The Soul of the Han Dynasty in the Late Ming Dynasty

Chapter 940 Taiwan Island included in the territory

Chapter 940 Taiwan Island included in the territory

Therefore, when the Dutch gave up resistance and surrendered, the native soldiers of the 28th Society suffered little loss. More than [-] people were accidentally injured, and only a few were killed.

In the minds of the natives, the Dutch with their guns and live ammunition were strong enough, but now they finally found that the Ming army was even more powerful and daunting.

The leaders of the 28th Society had never seen tens of thousands of troops. The "Red Banner Army" not only had sharp weapons but also a large number of people. The indigenous armed forces were completely deterred.

When the "Red Banner Army" took over the city of Zeelandia, the leaders of the indigenous community led the young and middle-aged men in the community to kneel down and kowtow to beg for mercy.

Did the aborigines of Taiwan live here for generations?Or from the Asian continent?Or from Luzon, Malay Peninsula?Not testable.

The "Red Banner Army" treated them simply and rudely. If they chose to submit to Wang Hua in the future, they would survive. Their young people and children would be educated and given the opportunity to learn Chinese, so that there would be no language barrier between societies.

Still keep wild and disobey the ruler, kill without mercy!There are so many Han people, so they don't care about this little bit of dissatisfied with Wang Hua's population.

Most of the barbarians worshiped the strong, and the 28 clubs chose to surrender without exception, and basically no major bloodshed occurred.

The "Red Banner Army" dispatched manpower to manage the aborigines, taught them how to farm, and dispatched medical teams to save lives and heal the wounded. It feels great to have Kinney, and too many aborigines afflicted by malaria have been cured.

It didn't take long for the red flags of the "Red Banner Army" and the dragon flags of the Longwu Navy to take root in the hearts of the indigenous people. The [-] indigenous armed forces recruited have already begun to receive training from the "Red Banner Army" instructors.

At this time, the island of Taiwan had long been occupied by Zheng Zhilong, and the area around Hong Kong was the base of the Zheng family.

In the seventh year of the Apocalypse, the third governor of the Netherlands stationed in Taiwan, Peter Nuyz, tried in vain to expel Zheng Zhilong and sent troops to attack Hong Kong.

But being beaten to the bum by Zheng Jiajun, who had superior military strength, he finally had to sit down and negotiate to cooperate with Zheng Zhilong.

In the next ten years, although the two sides were wary of each other, they maintained restraint and lived in peace.

However, due to the pressing force of the "Longwu Navy", Zheng Zhilong had to choose to go to the Gulf of Siam for development in recent years.

When Huang Yong led the "Longwu Navy" to assist Zheng Zhilong in taking down "Star Island" and built the "Sea City" with more than [-] large-caliber artillery and the main structure made of stone and concrete.

With what he thought was an indestructible lair, Zheng Zhilong was in high spirits. Based on "Star Island" and looking forward to Southeast Asia, Zheng's army controlled the Strait of Malacca, robbed many merchant ships and warships, obtained a lot of gold and silver treasures and goods, and tasted the big sweetness.

Warships are growing, but manpower cannot keep up with the development needs. Zheng Zhilong is also eager for population. He not only evacuated the old ministry from Yaogang, but also emigrated in large numbers from his hometown in Fujian.

The current population of Yaogang has dropped from [-] to [-] in its heyday to only [-] to [-].

Attacking a small city of Zeelandia may be somewhat difficult for Zheng Zhilong Group, but it is no challenge for the Marine Corps of the "Red Banner Army".

Therefore, Huang Yong did not contact the few Zheng family troops in Yaogang to participate in the attack.

Instead, after taking the city of Zeelandia, send someone to notify the Zheng family army, and tell them that within the next year, the "Red Banner Army" will expel, capture, and kill all the Western Yi on Taiwan Island, and conquer all the company.

It was Zheng Zhilong's nephew Zheng Cai who stayed behind in Yaogang. He was notified by Huang Yong, and he was very excited to learn that the Dutchman had disappeared in ashes.

After getting rid of his confidant's serious troubles, he didn't have to worry about the future, and rushed to Zeelandia City, which is more than a hundred miles away from Hong Kong, to meet Huang Yong with seven or eight hundred guards.

Three months later, a general "Red Banner Army" will lead [-] indigenous armed forces and [-] Zheng Jiajun to search the mainland of Taiwan with military dogs.

The task is to conquer the indigenous tribes scattered in the mountains, and eventually the entire island of Taiwan will be planted with red flags, and there will be no more aliens or Western colonists.

Of course, all of the above are things for later, and Huang Yong does not need to do these specific tasks himself, as long as he is a regular soldier of the "Red Banner Army", he can be competent for this kind of work.

After defeating the Dutch and taking the city of Zeelandia, Huang Yong did not take the fleet back to Liaodong Bay, but sent two warships and seven merchant ships to transport the spoils back to the "Tiger's Cave City", and took the captive Dutch with military ranks. Bring them all.

To say that the sea coachman is really not built, the old nest run by the Dutch East India Company is very rich.

There is more wealth in the city of Zeelandia than in the pirate's lair. According to preliminary statistics, the value of gold and silver treasures plus goods, warships, merchant ships, and slaves is no less than 1000 million taels of silver.

The "Red Banner Army" only rescued Han Chinese who were slaves. In Zeelandia, there were one or two thousand slaves from other countries captured by the Dutch. How could the Longwu Navy have the obligation to support these people? Labor use.

Huang Yong left behind a thousand marines to garrison "Longwu Fort". He continued to lead the fleet to complete the trade, and he was going to patrol the Gulf of Siam to help Zheng Zhilong solve the Xiyi warships that came to provoke trouble.

At this time, after Huang Han participated in arranging ten groups of troops to sweep the prairie in Liaoyang, he had already returned to "Tiger Cave City" to sit in town at the end of the first month for the convenience of contact.

It is impossible for him to waste time and not change his habit of being a teacher, and immediately organize a study class to train grassroots officials.

One thousand injured soldiers who were not seriously disabled and were persuaded to retire, and a thousand subordinate staff with more than one year of work experience called from the system, from the ninth rank, the regular ninth rank, and the eighth rank civil officials to the re-expanded military academy.

Militarized management, closed learning, school starts on the first day of February, and lasts for five months. Students who pass the final exam can be promoted to a higher level, but they don't need to return to their original units.

The purpose of training these two thousand low-level officials is to send them all to Nanzhili, Shandong, Zhejiang, Fujian, Huguang and other regions to actually control the counties in July.

There are six people in each county, three civil and military people each. The "Sifang Bank" and "Red Flag Food Bank" provide money and food, and the local banner guards provide convenience.

There will be more and more veterans, and there are too many people who are reluctant when they are persuaded to leave the army. They are all willing to work in the "Red Banner Army" until they grow old.

Their enthusiasm is commendable, but it is impossible and not allowed to serve for life, only generals can do this, and everyone below the leader must retire.

The Liaodong War has come to an end. Many strong men who have followed Huang Han in Chongzhen for three years are now in their twenties or even over 30 years old. How to arrange these low-level officers, grass-roots non-commissioned officers, and soldiers who are loyal to themselves and have shed blood is very difficult. important.

Fortunately, after joining the "Red Banner Army", every soldier had to learn culture. After serving in the army for more than five years, even in [-], he was basically able to write and count, and his obedience and discipline were impeccable.

Huang Han taught some knowledge of local governance by hand, and told every preparatory magistrate, as long as they have a public heart, do not think about profit all the time, work hard, obey the orders of their superiors, and convey public opinion in a timely manner, a pig can manage a country well. place.

Each county has three military posts responsible for arresting bandits and maintaining law and order. Their functions are similar to those of public security, procuratorate, and law, but they have the command power of local armed regiments.

Of course, the three civil servants are in charge of civil affairs, one chief and two deputy, and the three supervise each other so as not to talk about each other.

(End of this chapter)

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