Chapter 948

The reason is simple. The "King of Han" passed through the actual control area of ​​the "Red Banner Army" on its way to Beijing.

Too many prefectures and counties have implemented the "Hanwang" law for many years. The law and order is good, the people live and work in peace and contentment, and the economic level is improving day by day. Most of them are die-hard supporters of the "Hanwang".

When the inner city of the capital and "Hamburg" began to be overhauled and rebuilt in spring, residents, farmers, and artisans in and around the capital were deliberately recruited to work.

A total of [-] men and women were employed to take care of breakfast and lunch every day to ensure that each person would get four two-weight white flour cooking cakes, white rice porridge to keep them full, and some things such as poultry eggs, big meatballs, and canned sea fish every now and then. Meaty.

Over the past few months, many of the laborers who looked disheveled have grown stronger.

On average, one or two silver coins are paid to the laborers involved in the construction every month, benefiting more than [-] families.

Not counting the cost of materials and food, more than 100 million silver coins were distributed for wages alone. The direct result was that the impoverished people in the city and suburbs of the capital were basically wiped out, making them full of hope for life.

In Huang Han's eyes, Daming is still an agricultural country that lacks an industrial foundation, and vigorously developing industry is the only way to make the country rich and strong.

In the next few decades, huge investment will be required, and there will be many job opportunities that can be created.

It is not just about mobilizing government-invested projects to benefit the people to increase infrastructure construction and build water conservancy projects.

Heavy industry, light industry, and mining industry all need to develop greatly, and the production scale of coal mines, iron mines, and stone mines, iron and steel factories, vehicle factories, ship machinery factories, spinning mills, cloth weaving factories, towel factories, etc. must be expanded.

The reason why some people are poor is that they do not know how to change themselves. After participating in collective labor this time, they have realized the benefits of getting a full stomach and getting a monthly salary. There are many people who are willing to change their original lifestyle and work in factories.

Everyone said that the "King of Han" is good, as expected, when Huang Han came to Guangqu Gate, as many as 20 soldiers and civilians came to greet him with gratitude, "Long live the 'King of Han'! Long live!" .

Those who took the initiative to shout "Long live the King of Han" might not be ordinary people, but the banner guards arranged by Huang Sifang, Li Sanniang, etc., but the tens of thousands of responders were not a fabricated illusion.

The two heavens of ice and fire are completely different from the blazing heat outside the Guangqu Gate. The Forbidden City is lifeless. The eunuchs and maids know that the emperor is in a bad mood, so they are all cautious and dare not even vent their breath.

Dongchang and Jinyiwei would of course report the news of the "King of Han" outside Guangqumen to the emperor truthfully, but Chongzhen was at a loss what to do, and could only wander around in the imperial study by himself, anxious like an ant on a hot pot.

The construction of "Hamburg" has been completed, and there is no need for [-] soldiers to garrison. One Type A battalion and three thousand guards are enough to deal with emergencies.

Huang Han didn't stay in "Hamburg" but grandly entered the inner city to live in the "Hanwang" mansion. To be honest, after the palace was built, Huang Han had never seen it, let alone moved in.

There are schools, hospitals, commercial streets, yamen, Town God's Temple, Taoist temples, temples, barracks and other supporting facilities in "Hamburg".

Many small buildings with a single family and a single courtyard were also built, similar to small villas of later generations. Some of these mansions with bathrooms and running water were given as rewards to the soldiers who made meritorious service, and some were sold to the public, with the highest price winning.

The news that there are good houses for sale in the city of "Hamburg" has been released as early as June and July. In the past two months, there have been countless dignitaries, wealthy businessmen and rich businessmen who went to see the houses.

In the end, everyone came to the conclusion that with such a strong castle and the long-term garrison of the "Red Banner Army", it is definitely indestructible, and there are not many people who pay a deposit to sign a house purchase contract.

Before the delivery conditions were met, the houses for sale in "Hamburg" were sold out.

On the first day Huang Han entered the outer city of the capital, it was officially announced that all the gates of the inner and outer cities of the capital would be taken over by the "Red Banner Army".

There was no bloody conflict, and the former Daming defenders cooperated very well, and they were happy to wait for the "Han King" to be incorporated. Even if there were a few stubborn generals who wanted to resist, it would be useless, and the soldiers under them did not obey orders at all.

At the end of last year and this spring and summer, 3 horses came to the capital one after another. This time, they returned with 10,000 soldiers. How could there be a need to garrison [-]+ troops in the capital?

Huang Han only left the personal guard battalion and Hanzi's and Yang Danian's direct battalions, together with the ever-expanded Night City guards and the "Hamburg" garrison, the number reached more than [-].

The elite of the Beijing camp was on the Yellow River defense line, and the quality of the Beijing camp soldiers stationed in the capital, including the surrounding areas, was not satisfactory.

Even so, the soldiers of the "Red Banner Army" still selected 12 young and middle-aged men who looked relatively strong, and gave them [-] yuan silver coins and six stones of wheat as settlement expenses, and let them go south together as auxiliary soldiers.

Knowing that following the "Red Banner Army" will not suffer losses, and even more knowing that the "Red Banner Army" is invincible.

The soldiers of the Beijing camp who were selected did not resist at all, and some young and middle-aged men even thought that they had finally waited for the opportunity, hoping to become a regular soldier of the "Red Banner Army" to make meritorious service and be promoted to honor their ancestors.

In the past two years, Gao Yingxiang, Li Zicheng and other rogues lived a good life.

They have achieved great results in farming in Shaanxi and Henan, and now they think they are strong and strong. The leaders have long been not satisfied with communicating with each other through Shangluo Mountain, and Tongguan has become a thorn in their side.

In name it was the "Red Banner Army" who assisted in the defense of Yunyang, but in fact it was an outlier, and had long been the issuer of orders for more than a dozen counties and counties in Yunyang's jurisdiction.

Knowing that without the "Red Banner Army" Yun Yang would definitely not be able to defend, the governor Miao Xuntu was very obedient, and Ma Fulin did not deliberately make things difficult for him.

Tongguan is actually controlled by the "Red Banner Army". If we strictly guard against the Shangluo Mountains, we will definitely be able to cut off the connection between Shaanxi and Henan.

The rogues are not fools, nor are they sloppy, of course they cannot be tolerated.

During the 12 years of Chongzhen’s [-]th year, Ping-Liao was the top priority, and a large number of inland “Red Banner Army” were drawn out to join the war. The strategic task in the inland area was to protect vested interests and not to stimulate bandits to fight for their lives.

Therefore, Ma Fulin just guarded Yunyang to prevent the rogues from going south and east, and did not go to Shangluo Mountain in the northwest at all, and just watched the rogues from Shaanxi and Henan pass through Shangluo Mountain.

Since the "King of Han" called for the eradication of slavery as the top priority, the inland camps should send as many cavalry as possible to join the war. Ma Fulin, He Yongqing, Huang Huiwu, Gu Rushan, Zhao Kun, Wang Xuan and others certainly responded positively.

The generals in the interior basically did everything they could. There were only a small number of cavalry left in the battalion who had to meet the scouting reports and convey orders.

In the final analysis, cavalry is still difficult to train. Even a cavalry warrior like He Yongqing is helpless in the face of new recruits. Therefore, there is no shortage of other types of troops in the mainland camp, and there is a serious shortage of cavalry.

He Yongqing and Huang Huiwu, who were stationed in Tongguan, used all of them to deceive, kidnap and steal. They even took the risk of taking only a dozen cavalry and leading horses to climb mountains and wade deep into the Shangluo Mountains to find the former Ming cavalry who had been scattered as bandits.

The hard work paid off, nearly two years later, He Yongqing formed another cavalry general, but only one general has the skill of riding and fighting, and the other two generals can only ride horses and dismount to fight.

(End of this chapter)

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