Chapter 947

Qingliu, Huang Daozhou, Liu Zongzhou, etc. took the initiative to ask a few sailors who had sailed to America.

Only then did I know that on the other side of the ocean, the territory owned by the "King of Han" was no smaller than that of Beizhili, and the number of soldiers and civilians was close to [-].

Adding in the number of immigrants this time, and subtracting some returning soldiers, technicians, and scientific researchers, the population of the Americas will reach 18.

If you count the aborigines in the process of Sinicization and the captive Xiyi, the population is no less than 23.

These Qingliu are all well-read poems and books without exception. Of course, they know that there are foreign territories and uncivilized regions overseas, but they feel that these are too far away and too vague.

The young sailors used the large territory of Beizhili to describe the overseas territory of the "King of Han". These Qingliu's thoughts suddenly became clear. They all knew that such a large territory in Beizhili was larger than many Western Yi countries.

Qingliu are very interested, they are all concerned about whether these lands are useful, are they barren lands?

After getting an affirmative answer that the land is fertile and rich in mineral deposits, it is no less than that of Southern Zhili in Ming Dynasty.

Qingliu all hope that the cruise ship can fly, let them soar up [-] miles, and reach "Hanwei City" in one day.

Time is the best healer. The Qingliu will be brainwashed for a year or two. During this period, they will also see hundreds of thousands of military and civilian generals overseas.

The "Hanwang" department has vigorously developed the shipbuilding industry, making the number of ships capable of long-distance voyages increasing day by day. One trip to the Americas a year will become history, and it will increase to two trips next year, and there will be more in the future.

In the age of great voyages in history, the Han nationality was abandoned and the Xiyi kingdoms were achieved. Now it will not happen. Huang Han will lead the Han nationality to grab the territory one step ahead.

Mines were opened in the Americas for rough processing, and resources such as gold, silver, copper ingots, nickel, iron, tin, etc., including collected rubber, were continuously transported back to the "Han Empire".

There will be a lot of resources, and there will be too many advanced warships and merchant ships launched. The number of mini guns, anti-war guns, and red cannons will naturally increase. It is inevitable that the strong will always be strong.

On the first day of July in the 13th year of Chongzhen, the grassroots officials training class taught by Huang Han held a grand graduation ceremony.

Civil servants from "Han River Province", generals outside and inside the pass, all those who are above the fourth rank and above, as long as they have no important tasks, all come to witness this milestone ceremony.

But one of the most important figures did not come. He was Huang Han's father, Daming "Ningyuanhou" Huang Yizhou.

Lao Huang knew that he was just a warrior, and he had been deliberately avoiding the civil and military officials of the "Hanwang" family for the past two years, and tried not to participate in politics as much as possible.

His son became the "Han King" of the Ming Dynasty and had hundreds of thousands of elite soldiers. Huang Yizhou didn't know that the Huang family could no longer be accommodated by the court, and there was only one way to go to the dark.

He didn't want to see his son seek to usurp the throne with his own eyes, and he still stayed in Ningyuan, where he had been stationed for nearly ten years, to lead the troops. He was familiar with every mountain here, and he liked to lead the cavalry to patrol the territory with his own horse and gun.

Huang Han understands his father's thoughts, so he doesn't create a psychological burden on him, and leaves him with a class A battalion, so that he can do what he likes with peace of mind.

The graduation ceremony was grand and magnificent. At sea, a total of [-] sail battleships and steel thermal power battleships were inspected.

In the sky, two hundred hot air balloons and six hundred flying troops floated across the "Tiger Cave City" in a good wind.

On the martial arts arena, more than [-] recruits who have just graduated and joined the army this year formed an infantry phalanx and a bicycle phalanx passing through the general platform, and the slogans were earth-shattering...

The tens of thousands of civil servants, military generals, military and civilian subordinates who watched the ceremony were full of enthusiasm. The powerful "Red Banner Army" was unrivaled, and the next step should be to swallow thousands of miles like a tiger.

The 160 students who received the big red certificate of completion solemnly swore to obey the law, be loyal to the country, and be honest and honest. Their names will be engraved on the stone tablet of the "Tiger Cave City" Military Academy.

These students have either achieved good results at the grassroots level, or have shed blood for the country. At this moment, everyone is very excited to receive the certificate of completion issued by the "Hanwang".

What the "King of Han" intends to do is known to all passers-by, and the more than 2000 students know it even more.

Participating in the five-month training organized by "Hanwang" is of great significance. In the future, they will be worthy of the name "Students of the Son of Heaven", and all students may be helpful.

Indeed, Huang Han deliberately cultivated more than 2000 grassroots officials scattered in the "two capitals and fifteen provinces", and he didn't mind them using their classmates to form a party, because even if they form a party, only the "imperial party" can go .

Their personnel composition is quite large, and they have the opportunity to directly reach the heavenly hearing. As long as they are willing to work and do things with a public heart, no one will be so arrogant that they can obliterate their political achievements. It is not an illusion to have a bright future in the future.

These more than 2000 young and middle-aged local officials each went to new jobs with their dreams in mind. I believe that it will not take long for those with outstanding political achievements to be promoted again.

Huang Han hosted a banquet for all the graduates, teachers, teaching staff, and civil servants and generals who came to watch the ceremony. The dining hall could not accommodate these many people, so he simply held an open-air banquet with lights in the martial arts arena in the college.

Ruan Dacheng dispatched an all-star lineup to rehearse the songs and dances, which were pleasing to the eye. Liu Rushi, who had been promoted to Shi Si Dianle, the governor of the eighth-rank "Hanwang", offered to sing a song to cheer up the "Hanwang".

Huang Han's works all come from plagiarism, but his "Hedong Jun" is original, and there is no one under his fame, Liu Rushi's strength is extraordinary, after a song, the civil officials headed by Wen Tiren, Yang Yipeng, Kong Wenshi, and Li Zhongzi applauded endlessly.

Seeing this scene, Chen Yuanyuan was not willing to lose the limelight, she took the initiative to perform dances, and won the applause again.

The civil and military generals of the "King of Han" department are really happy today, the wine is dry, they are all aware of what will happen next, and they are all happy to see it happen.

Building "Hamburg", transforming shantytowns to create a boutique residential area "Guangzuo Fudi", defrauding all the smelly and hard clean water in the capital, etc., all are done to pave the way for the "King of Han" to enter Beijing.

Now that the time is ripe for the commander to enter the capital, Huang Han no longer needs to hide.

On September 13th, [-]th year of Chongzhen, it was the Double Ninth Festival, and too many families of the "Red Banner Army" did not need to climb high to visit their relatives, because the "Hanwang" leader returned home in triumph.

It was no secret that the "King of Han" entered Beijing, and it was very high-profile. During the Mid-Autumn Festival, the news was published in mainstream media such as "Red Flag Daily" and "Beijing Evening News".

The majestic "Red Banner Army" crossed the border. From Shanhaiguan to Guangqumen, thousands of soldiers and civilians lined the road to welcome them.

And this is definitely not a fraud, it is indeed from the heart of the soldiers and civilians.

(End of this chapter)

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