Chapter 938
Although the "Red Banner Army" who entered the capital moved frequently, they did not disturb the people at all.

Not only was the life of residents in the outer city not affected, but it was also easier to do small businesses because of the presence of [-] more high-income "Red Banner Army" soldiers.

It is an inevitable trend for the "Red Banner Army" to enter the customs on a large scale. In the capital, it is necessary to have a large military camp that is completely its own and has independent defense functions.

Huang Han planned to build a wall outside the city with a circumference of four or five miles in front of Guangqumen. The west gate of the palace was two miles away from Guangqumen.

In ancient times, some large cities built battlements outside the city gates, and troops were stationed inside for defense, so that troops could be dispatched in time for rescue.

In order to avoid being attacked by the enemy when attacking the city, the enemy who attacked the city often had to spend a lot of troops to capture the battlements one by one before attacking the main city.

As the auxiliary defense system of the city, the Houtai plays the same role as the Urn City and the Moon City, except that one is inside the city and the other is outside the city, but they all have one thing in common—not much.

However, the palace that was about to break ground and be built in February was a bit scary, and it was not inferior to a county town. It was not a problem to garrison [-] troops, and it did not appear crowded.

This tower is actually a castle, Huang Han is going to give a name that sounds funny to later generations, but there is nothing ridiculous in this era - "Hamburger".

In fact, it is more worthy of the name to be called "Seoul" according to the scale, but the provincial capital of "Hanjiang Province" has already used this name, so it can only take second place.

As the name suggests, I am afraid that anyone who can read will understand it. As for whether it is understood as "the castle of the King of Han" or "the fortress of the Han people", it is actually the same thing.

Since it is necessary to build a brand new castle, of course it does not care about the cost. Most of the buildings in the castle are two or three-story brick-concrete structures. There will not be a thatched cottage in the entire castle, and the water supply and drainage systems are fully covered.

Daming is the gate of the emperor guarding the country. In history, the capital has encountered soldiers coming to the city many times. If there is an extra satellite city next to the capital, it will undoubtedly greatly enhance the defense of the capital.

Of course, Huang Han advocated active attack and wiped out the enemy in the enemy's country. In fact, there was no need to build too many cities in the hinterland.

However, the tall and majestic city will bring a sense of security and belonging to the military and civilian officials, and the completion of "Hamburg" will definitely have an extraordinary effect.

With the entry of the "Red Banner Army", the most obvious change in the outer city of the capital is the abolition of the curfew, Guangqumen is not closed at night, and there is always a [-]-member "Red Banner Army" on duty to check people coming and going.

In the past, you had to pay an entry fee to enter and leave the city gate, and you might be made things difficult by the city guards, and even women were touched a few times. Now these ugly phenomena are gone.

The soldiers of the "Red Banner Army" enforced the law in a civilized manner. They never asked for cards and did not charge entry fees.

Too many residents in the city, farmers outside the city, and merchants who come and go sincerely hope that the city gate will always be guarded by the "Red Banner Army" and that there will always be "Red Banner Army" in the capital to maintain law and order.

What's more, in order to save a few pennies to enter the city, many people deliberately bypassed Guangqumen to enter the city, especially for small businesses and hawkers in order to save money.

Gradually, too many people got used to going in and out of the capital through Guangqumen, where the "Red Banner Army" was stationed, not only because it saved money and trouble, but also because the scenery here is unique and makes people feel at ease.

All the avenues connecting Guangqumen to the Nightless City Pedestrian Street have been installed with fierce oil street lamps, and more and more stalls are set up as night markets. At night, too many residents in the city and suburbs come to visit the night market, and the Nightless City is worthy of the name.

The new dynasty must have a new look. The capital is the most benevolent area, and it must become a model for the world.

Punish evil and eradicate rape, promote righteousness, and create more job opportunities while doing everything possible to eliminate the impoverished people in the capital.

How to get a lot of unskilled people to work?Construction is the easiest way to create jobs. It not only spends money on the construction of "Hamburg", but also invests in the renovation of the shantytowns near Guangqumen in the outer city.

The area between Guangqumen and Zuoanmen is actually a remote place in the capital, and there are actually many farmlands, shallow ponds, and reed marshes.

The houses are scattered and unplanned, and most of them are folk houses, with thatched cottages and fence walls everywhere.

Huang Han wrote to Zheng Xiu'e and Xu Miaoyan to ask them to hire laborers to start demolition and construction at the beginning of spring. This fall, they will build the "Guangzuo Fudi" community with two or three-story brick-concrete buildings as the main body.

Water pipe network, sewer system, public toilets, artificial lakes, parks and other supporting facilities are also indispensable.

The terrain in this area is low-lying. The water surface of the wild lake was expanded by deep digging at the lowest point, and four or five artificial rivers were dug. The soil dug out was used to raise the ground, and all the excess soil was piled up to form a mountain.

Artificial lakes and artificial rivers are very important in this era, not only to increase drainage to prevent waterlogging, but also to store a large amount of water to prevent fires.

With the artificial river dividing the residential area, it is possible to contain the spread of the fire and prevent the company from burning.

Huang Han even drew a rendering similar to the garden-style community of later generations, except that a large park will be built near the Everbright City Children's Paradise.

In the future, this park with rockery, waterside pavilions, pavilions, pagodas, etc. will be provided free of charge for citizens to play and relax.

There is no human rights in this era, and most of the people living between Guangqumen and Zuoanmen are ordinary people, and there are not many wealthy businessmen.

Even so, Huang Han did not intend to treat them badly, buying land and houses at a price that was [-]% higher than the market price.

Shameless people really appear, let Jin Yiwei invite them to drink tea and have a good chat about life...

Zheng Xiu'e has practiced for many years, and has the ability, experience, power, and connections. She also has a team of technicians and craftsmen who developed the city that never sleeps.

In recent years, some construction and decoration work in the capital city has been completed. Given the cash, local labor force was recruited to launch naval battles. There is no difficulty in completing the construction in autumn.

After the formation of the "Guangzuo Fudi" community, it was connected with the Everbright City community, accounting for nearly half of the area of ​​the outer city.

Only when you live in peace can you be able to work happily. It took seven or eight months to build the most dilapidated area in the capital into the cleanest and most beautiful community, not at all for profit.

It is to show the civil and military skills of the "Han King" to the civil and military people of the Ming Dynasty.

There is a shock when there is a comparison. In this era, there is no navy to confuse black and white, and the eyes of the masses are discerning. The "King of Han" can not only defeat the slaves and eradicate hunger, but also provide job opportunities and improve the living environment.

Originally, many grassroots people in the capital had household registration books registered by the "Red Banner Army", and the food books distributed were able to buy cheap food and enjoyed a lot of favors.

Now that investment is being used to stimulate employment, the efforts to eradicate poverty have been increased, and housing projects have been built. The "Hanwang" has entered the capital, and I am afraid that there is limited opposition from the grassroots.

(End of this chapter)

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