The Soul of the Han Dynasty in the Late Ming Dynasty

Chapter 936 Destroying the Eagle's Nest

Chapter 936 Destroying the Eagle's Nest
The Tartar soldiers really wanted to leave everything behind and run away, but the cavalry of the "Red Banner Army" really couldn't catch up.

It's not that the knights of the "Red Banner Army" are too different from the Mongolian soldiers in terms of combat skills and riding skills, but that they are familiar with the environment and are light cavalry.

But the hiding place of the whole tribe has been discovered, only young and middle-aged people ran out, what will they eat and wear in the future?how to live?What about the wives, children and parents in the yurt?
Moreover, many Mongolian cavalrymen in the "Red Banner Army" shouted loudly to persuade them to surrender, threatened, and lured them. The people in the tribe knew that surrender would not only save them from death, but also save their entire family from death, and they could also get food as a reward.

If you escape and be surrounded, you will not only end up dead, but also harm your family.

No matter how high the eagle flies, it will always land and cannot hit the eagle. It can try to destroy the eagle's nest, crush the eggs and kill the chicks.

Originally, the Mongols had enough ability to go around in circles on the prairie to stun and wear down the Ming army, and escape the encirclement and suppression, but now it is not effective to repeat the old tricks.

They all saw the hot air balloon floating in the sky, and knew that the Ming army possessed such a magical weapon that their wives, children, sheep, and yurts could not hide.

What is the point to be alive?How many people can really let go of their wives, children, parents, and belongings?After the Mongols' psychological defense was defeated, too many small tribes gave up resistance and chose to surrender.

The advance speed of the "Red Banner Army" was neither too fast nor too slow, and many large tribes who were stubbornly resisting suffered devastating blows. Influential nobles, leaders, and leaders above the tenth commander were killed or captured and sent to Liaodong for labor reform. Break down and go their separate ways.

The split or original small tribes must unconditionally accept the management of the envoys appointed by the "King of Han". As long as they choose to surrender, they will not be hungry, because the "Red Banner Army" holds a butcher knife in one hand and cooking cakes in the other.

Not all the tribes assigned to manage the recognized tribes were Han Chinese, but more than half came from Mongolian cavalry who had done meritorious service, and most of them were wounded.

These people have shed blood for the "Han King", and their efforts have been generously rewarded. Too many people have changed from commoners to tribal leaders, and they may become new nobles after two or three generations.

Resolutely implement the upper limit of [-] string controllers for each tribe. This is the basic principle. If the upper limit is exceeded, it must be split again.

Each Mongolian tribe must select [-] recognized warriors as auxiliary soldiers to participate in the "Red Banner Army" operation.

There are too many Mongols who have received benefits as examples. The string controllers selected from various tribes are willing to sacrifice their lives for their future and money. Often, the servant army will kill the enemy without the "Red Banner Army" cavalry.

The most powerful enemy, Jiannu, has already subjugated the country, and the "Red Banner Army" is rich and powerful, with more than enough food and equipment.

As long as the Mongolian servants work hard, they can get the treatment and equipment of the guard army by virtue of their military merits. It is not uncommon for outstanding people to be selected as regular soldiers.

During this period of time, the Mongolian knights in the main soldiers of the "Red Banner Army" were more motivated. Every tribe with more than [-] string controllers had to be dismantled, which actually brought opportunities to more warriors.

Once the Mongolian cavalry who enjoy the treatment of regular soldiers retire and return to the tribe, it doesn't matter even if they don't become leaders.

Wait patiently for two or three years. During this period, dozens of young and middle-aged men will be organized to deliberately search for some scattered shepherds to be included in the tribe.

Of course, the "Red Banner Army" gave preferential treatment to veterans. As long as they participated in the selection, they would definitely give priority to becoming the chief of a new tribe.

What's more, after the veterans returned to the tribe, if the current leader targeted them, the cavalry of the "Red Banner Army" could not let them go.

Ten people from the "Red Banner Army" drove a distance of more than a thousand miles to Beiping, hunting scattered Mongolian tribes as much as possible. They did not pursue speed, but only hoped that after this large-scale military operation, the prairie would be stable for 30 years.

Huang Han believes that after replacing the Ming Dynasty, he will lead the development of hundreds of millions of Han people for 30 to [-] years, and the economic capacity, technological level, and population will double.

There is no doubt that the "Great Han Empire" will become stronger and stronger, and it is thankful that the grassland clan whose foundation has been shaken can not decline.

Intimidated by the powerful cavalry of the Han Dynasty, even if a certain grassland nation wants to take the lead, the only thing waiting for them is to beheaded.

The "Red Banner Army" and Jiannu fought against each other, and the Mongolian tribe suffered the most.

When Hauge fled last year, there were [-] people, most of them were the elites of the Two Yellow Banners, and there were also one or two thousand Gebush Xianchaoha, who possessed powerful force but no provisions.

Hunting is far from enough for them to survive. As long as they encounter Mongolian tribes along the way, they naturally need food, horses, wine and meat, without exception.

Not all Mongolian tribes were willing to honor Jiannu, and there were not a few who rose up to resist. Unfortunately, the fighting power of Jiannu was not comparable to that of the Tartars. The final result was that the entire tribe was dragged all the way north.

Hauge's ability is not strong, but compared to Hong Jieshi and Dorgon, his bloody rule is no less than his grandfather's wild boar skin.

He also grew up in the military camp, participated in fighting and killing people since he was a child, and was taught by his father, Hong Evil, by precept and deed.

Jiannu, who was already like a bereaved dog, had no scruples, and he showed no mercy to the Mongolian tribes who did not submit obediently, and killed them until they knelt down.

Hauge understands that Liaodong will definitely not be able to return in the short term. In order to avoid being surrounded by the "Red Banner Army" and try to leave seeds for the Qing Dynasty, they must escape as far as possible.

In order to survive, it is not enough to just run away, and someone has to herd and produce. Therefore, Hauge found that there was no "Red Banner Army" cavalry chasing after him and began to recruit Mongols.

When the "Red Banner Army"'s North Sweeping Operation began, the Hauge Department had carried tens of thousands of Mongols and walked northward for two months. Now it has arrived at the shore of Lake Baikal in later generations, a place called "Beihai" by Ming Dynasty, and it is a straight line distance from Shenyang. More than six thousand miles.

This area has sufficient water sources and too many grasslands. In the past, many Mongolian tribes lived and multiplied here, but none of them had tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, and no unity was formed.

Haoge brought more than [-] armored soldiers and tens of thousands of Mongols to the "Beihai" and continued his bloody rule. He killed people, robbed cattle, sheep, and women, and conquered dozens of tribes, large and small, with a population of [-] to [-] more. .

The action of sweeping the prairie did not find a few Jiannu for the time being, but conquered all the Mongolian tribes that could be found. It is estimated that it will take two or three months before the army can advance to Lake Baikal.

Due to a large number of surrenders and rebels, the results of the North Sweep were better than expected. The cavalry was no longer fighting less and less, but more and more.

Ever since, at the beginning of February, the first batch of infantrymen set foot on their way home, and the team that entered the customs in mid-February rushed to the capital.

(End of this chapter)

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