Chapter 942 Comeback
When Huang Han was busy training low-level officials at the "Tiger Den City" Military Academy, the nine-month North Sweeping Operation led by generals such as Hanzi and Wang Zhicheng was underway.

The planned task is to advance step by step, to conquer the Mongols while chasing the Jiannu, and to drive the Jiannu and the Mongols who refuse to submit to the farther north if they cannot kill them all.

Looting is the nature of these nomads. It is difficult for them to rob the Han people far away from the Great Wall, and they are frightened by the "Red Banner Army". The next step should be to go west to rob Lao Maozi.

In the past, these unorganized and undisciplined nomads may not be able to do it, but the situation is completely different now.

There are more and more Mongolian tribes fleeing to the north, the population of the extreme north has doubled, there is not enough food, and there are strong Jian slaves who are leading the way. I am afraid that the old man will be exhausted.

Historically, Jiannu was lucky enough to get the fancy world of the Han people, which directly led to a large number of nomadic peoples in the north moving south, and the population of the extreme north dropped sharply.

After the rising Principality of Muscovy expelled Mongolia and restored its homeland, it then expanded to Siberia, and the Mongolian tribe of Baliyat, which had been active in the west of Lake Baikal for a long time, gradually migrated to the east of the lake.

The final result is well known. Lao Maozi not only occupied Siberia and the Baikal Basin, but also expanded to Heilongjiang, and even seized the area east of the Ussuri River, including Vladivostok.

Now that history is about to be rewritten, the Jiannu and Tartars who were expelled from Monan and Mobei by the "Red Banner Army" are very likely to join forces to develop westward, where there are still many Mongolian tribes.

In the past 200 years, the Mongols have been massacred by Lao Maozi, and the hatred between them can be said to be as deep as the sea.

With the help of Jiannu, can we unite most of the Mongolian tribes such as the Torghut and Durbert tribes living in Russia and on the border? Will the "yellow peril" come back and sweep across Europe again?unknown.

Once Huang Han can find out that Hauge is developing westward, it is very possible to let him live, and even trade with him, allowing him to exchange the gold and silver treasures he robbed from the old Maozi for armor, cold weapons, food, and agricultural tools.

Lao Maozi's aggressiveness is well known. Russia is now in the era of the Romanov dynasty, and countries such as Poland, Lithuania, and Ukraine are also Lao Maozi's sworn enemies.

If the Mongolian Tatars in the east become the climate, the speed of Russia's rise will be effectively curbed.

Next to the couch, how can you allow others to snore and sleep!It is impossible for Huang Han to tolerate the "Great Han Empire" having a huge and ambitious neighbor. Even if he can't destroy him, he must try to dismember him.

Don't worry, take your time, it doesn't matter if you wait ten or eight years!Let the Jiannu and Tartars toss it hard first!

In fact, except for the Manchu and Qing puppet cities that were turned into ruins, the other cities in Liaodong basically did not suffer major damage. After the Lantern Festival, the "Red Banner Army" and the Guards Army formed a team of ten 2-horse troops to carry out a sweeping campaign.

In the deep mountains and old forests, the military dog ​​search team played a big role. Many Jiannu who had not escaped to the north were found. A small half of them were shot or beheaded, and a large half chose to surrender.

At the end of February, Yan Yingyuan, who received the order, brought a general of the "Red Banner Army" to Liaoyang to select the slaves who surrendered.

The planned task is to select [-] complete slaves from families to immigrate to the "Ezo Land" of the Wa Kingdom, which will be Hokkaido in the future.

The climate there is similar to that of Liaodong, but I don't know if Jiannu can win against Japanese pirates?
It is estimated that the "Red Banner Army" will continue to deliver supplies, increase the Tartars, Jiannu young adults, and captured Xiyi musketeers, and Jiannu will soon be able to defeat the shogunate army and the indigenous armed forces of Ezo.

This is of course because of the "Red Banner Army" pulling sideways, which caused the shogunate army of the Japanese general who conquered barbarians to fight inextricably with Amakusa Tokisada's Christian army, and the troops in Ezo were constantly being transferred and weak.

At this time, Huang Han didn't make a plan to swallow the Japanese country, and planned to let them pick peaches after another year or two of chaos.

In fact, the land of the Wa Kingdom has strong resistance, poor resources, and low cost performance.

It would be better to annihilate the Zheng Group first and swallow the country of Day Viet, and take that piece of fertile land that contains a large amount of high-quality coal and iron ore and can grow high-quality rice three times a year.

There is also the Australian continent, which is currently almost no one cares about. There are only a small number of aboriginals in the state of primitive society. My mouth is watering just thinking about it.

Time does not wait for me, Chongzhen will always solve a big problem in 13 years, as for first stealing the great Ming Dynasty, ascending the throne and proclaiming himself emperor to establish the "Great Han Empire".

It's better to wipe out the rogues first, and arrest Li Zicheng. Huang Han really didn't think about it. He was going to stay in the capital to see the situation, and then follow the trend.

The reason for being so cautious was to avoid fighting in the same room as much as possible, and he didn't have any worries about killing the rogue Huang Han. Huang Han really couldn't do anything to kill Ming's loyal ministers and Ming soldiers who refused to surrender.

Although it is said that "if the sky has love, the sky will also grow old, and the right way in the world is vicissitudes of life." But the fresh lives of the Han people are not numbers in the history books, and it is best to evolve peacefully.

Moreover, it is true that Emperor Chongzhen was mainly responsible for the subjugation of the Ming Dynasty, but he did not become the king of the subjugation, but chose to commit suicide and die for the country.

Huang Han didn't want to force him too hard, lest Chongzhen hang himself again.

In March, Huang Han, who was busy training grassroots officials, received Qian Qianyi, a leader of the Donglin Party who came to meet him on his own initiative.

The main reason why he came late was that Wen Tiren, the former chief assistant of the Ming Dynasty who had framed him, worked in the "Hanwang" department and was reused. Qian Qianyi felt somewhat uncomfortable.

Later, he visited Xu Guangqi, Chen Qiyu, Sun Yuanhua and other former Donglin party members respectively, and had face-to-face detailed talks with them, and finally made up his mind to join the "King of Han".

In history, Qian Qianyi was weak-boned, and it was a last resort to shave his head and become a traitor. He has been secretly supporting the anti-Qing movement since then, and in the end he became a man of innocence and was ridiculed by later generations.

It is an established policy to unite all forces for my use. Qian Qianyi has a great reputation. Of course, he can't be turned away if he takes the initiative to vote. It is necessary to give him courtesy.

Politicians can't handle things according to their own likes and dislikes. They should proceed from the overall situation and correctly handle partial interests and overall interests.

Huang Han warmly invited Qian Qianyi to visit the military academy, and did not shy away from him at all, allowing Qian Qianyi to stay in the academy to attend various courses.

Although this leader of the Donglin Party has a lack of integrity, he has extraordinary knowledge, insight, and bearing. He is one of the "Three Masters of Jiangzuo" who has a wide range of literature, history, classics, and Buddhist collections.

He also once held a high position, but was a court official who served as the minister of the Ministry of Rites of the Ming Dynasty.

Otherwise, the "Hedong Lord" who was both talented and beautiful in history would not have taken a fancy to him and married him as his concubine.

(End of this chapter)

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