The Soul of the Han Dynasty in the Late Ming Dynasty

Chapter 946 You come from your hometown, you should know about your hometown

Chapter 946 You come from your hometown, you should know about your hometown

Today's Zhang Pu has been an official under the "King of Han" for more than three years, and has accumulated a lot of practical experience, which is much better than before with only theory but no practice.

He found that the bad governance of the Ming Dynasty that he hated before basically did not exist in the "Hanjiang Province". Many governance measures that he had never thought of were being implemented effectively. Government orders that did not go out of the county had become history. As the prefect, he was even able to supervise every village.

Zhang Pu was completely convinced. The "Hanwang" government measures seemed to have nothing to criticize. If you follow this path, the country will be rich and the people strong.

He has corrected his attitude a long time ago. At the beginning of the year, he was promoted to the sixth-rank magistrate of Changwon Prefecture because of his down-to-earth work.

Due to the successive scourges of slaves and traitors, the population of Goryeo has indeed lost more than [-]%.

Therefore, "Han River Province" has a lot of fertile land, and more than one million Han immigrants can maintain a family of [-] acres of dry land or [-] to [-] acres of rice fields.

The climate in the south of "Hanjiang Province" is relatively mild, similar to that of Songjiang Prefecture in Nanzhili. In winter, due to the ocean climate, the frost period is very short, which is enough to ensure that rice and wheat are ripe.

Immigrants and aborigines in the area south of the Han River in the "Han River Province" have been settled for three years.

Each household has [-] mu of paddy fields or [-] mu of dry land, which can fully guarantee the source of income.

The women raised chickens, ducks, geese, pigs and sheep to do some side jobs, and the men did some part-time jobs nearby. It was not a problem for a family to earn 50 silver coins a year.

Therefore, the refugees who immigrated to Henan, Shaanxi, Shanxi and other places in Hanjiang Province in the early days and the Koreans who surrendered had a better life. Many families built or are building two-story green brick houses.

Why are they building two-story buildings?That is a rigid rule of the "Hanwang", to guard against micro-duration.

The purpose is to reduce the loss of fertile land as much as possible. The county magistrate must approve and issue a house site certificate for housing renovation. New housing must not occupy fertile land, and wasteland and mountain land should be used as much as possible.

In order to increase the living area of ​​the common people and save land resources, the proportion of two-story buildings in the newly renovated and built houses must exceed [-]%.

In order to encourage ordinary people to independently improve their living conditions, they can apply for "special housing loans", with an annual interest rate of no more than [-]%, and monthly repayment of principal and interest for a period of ten years.

Construction is the best way to create job opportunities. Many farmers who get rich first start building construction during the slack season, and the surrounding farmers will earn extra money by virtue of craftsmanship and labor, and have an extra net income.

Who doesn't like to live in their own small building?Farmers worked hard to accumulate silver coins and must also build buildings for themselves.

A virtuous circle was born in this way. Under the rule of the "King of Han", hard work can really make you rich, and private property is protected.

Seeing guests who came from thousands of miles away, the new "Han people" in "Hanjiang Province" used the somewhat blunt official dialect of the "Red Banner Army" to talk to Huang Daozhou, Liu Zongzhou, Fan Jingwen, etc. Qingliu.

The main content is to sing praises, remember hardships and think sweetly. Some people's expressions are exaggerated, just like the crowd who saw the supreme leader in the North Korean news programs of later generations.

I really don't know whether these new "Han people" are really grateful or just acting, but the Qingliu people have seen their living conditions and the overall situation in the village, so they have their own opinions.

Later, I visited a lot of immigrants from the Central Plains at random. After these people learned that some Qingliu were from their hometown, they immediately held back and gathered around to talk to each other. Everyone cared about their relatives in their hometown, and all of them I want to know what's going on in my hometown.

"When you come from your hometown, you should know the affairs of your hometown." Looking at the eager expressions of the people in their hometown, Qingliu looked at each other in blank dismay.

The vast majority of them are honest people, unwilling and disdain to lie. When they hear the accent, see the people in their hometown, and ask about their hometown, they are all blushing and speechless, because the mountains and rivers in their hometown are still occupied by rogues, and they are really ashamed to speak. ah!

Fortunately, Zhang Cai and Zhang Pu came forward to smooth things over in time and told the immigrants from the Central Plains that although their hometown was still being ravaged by the rogues, the end of the rogues was not far away.

Because the "King of Han" was able to complete the Ping-Liao plan in the autumn and lead hundreds of thousands of "Red Banner Army" into the pass to recover the Central Plains.

The "King of Han" is the reincarnation of the God of War, and the "Red Banner Army" is invincible in every attack. What's the point of mere bandits? They won't be able to survive for a few days.

An octogenarian man should be a child of the original Ming Dynasty, but he wiped away his tears and recited:

"'Master Wang set the Central Plains Day in the north, and the family sacrifices will never be forgotten.' I don’t know if I can see the "King of Han" regaining the Central Plains and sitting on the mountains and rivers in my lifetime. I will bow down first."

After finishing speaking, he knelt down and kowtowed three times and bowed nine times in the direction of "Tiger's Cave City", saying: "Long live the 'King of Han'! Long live!"

Immediately all the common people knelt down and shouted in unison: "Long live the 'King of Han'! Long live!"

The shouts of immigrants and new "Han people" are not fake, they are really from the heart, the Qingliu people are dumbfounded, they want to stop but are afraid of being surrounded and beaten by the passionate peasants, so they can only watch silently.

Zhang Cai, Zhang Pu, Qian Qianyi, etc. peeked at Huang Daozhou, Liu Zongzhou, Fan Jingwen, etc., whose faces were red and white, and thought they would come forward to correct these rebellious behaviors. Who knows that these Qingliu also know current affairs , actually chose to remain silent.

They looked at each other and smiled, which shows that the gradual and subtle effects have worked. Don't worry, it will take a long time. If you don't slowly smooth out the temperament of Qingliu, how can you be worthy of the entrustment of the "King of Han".

Just walking and seeing all the way like this, and listening to too many people's praises, Qingliu gradually got used to the rebellious remarks of the military and civilian officials in the "Hanjiang Province", and they didn't feel so harsh to their ears.

Facts speak louder than words. Originally, the economic level of North Korea was much lower than that of Daming, and it was burned, killed and looted by the slaves, which shows how difficult it is to make a living.

Now it seems that the living conditions of the people in Shengdou in the "Hanjiang Province" are no less than that of Yongping Prefecture in the capital city.

After visiting Jeju Prefecture, Qingliu joined a huge fleet inexplicably when they returned on a cruise ship. After inquiring, it turned out that Qian Qianyi and Zhang Cai were planning to arrange for them to go to the other side of the ocean to have a look.

Qingliu and the others were addicted to playing, and they all couldn't think of leaving. No one objected at all. Of course, even if there were people who objected, there was nothing they could do. They couldn't jump off the sea and swim back to Daming by themselves.

What's more, the two months that came out may be the happiest time in Qingliu's life, not only to enjoy the overseas scenery, but also to drink and recite poems every day, so there is no need to worry about being shy.

Fan Jingwen, Liu Zongzhou, Huang Daozhou and others quietly counted the number of people in the fleet, and finally came to a conclusion that it might be close to [-]. They were inexplicably shocked.

The "King of Han" is actually so powerful, with more than [-] warships, merchant ships, passenger ships, and [-] soldiers and civilians, what is he planning to do?
(End of this chapter)

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