Chapter 944
From winter to spring, all kinds of flowers are in full bloom, and the prairie in early April is the time of spring and beauty.

It's a pity that the sound of rumbling horseshoes, crackling blunderbuss, earth-shattering shouts of killing, and howling of despair ruined a very good scene.

The majestic roar of the knights of the "Red Banner Army" resounded through the valley: "Kill the Jiannu, kill the Tartars, you sons and daughters, go!"

"Don't be obsessed, get off your horse, kneel down and surrender to avoid death! The 'Red Banner Army' gives preferential treatment to prisoners!"

The Tartars were heartbroken: "The Ming army is coming, brothers, don't love to fight, run!"

"That's the 'Red Banner Army'. It's the 'Red Banner Army' that beat the Jurchens to their knees. Don't run around, the only way to survive is to surrender!"

Mongolian persuasion came continuously: "Brothers, we are also Mongols, and now we have taken refuge in the "Han King" and are the soldiers of the "Red Banner Army". The "Han King" is kind and never bullies the Mongols. ' can live a good life."

The voices of pleading came one after another: "Sir, we have never betrayed Daming, and we have been bullied by the Jurchens all the time, stop beating us, we surrender..."

"We are willing to serve the 'King of Han' and follow the army to pursue the Jurchens."

"Our tribe has a deep hatred with the Jurchens, sir, take us with you! We want to seek revenge from the Jurchens."

Those who follow me prosper and those who oppose me perish! The North Sweeping Army of the "Red Banner Army" has been advancing for two and a half months, conquering and surrendering all the way, and it is already four thousand miles away from Shenyang.

On the endless prairie, the flying army participated in the search of the yurts, and the field of view was wide in the hanging basket. With a fixed telescope, the flocks and cavalry within [-] miles around the hot air balloon could be seen at a glance.

Contrary to the air raid on Shenyang, the gondola under the hot air balloon used for the search was not just one flying army, but a combination of three.

They only carry nine light-weight ten thousand enemies, one fixed telescope, two telescopes, weighing no more than 120 kilograms, and each is equipped with a Minigun, which can shoot at an altitude of 100 meters at enemy troops who are less than 300 meters away from the hot air balloon cavalry.

They can play semaphore to point out the direction of the enemy for the "Red Banner Army" cavalry. If the wind direction is suitable, the flying army can ride the wind to chase the enemy.

If the wind is too strong or the wind direction is wrong, in order to prevent loss of control, the hot air balloon can only take off in a fixed mode with the ground, which can only widen the field of vision and cannot attack ground troops.

Even so, facing the flying army floating in the sky, the Tartars had no choice but to look up to the sky and sigh.

The Tartars are not stupid, they know how to stand tall and see far. Some chiefs of big tribes have even trained falcons to find the enemy and try to predict the enemy first.

Now that the Ming army has gone to the sky, like eagles, where else can they shelter?
The equipment and combat effectiveness of the "Red Banner Army" are completely different, and the way the Tatars used to deal with Ming Chengzu in the past did not work at all.

In history, Chengzu of the Ming Dynasty once mobilized 50 soldiers and civilians to sweep the North. Unfortunately, the Tartars all chose to avoid the war. On the vast prairie, the place of life was unfamiliar, and the Ming army really couldn't find the enemy.

In the end, Zhu Di led the Ming army to the prairie for an armed parade, and withdrew back to the customs in desperation, with few victories.

This time, the "Red Banner Army" achieved brilliant results in sweeping the north. Mongolia suffered heavy losses in Monan and Mobei. Great Northwest Migration.

Now the four groups of Hanzi, Wang Zhicheng, Sang Yu, and Wang Zhanpeng have reached "Aoergao". This is the Ulan Bator of later generations, and it is also the largest living Buddha Jebtsundamba Hutuk of the Khalkha tribe in this era. The map is stationed in tin.

As more and more Mongolian tribes were conquered, more than [-] Mongolian light cavalry were attached, half of them enjoyed the treatment of the guards, and more than [-] were selected as regular soldiers.

The expulsion of the Tartars was very effective. With the Mongols in the lead, the casualties of the "Red Banner Army" were negligible.

Hanzi, Wang Zhicheng, Sang Yu, etc. led the soldiers with strong morale and continued to go north, and the next stop was "Beihai".

It's a pity that the Hauge Department has already talked about the red change. They learned from the Waikalkha cavalry who fled north that the "Red Banner Army" had already killed "Aoergao", and they dared not sit still and started migrating again.

It is well known that the further north you go, the harsher the climate, how do so many people live?The only way out is to go west. Jiannu and Tartars have no second choice but to go west.

They took their families and drove the carriages full of belongings and food, as well as the cattle and sheep reserved for breeding, and ran unhappily.

However, the "Red Banner Army" was also not advancing quickly while searching and fighting. Since Hauge set off a month earlier, when Hanzi led his troops to the "Beihai" boundary in late May, they could not find Jiannu.

The "Beihai" area is too large. After nearly half a month of searching, only sporadic Mongolian tribes were found. After chasing westward for a month, the "Red Banner Army" began to slowly return south at the end of July.

Wang Zhicheng, Sang Yu, Mao Chenglu, Pan Yingyong and other seven battalions will be stationed in the vast area of ​​"Beihai" and "Aoergao".

Their battalion has undergone structural adjustments, reducing infantry and adding one thousand cavalry, reaching the standard of the new cavalry battalion outside the customs with seven cavalry and three infantry.

In the future, there will be an average of [-] cavalry in a battalion, and at least [-] cavalry battalions of more than [-] bicycle infantry will be formed to stay outside the pass, and the number of cavalry will be kept at [-].

Coupled with the Mongolian light cavalry who enjoy the treatment of the guard army, the total number of cavalry outside the pass must not be less than [-]. With such strength, it is enough to eliminate the enemy within a radius of [-] miles before it is formed.

Next spring, at least seven castles will be built between "Beihai" and "Aoergao", and the distance between the two cities will not exceed [-] miles.

Try to spend three years to extend the Guanwai city connected by the official road to the northern end of the "Beihai".

Sand and gravel roads should be built in areas where conditions permit, and simple dirt roads should also be built in areas where conditions are not mature. Concrete roads should be built as much as possible between Monan and the cities within the Great Wall.

As for the farther north, building castles will not be considered for the time being. The weather conditions there are too bad, and there are very few indigenous people. As long as there are no old men immigrating in large numbers, there is no need to garrison troops for a long time, and regular patrols are enough. That piece of land cannot be lost.

All in all, from the northern end of the "Beihai" to Jinzhou Port, which is [-] miles away, a certain city is under attack, and the cavalry stationed in the southern and northern cities closest to this city will spend two days. Rush to the battlefield.

These cities are combined with small castles, and fixed telescopes are used to form a defense system from point to area. During the day, semaphore is used, and at night, lights are used to secretly communicate, dividing the entire Monan and Mobei prairie into two.

Three years later, the military situation that "Beihai" needs to convey will be relayed by semaphore during the day and light code transmission at night. Unless there are irresistible factors such as weather, the emergency military situation must be sent to the capital and sent to the Ministry of War within two days.

Of course, those who stayed on the prairie were mainly cavalry, and more than half of the cavalry came from the surrendered Mongolian tribes.

On the prairie, all the tribes changed their faces when they talked about Han, and those who did not surrender all migrated to the far west and north.

The rest are tribes managed by the "Red Banner Army".

Each tribe has 30 warriors with the most combat effectiveness to serve the "Red Banner Army", and it is not uncommon for them to be treated as regular soldiers.

(End of this chapter)

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