The Soul of the Han Dynasty in the Late Ming Dynasty

Chapter 939 Capture of Zeelandia City

Chapter 939 Capture of Zeelandia City
In fact, during this period of time, too many civilian and military generals of the Ming Dynasty expressed their support, including many local officials, and there were not a few political envoys, governors, and prefects.

The shipbuilding industry in the system is booming, and several small steam engine ships suitable for sailing on the Yangtze River and several medium-sized sea-going ships have been launched.

Many ordinary people who have seen steam engine ships call this new thing "fire wheel", which may be named after the steam engine jets and emits fireworks.

At present, more than [-] large shipyards in "Tiger Cave City", Qingniwa, Tianjin Wei, Seoul Port, Nantong Prefecture, Shanhaiguan, and Lushunkou have concentrated their technical strength on the construction of steel "big steamers" with a displacement of one or two thousand tons. "Medium-sized steamers" with a displacement of less than [-] tons, and "small steamers" with a displacement of less than [-] tons.

Innovation and technological revolution are always in progress, and more than a dozen large, medium and small "fire ships" are launched every month.

In the transition period of at most three years, Huang Han plans to stop building wooden sailing warships, large merchant ships, and passenger ships.

In addition to maintaining the existing wooden sailing battleships in all military docks, professional manpower is required, and the rest of the craftsmen and technicians are all devoted to the construction of steel "fire wheels".

Huang Han strives to personally lead a fleet composed of [-] steel "fire ships" with a displacement of more than [-] tons to England in five years' time.

The British thought they had strong ships and sharp guns, and they came all the way to the Pearl River Estuary to do things, openly massacred unarmed common people, and it is not a gentleman to take revenge. Huang Han will lead the steel warships to fight back in the English Channel.

Steam engine, coal, and steel are the three main factors that contributed to the accelerated development of industrial revolution technology. The "Hanwang" system has achieved it, and the industrial revolution, technological innovation, and large-scale production are in progress.

But if you don't beat the British guys hard, there may be a British Empire that dominates and completes the "Glorious Revolution" in a few decades.

There is no good way, lead the steel fleet and bring tens of thousands of infantry to visit the British Isles, reduce their population, plunder their wealth, destroy their industrial base as much as possible, and weaken it to the greatest extent.

During the Qing Dynasty, tens of thousands of British and French allied forces dared to attack the capital, and staged a realistic version of the snake swallowing elephant, relying on the army equipped with advanced firearms.

Why can't Huang Han lead the "Red Banner Army" with tens of thousands of equipment leading the world to take London?
How much wealth will be obtained by looting this city?3000 million taels in silver?Or 5000 million?

When the Ming Dynasty fell, the capital was said to have been paid 7000 million taels of silver by "thieves". The old nest of the British would not even be able to match the wealth of the impoverished Ming capital, right?

The reason why the British Empire was able to rise rapidly was directly proportional to their speed of plunder.

Huang Han led an army to plunder Britain, which naturally strengthened the "Great Han Empire" and severely weakened the British Empire. The benefits are self-evident.

On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month in the 13th year of Chongzhen, Huang Yong's good news was sent urgently from Liubaili, and it was sent from the Zhongzuo Qianhu Guard Office in Xiamen, Fujian.

In mid-November last year, after Huang Yong led a warship formation into the Taiwan Strait, he was not in a hurry to land.

Instead, they searched and rounded up the warships of the Dutch East India Company. Within a month, they sank two warships and captured 1000 Dutch deck warships. They killed more than [-] sailors and gunners and captured more than [-].

In December, the Taiwan Strait was sunny and sunny. On the [-]th of the twelfth lunar month, the Marine Corps of the "Red Banner Army" landed and deployed, with the planned goal of capturing the city of Zeelandia.

This city was rebuilt by the Dutch on the site of the original Walled City. It has been built successively for more than ten years. It is the general hub for the Dutch to rule the whole island of Taiwan and foreign trade. One of the concentrated residences.

Hans Putmans is the fourth highest official stationed by the Dutch in Taiwan. He has been operating in Taiwan for ten years. I don’t know how many aborigines were massacred by the Dutch.

He has earned enough, eager to return to his hometown with the huge wealth plundered over the years to enjoy his aristocratic life, he has submitted his resignation long ago, and is waiting for the arrival of his successor.

Unexpectedly, it was not easy to stand on the last shift, and no ship had docked at the port of Zeelandia for a month in a row. Hans Putmans, a senior colonist, sensed danger.

He issued an order to let all the Dutch, including all Westerners, enter the city of Zeelandia in case of accidents, and deployed soldiers to call the leaders of the 28 indigenous societies that had been conquered.

During the Ming Dynasty, the aborigines in Taiwan were basically uncivilized, similar to a primitive society. The so-called society is actually a group of people who believe in their own tribal gods. The number of people is limited, and societies with more than a thousand people are rare.

Putmans had ten years of experience in dealing with the leaders of the society, and after some threats and lures, these leaders agreed to bring ten to twenty warriors from the society to help the Dutch guard the castle.

Huang Yong had a marine corps directly under his command, and more than [-] sailors and gunners participated in the siege. The total force dispatched reached [-], which should be about five times that of the Dutch defenders.

In fact, it is not accurate to estimate that there are about [-] defenders in Zeelandia City. It is not that there are not so many people, but that the number of regular troops is probably less than [-].

The "Red Banner Army" who was accustomed to strong winds and waves not only had an advantage in equipment, but also had an absolute advantage in strength. There was no suspense in attacking Zeelandia City, which was even smaller than a lower county town in Daming.

Three days later, the battle for the city of Zeelandia started, and the result was as expected.

The advent of the minigun was enough to change the tactics of the Middle Ages. The smoothbore artillery position could not cope with the precise shooting of the minigunners who showed the rapid movement of the skirmishers, and it was not good on the castle fort.

The deployment took three days, but the actual combat took only two hours.

It was the defenders of the city of Zeelandia who were beaten to the ground by the Mini gunmen without firing a few shots. Finally, the Dutch understood that resistance was futile and could not change the fate of the city of Zeelandia.

Therefore, under the leadership of Governor Hans Putmans, they chose to surrender decently, and the "Red Banner Army" got a basically intact European-style fortress. Huang Yong directly changed the name to "Longwu City".

Seizing the old lair that the colonists have been running for many years is not a big deal. Huang Yong was not afraid of the Dutch sending troops to retaliate, and robbed all the gold, silver, treasures and goods in the city of Zeelandia.

All the colonists have become extremely poor, and they have to become laborers to cultivate fields, mine stones, get up earlier than chickens and go to bed later than dogs.

The Minigunner approached the city of Zeelandia about [-] paces away and shot accurately. The Dutch's arquebus guns did not have enough range to fight back effectively, and they were basically beaten under pressure.

The Dutch in military uniforms were taken care of, and one or two hundred were killed on the spot, and about five hundred of the natives of the 28th Society held swords, guns, bows and arrows, and it was easy to distinguish them. Of course, the "Red Banner Army" would not target them.

(End of this chapter)

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