Chapter 937 Controlling Guangqumen

The vanguard troops who rushed to the Guangqu Gate of the capital were all infantry, artillery, and engineers. The number reached six thousand, and they carried more than three hundred anti-aircraft guns, large and small.

Among the leading generals are Sun Yuanhua, Li Weiluan, Xiang Zuolin and more than a dozen former Ming civil and military officers.

The purpose of Huang Han's arrangement is self-evident, which is to let the civil and military of the Manchu Dynasty see that following the "King of Han" can gain both fame and fortune.

The guard of the Guangqu gate in the outer city is only a real general, surnamed Zhang, and his soldiers are not even three hundred.

In order to flatter the "King of Han", he actually let these six or seven thousand guest soldiers with hundreds of anti-aircraft guns into the city. Now these "Red Banner Army" are also stationed in the outer city.

Chongzhen's character of bullying the weak and fearing the strong was fully exposed. Liu Zhilun, Fang Zhenghua, Zhou Yuji, Chen Gao, etc. had 6 horses in their hands.

A Qian Zong who guards the city gate with less than 300 troops dares to act presumptuously. Chongzhen will not let it go, order Tiqi to arrest him, and wait for the fate of this Qian Zong to fall to the ground.

When employing people, how can we let the generals of the Ming army who helped the "Red Banner Army" suffer unreasonable disasters.

Jin Yiwei had just received the task of arresting Mr. Qian for dereliction of duty, and the news leaked out. The banner guard transferred Mr. Zhang Qian's family members as quickly as possible, and asked Mr. Zhang to put on the uniform of the "Red Banner Army" commander-in-chief and stationed in the The "Red Banner Army" camp in the city that never sleeps.

When Tiqi rushed to the outer city, Mr. Zhang Qian's family had already gone to the empty building. Chongzhen was furious when he heard the news, and asked Jinyiwei, Dongchang, and Wucheng Bingmasi to jointly search and arrest.

It's a pity that three days passed without any progress. Li Ruolian and Cao Huachun personally went to the palace to report the truth. There were [-] small "Red Banner Army" soldiers stationed around the city that never sleeps.

All of them were heroes who had returned from the bloody battle in Liaodong. They were so angry that their subordinates did not dare to offend them, so the entire city that never sleeps was not searched.

The implication is that even a fool can hear that Mr. Qian is protected by the "King of Han".

The irritable Chongzhen was trembling with anger, but there was nothing he could do. Liu Zhilun and Fang Zhenghua's troops refused to come back. The number of troops capable of fighting in the capital might not be as many as the "Red Banner Army".

No way, Chongzhen could only choose to be patient again.

Li Ruolian and Cao Huachun sighed when they saw the emperor, one of them was in charge of Jinyiwei, and the other was in charge of Dongchang.

They were worried, because the emperor really did not care about the consequences to attack the "Red Banner Army", and they had to bite the bullet and do it.

After all, they have been favored by the emperor for many years, so there is no reason to back down at a critical moment, whether they can succeed is another matter.

Attitude is everything, you have to lead your troops to let the "Red Banner Army" defeat you, you can't take the initiative to surrender and lose your integrity and be cast aside by others.

However, the furious emperor just lost his temper, smashed a few tea bowls and vases, and then gave up. After that, wouldn't he have to retreat again and again in the future?

Cao and Li looked at each other, and silently exited the imperial study. Wang Chengen didn't say a word, but waved his hands, and several young eunuchs began timidly tidying up the tiles all over the floor.

As soon as he left the palace gate, Cao Huachun warmly invited Li Ruolian and said: "Lord Li, our family is unhappy and wants to drink some wine. How about we go to the city that never sleeps and get drunk?"

To a large extent, the East Factory was born to supervise the Jinyiwei. The successive factory supervisors and Jinyiwei commanders had to fight openly and secretly.

Li Ruolian hastily shied away and said: "Mr. Factory, this is not good, people's words are terrible! There are so many eyes and ears here, it is inevitable to give someone a handle, let's make an appointment another day."

Cao Huachun, who had a plan in mind, said: "What's the use of having more eyes and ears? You and I both know that guy is in the city that never sleeps, so what can we do? Hehe, our family knows that you have a fateful friendship with the 'King of Han', so you don't have to worry about retreating. Our family is not afraid, what are you worried about?"

Li Ruolian quickly explained: "The lower officials fought with the 'King of Han', but at that time they fought for the imperial court, and they fought against Jiannu. If anyone dares to rebel, the lower officials don't care who they are, and they will fight. "

"Okay, okay, there's no one else here, I'd better save these words for the emperor, and make him happy! Ming people don't say dark words, did you let that guy run away by revealing the news?"

"No, absolutely not. The officials are still guessing whether the factory owner leaked the news!"

"It's really not you!" Cao Huachun expressed doubts.

"It's really not, I can swear to the sky."

Li Ruolian really dared to swear, because he did not disclose the information, but he did not pay attention to secrecy. As soon as he received the task, he conveyed the order to Jin Yiwei Tongzhi, Qian Zong, and more than [-] people who signed it, and it was delayed for a little while when they assembled. an hour.

Even he didn't know which one directly offered his favor to the "Red Banner Army". He had been thinking about Lou Yun, You Cunqing, and Zhang Chao who were close to the "Red Banner Army" and guessed which one it was.

Cao Huachun said: "Our family planned to get drunk with Mr. Li and talk about private matters, but unfortunately Mr. Li refused to show respect!"

This is too serious, Li Ruolian quickly said: "It is better to obey orders than to be so respectful! Mr. Cao, please!"

The two of them came to one of the eight restaurants in the city that never sleeps, Drunken Immortal Restaurant, which specializes in Huaiyang cuisine, and asked for a private room to drink and talk about things.

It turned out that Cao Huachun felt that "it is difficult to be a human being, and it is difficult to be a human being" in the future, so he planned to retire bravely. He planned to ask the emperor to allow him to take leave and return home to recuperate on the grounds that he was plagued by various diseases.

Cao Huachun has served Chongzhen for many years, and he knows this master's nature. The Dongchang has been ineffective recently, and he, the factory supervisor, cannot be blamed. If he asks to retire at this time, the emperor will definitely let it go.

Sure enough, Cao Huachun was given a leave of absence by Enzhun the next day, and the post of factory manager fell to Wang Chengen.

There are rumors in the market that Mr. Cao resigned because he took the blame for covering up the criminal officials who committed the crime.

Everyone was talking about the "Red Banner Army" making too much noise, and even the owner of the factory was imprisoned. I am afraid that the emperor will take some measures.

However, the "Red Banner Army" did not stop there. Yang Danian demanded to take over the defense of the outer city on the grounds that the fighting power of the troops in the capital was too weak to be useful.

It is stated that the "King of Han" has killed as many as one million enemies, and more than a hundred thousand enemies. How can the palace not be properly protected?Before the "Hanwang" returns to Beijing, he has the responsibility to make preliminary preparations to ensure that the "Hanwang" is safe.

Regardless of whether the emperor agrees or not, Yang Danian directly dispatched a general infantry to control Guangqumen. This general's soldiers are all orphans. They don't recognize the emperor but only the patriarch, and their loyalty is impeccable.

Immediately, the two thousand general infantrymen took control of all the roads from Guangqumen to the city that never sleeps, and adopted three shifts to maintain law and order around the clock. From now on, the "Red Banner Army" could enter and leave the outer city without hindrance, and the rule of not being allowed to open the city gate at night would be ignored.

(End of this chapter)

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