between them at all. If they are forced to fight the 'King of Han', there is a possibility that the general will be backlashed."

"Hey! That's why it's because you and I don't want to be loyal to Daming. It's just that there is nothing we can do. Even if the two of us are willing to smash our bodies to pieces, it won't help. Moths are just flying into the flames, and the soldiers will only bleed for nothing."

The two of them didn't suspect each other, and finally started to talk about their hearts. They talked about it while drinking, and they always felt that there was no hope for Ming Dynasty. If the "King of Han" ruled the country, there would be great hope for this country.

They finally decided that they would never rebel against Zhu Ming, but they would not lead the [-] Beijing elite to fight against the benevolent "Red Banner Army" who "starved to death and did not plunder the common people".

They chose not to return to the capital, but stayed on the front line of the Yellow River to confront the rogues, not to get involved in the ups and downs of the court, and remained neutral, because they knew that no matter who was in charge, fighting the rogues would be inevitable, and this brave man would definitely not be ignored .

Liu Zhilun and Fang Zhenghua wrote back letters respectively, and sent their absolute confidantes to Jinzhou Port to face "Hanwang", expressing that they would put state affairs first and stay on the front line of fighting the bandits.

Liu and Fang knew that the "King of Han" was not easy to deceive, so they had to show their attitude, clarify the pros and cons, and treat each other frankly.You can't tell the truth about Chongzhen, you can only make up nonsense to deceive.

Ever since, Chongzhen did not wait for Fang Zhenghua and Liu Zhilun to lead the troops back to Beijing, but learned that the bandits were not dead, and organized 30 people to prepare to cross the Yellow River north.

At this time, the Ming army gave up the natural danger of the Yellow River, and the losses caused were immeasurable. Therefore, Fang and Li, together with dozens of generals, joined forces to defend the defense line of the Yellow River until the Yellow River froze and increased again for the sake of the livelihood of millions of people in the capital. It is necessary and necessary for soldiers to strengthen defense.

Chongzhen was dumbfounded, what should I do if the Beijing elite can't come back?At the end of autumn, we have to increase our troops to prevent accidents. Where will the money and food for soldiers and horses come from?

Do we have to ask the "King of Han" to send the "Red Banner Army" that completed Pingliao to take over the Yellow River defense line? If so, wouldn't the capital be surrounded by the "Red Banner Army"?

It was raining all night, the boat was late and the wind was blowing. Only three days after receiving the joint memorial from the soldiers of the Beijing camp on the Yellow River defense line, the first batch of troops from the "Red Banner Army" who were evacuated to the pass arrived at Guangqumen in the capital. outside.

The "King of Han" was too arrogant, and he didn't ask for orders for the dispatch of soldiers and horses, and he didn't know the Ministry of War, which directly led to the fact that the court only learned the accurate news when the soldiers were approaching the city.

Even though Emperor Chongzhen was angry, he had nothing to do, because he found that in the entire capital, he seemed to be the only one sitting on pins and needles. Few of the civil and military officials, nobles, and eunuchs of the Manchu Dynasty were worried, and the common people were happy to hear it.

It is impossible for the "Red Banner Army" to continue to spend money and food in the outer space after the completion of the Liao Dynasty. It is a trend to enter the customs on a large scale, and no one can resist it. People will return every month in the future, and there will be more and more.

The military operation to sweep the prairie is underway, mainly consisting of cavalry and bicycle infantry, plus a hot air balloon flight team, equipped with a hundred hot air balloons, and each route has about [-] troops.

The formed ten-way army echoed each other. Due to the use of aerial reconnaissance, it was basically possible to predict the enemy first and attack accurately. It was absolutely impossible to encounter the enemy's cavalry surprise attack.

Tartars and Jiannu are good at playing hide-and-seek between the prairie, white mountains and black waters, and they basically choose to avoid fighting when facing the Ming army with absolute superiority in military strength.

Now it’s up to them whether they want to fight or not. With the flying army flying into the air in a hot air balloon for reconnaissance, they can definitely reach and clean up an area, and the Mongolian tribe can’t hide at all.

They found that they couldn't hide, and there were only three options: fight, surrender, and escape. There was no doubt about the ending. Facing the "Red Banner Army" armed to the teeth, the Mongolian light cavalry could not win or escape and could only choose to surrender obediently.

(End of this chapter)

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