Chapter 945
Thirty string controllers were selected from the conquered Mongolian tribes to serve as auxiliary soldiers in the "Red Banner Army".

Their performance is directly linked to the treatment of their tribe. The higher the proportion of being selected as guards and regular soldiers, the more quotas the tribe will receive in terms of grain, iron, silk, cloth, etc.

The number of cattle, sheep, horses, and fur orders they get will also increase in proportion. Not only will the military families who receive the treatment of regular soldiers move towards a well-off level, but it will also directly lead to a substantial improvement in the living standards of the entire tribe.

The characteristic of human nature is that it is only driven by its own interests. Huang Han understands this truth. He never speaks of false idealism, but allows those who choose to follow him to get more benefits, and treats the tartars as much as possible. .

After the conquest, a policy of gentleness was adopted, but it was completely different from the Manchu and Qing wooing the upper-class princes and nobles and using religious beliefs to rule the prairie.

The "Red Banner Army" is to eliminate the upper-class princes and nobles, downplay religious beliefs, and give civilians the opportunity to gain military merit and become their masters.

Tell stories from slaves to generals, advocate self-improvement, break the original rule, and establish a new order.

Although the famous people in the grassland are poor, they are as arrogant and extravagant as the princes and nobles, and the grassroots herdsmen also dare not speak out.

The "Red Banner Army" went to the prairie, and the original rulers were killed or taken away and sent to mines and quarries for labor reform.

The bitter shepherds got grain, ironware, cotton cloth and even silk.

They also got fairness, and had the opportunity to be a leader and a general, and most of the low-level herdsmen felt proud.

Coupled with the fact that there are no large tribes in the actual control area of ​​​​the "Red Banner Army", the north should be able to guarantee peace for 30 to [-] years.

Eliminating the threat from the north, Huang Han finally freed his hands to enter the pass.

At this moment, there was good news that the fleet sailing to America returned safely again under the leadership of Shi Daxuan, Wang Zheng, Yu Fei and others.

Due to accumulated experience and sufficient preparations, at least 10,000 rubber trees transplanted to Hainan Island can survive this time, and the raw rubber brought back is as high as [-]+ catties.

Many new varieties of potatoes and maize have been found, some cinchona trees have also been brought back, and there are still many seeds of crops, melons, fruits, and nuts to be studied.

In the past two years, Shi Daxuan, Huang Yi, Yu Fei and others led the soldiers to continuously attack, and the entire Central America has been included.

The Longwu Navy has more than [-] battleships cruising in the Americas. How can such resources be wasted, and they are too busy fighting pirates and robbing armed merchant ships.

The "Red Banner Army" pioneering group has established eight cities with good ports and docks on the west coasts of South and North America. Steel factories, cement factories, and docks are all in production.

In the returning fleet, there are already more than [-] merchant ships produced in America, and more than [-] warships and armed merchant ships captured from pirates or Xiyi.

The Americas have too many resources, too much territory, and too weak enemies. What is most lacking now is population.

Huang Han made a decisive decision and selected 8000 young and middle-aged men with good performance from the prisoners who were sentenced to reform through labor. Among them, [-] were slaves and Tartars, and all those with young families were taken with them, making up a total of [-] to immigrate to America.

On a voluntary basis, [-] "Red Banner Army" infantry and [-] mostly Mongolian cavalry were dispatched to America. Of course, the horses could not be transported away, and they could be settled locally in America, where there are many horses.

The fleet on the third voyage to the Americas is even stronger, because in addition to more than twenty sailing battleships, there are also seven steam engine steel ships that have completed trials to join the formation. ten doors.

With these seven warships, they can remain invincible. If they encounter a formation of hundreds of warships from Xiyi, they will not be afraid. At worst, they will use their speed advantage to play "Mangudao" tactics with enemy ships at sea.

As early as April and May, Qian Qianyi and Zhang Cai began to visit Qingliu quietly. Not only Qiwei, but also more than a dozen of their former disciples, colleagues, and friends participated in the operation.

They compiled a set of rhetoric, which is quite deceptive. For example, Liu Zongzhou, Huang Daozhou and other scholar-type officials had no ambitions in the Ming Dynasty, and the two had actually lost their positions.

But their hearts are in the imperial court, they always hope to do their meager power for the Ming Dynasty, and they are eager to explore the road to a prosperous country and a strong army.

Qian Qianyi and Zhang Cai talked about what they had seen and heard about the "King of Han" department, and Liu Zongzhou, Huang Daozhou, etc. were deeply attracted.

Knowing that Qian Qianyi and others are planning to organize a group of like-minded colleagues to go to the "Hanwang" department for on-the-spot investigations, they also made a high-profile statement that they don't bother to talk to Qingliu, who is not a gentleman of morals and who is not a scholar from the two lists.

The vast majority of Qingliu are high-spirited. They think they are talented and have a strategy in mind, but they just don't have the opportunity to show it.

They despise flatterers and hate officials who are corrupt and perverting the law. Most of them are happy to learn that Qian Qianyi and Zhang Cai only contacted and organized the respected ministers of Qingliu to go to the "Han River Province" to investigate and learn.

Ever since, the working Qingliu took leave in various names, and then rushed to Tianjinwei and Nantongzhou by car or boat to gather and go to sea on a cruise ship.

The cruise ship is the passenger ship with the best facilities in "Sun Moon Shipping", with a displacement of between one and two thousand tons, the first-class cabins are almost the same as the guest rooms in the city that never sleeps, and the service is also similar.

Large steamships with steam engines were the first to be used in the military. No thermal-powered passenger ships have yet been built, and the Qingliu people still take sail cruise ships.

A large group of like-minded Qingliu gather together and travel thousands of miles, and they naturally feel comfortable. More than [-]% of them have never been to sea.

After a month of investigation in the "Han River Province", they even came to the southernmost prefectures and counties of the Han River Province by boat. What they saw and heard along the way made them feel a lot.

They really couldn't imagine why they heard the "Red Banner Army" official dialect with a southern accent and a northern accent, and they were full of doubts. Where did the aborigines on this land go?

Zhang Cai, a native of Taicang Prefecture, Suzhou Prefecture, has been an official in the "Hanjiang Province" and has outstanding political achievements. He has the most right to speak, talking about how cruel the establishment of slaves was, and killed all the Koreans.

Trying to flaunt how benevolent the "Red Banner Army" is, not only did not slaughter the Koreans, but also gave food, seeds, cattle, and acres of land, not only giving people fish, but also teaching them how to fish.

He also specially led the Qingliu people headed by Fan Jingwen and Huang Daozhou to visit the villages and towns under Zhang Pu's rule, and visited some Korean families.

Zhang Pu and Zhang Cai are from the same hometown, and they are also people of the same way. They used to be quite ambitious and tried to form a party to address the current disadvantages and gain the right to speak so as to change Daming.

Even though the Donglin Party, Yingshe, Fushe and other parties all spoke for bureaucrats and scholar-bureaucrat groups without exception, it cannot be denied that they actually have a positive side. At least it proves that Zhang Pu and Zhang Cai are very active in their thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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