The Soul of the Han Dynasty in the Late Ming Dynasty

Chapter 941 It's a matter of human effort

Chapter 941 It's a matter of human effort
Huang Han knows that there is no perfect system in the world, only a system that is constantly being explored and improved.

It depends on man's will. To make the country long-term peace and stability, whether it is democratic or not is not important at all.

That's because too many Shengdou people in real life are in a daze, unable to make decisions at all.Letting elites represent democracy is not necessarily a bad thing.

To manage a large country, the most important thing is to manage officials, officials and the army well.

To put it bluntly, as long as all the people who eat the imperial food are managed well, the country will naturally be governed, and the common people will definitely be able to live and work in peace and contentment.

Shengdou people basically don't see officials above the county magistrate, and they only deal with the lowest-level subordinates and yamen servants. How about the emperor?Is the minister competent?Shengdou Xiaomin didn't know and didn't know.

In the eyes of ordinary people in Shengdou, those subordinate officials and yamen servants who manage them and ask them for taxes represent the imperial court, the emperor and all civil and military officials.

Huang Han came from a later generation. He understands that small officials are extremely destructive and that the government has no credibility. Of course, we must do our best to prevent problems before they happen. The rectification of officials is naturally targeted, and the heavy blows are directed at subordinate officials below the eighth rank. .

The purpose of selecting more than a thousand veterans with impeccable loyalty to participate in the management of the place is to improve force deterrence and mix sand.

After all, the growth environment of the soldiers and the scholar is completely different. I am afraid that it will be difficult for the two sides to fight fiercely. They can only seek common ground while reserving differences, which can better avoid the blindness of the upper echelons caused by a group of harmony.

This time, Huang Han personally organized the training of grassroots officials, and clearly told everyone that most of the subordinate officials are local snakes, and they are inextricably linked to local powerful and aristocratic families.

Encourage retired veterans to show the courage to charge on the battlefield. Don’t be afraid of offending others. Anyone who commits crimes must be brought to justice. If you encounter problems that cannot be solved by local regiment training, you can call the "Red Banner Army" stationed nearby to send troops assist.

I warn all the civil officials that after coming to work in the local area, they must not be corrupted and ruined by the aristocratic family.

Huang Han is extremely confident in this point, political power grows out of the barrel of a gun, and in the face of the army, the local tyrants are nothing.

With money, food, military force, and banner guards to provide information, if the six-member group cannot form its own team to take over the place and take over the former magistrate within half a year, it will have to be replaced. Obviously, the ability of these six members is not good enough.

Elevating the prefect of Daming County does not mean that these scholar-bureaucrats will be abandoned. If they are willing to change their course, Huang Han welcomes them. It is no problem to become an official, but they must follow the regulations of the "Hanwang" department, and the same capable people will be selected during the assessment. , The mediocre is under.

The territory of the future "Great Han Empire" is so vast that it needs too many civil servants and generals, and scholars are not superfluous. As long as they are willing to do things, they will arrange things for them. If the empire cannot be settled in the mainland, it can go to South, North America, and Australia to conquer foreign countries. people.

The more than [-] trainees who were able to participate in the training personally guided by the "King of Han" were inexplicably excited. No one learned passively, and everyone was proactive. Civilian staff helped veterans learn literature, and military trainees accompanied officials and small officials to practice martial arts one-on-one.

The classmates are all working hard to get along with each other, and they have learned not to care about small things, but to be unambiguous about big things.

The students all know that in the future, everyone will go to the local government to be an official, and the relationship with classmates is also an important resource. In the future, we may not be able to ask for help. Of course, we must make more friends and less enemies.

The vast majority of professional courses are taught by lecturers, professors, and academicians drawn from several universities and colleges. These scholars know that this is training local officials and feel a great responsibility, so they take it very seriously.

Many teaching contents are very simple, but they need to be memorized by rote. For example, there are more than one hundred and dozens of important policies and regulations, which require all students to memorize memorization, regardless of whether they are civil or military.

Demonstration case explanation and analysis courses are the most popular, because the live performances are similar to dramas where students play the role of the sufferer, the defendant, the third-class yamen servant, the county magistrate, the county magistrate, etc.

This model achieves entertaining and entertaining, and every model judgment is kept in mind by the trainees, and they can follow the example when handling cases in the future.

This training is really not just pretending to give students a gold-plated certificate of completion. There are many learning tasks, and there is no human relationship. Everyone must pass the final exam on their own strength.

Huang Han spends time every day giving two basically the same classes. This is because the auditorium of more than 2000 people can't accommodate them, so they can only attend the classes in two batches.

Because there is no loudspeaker, even if the echo design of the auditorium is perfect, if more than a thousand people listen to the class together, if they don't keep their full attention, the students in the back row may not be able to hear clearly.

In order to let more students hear the content clearly, Huang Han was almost hysterical when he gave a speech, a bit like the mustache that everyone on Earth knows.

The main content that Huang Han wants to talk about is political ideology and how to be an official, how to weigh national interests and local interests, and how to be worthy of the country and live up to the people in the jurisdiction.

The Ming Dynasty had formed a bad atmosphere. If an official was ruthless in collecting taxes, he would be dubbed a "cruel official", and even encountered a boycott, and was finally dismissed from office.

Xiucai Gong and Tong Sheng dared to organize hundreds of people to attack the county government and expel the county magistrate.

No one would think that this was trampling on the law, and everyone applauded it.

Officials who don't take the fulfillment of the country's taxes seriously are praised as the masters of the blue sky who don't compete with the people for profit.

Taxation is the financial basis to support the operation of the state machinery. Officials are hired by the state with salaries, and they serve the state as a matter of course. All officials must be responsible to the state first.

Under the rule of Huang Han, the corvee and tax must be light, and there is no such thing as exploiting the common people to sell their sons and daughters. When local people suffer from natural disasters, they not only reduce taxes, but also distribute food to the victims.

Under such preconditions, officials who are unable to collect taxes are lightly dismissed, and those with serious circumstances are sentenced to reeducation through labor for the crime of dereliction of duty.

To be generous to the country, to make a name for himself, his heart can be condemned, so it is necessary for such an official to dig mines, mine stones and receive re-education.

The main reason for the downfall of the Ming Dynasty was the exhaustion of finances. The most fundamental reason was that there was a huge injustice in tax sharing. It was impossible to collect taxes from the rich and desperately exploit the poor. It would be strange if the country did not perish.

The taxation of the "Great Han Empire" in the future will focus on industrial and commercial tax, mining tax, and vehicle and vessel tax. The head tax will be abolished, and the mansion tax will be increased. The tax per mu will decrease year by year, and eventually it will only account for about half of the yield per mu...

In order to prevent local officials from cooperating to deceive others, Huang Han clarified his responsibilities and obligations during the training, and warned the local officials that there are flag guard activities in various places. Only by doing things in a down-to-earth manner and being a person in a responsible manner can the road get wider and wider.

With the experience of "Hanwang" teaching in person, the future of these two thousand students is limitless, but it is impossible to know who can resist corruption and never touch them. Officials were beheaded for corruption.

Power is fascinating. Once you have it, it is always easy to lose yourself. The alarm bell rings to improve the supervision system, not only to be responsible to the country, but also to the officials, so as not to regret it later when you are beheaded because of corruption.

(End of this chapter)

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