Chapter 949 Competing for Tongguan
Gao Yingxiang, Li Yan, Ma Shouying, Li Zicheng and other big bosses of the bandits were not overheated. They calculated that it would take time for the "Red Banner Army" to pacify the Liao Dynasty.

Choose to take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to develop and build strength.

Two years have passed, and the rogues are no longer scattered, but have basically formed a unified command.

After Chongzhen's autumn harvest in 13, he thought he had the capital to fight, Gao Yingxiang couldn't sit still, and mobilized 30 troops to attack Tongguan from both sides.

With many cities in Shaanxi and Henan in hand, the rogue bandits have been reborn, upgrading from a series of crimes to an armed separatist regime.

Everything has advantages and disadvantages. Gao Yingxiang's territory is large, so he is naturally concerned about gains and losses. He always has to leave people to guard the house and defend the city. 30 people are already the limit.

The rogues need the common people to cultivate, so naturally they are unwilling to coerce a large number of ordinary people to participate in the siege as cannon fodder, so this time the active attack is basically the strong men who have been trained for more than a year, and there are no old, weak, women and children.

The rogues were disciplined, and a small half even had armor. All the strong men had cold weapons, and [-] to [-] of them used matchlock guns.

Most of these equipment came from the capture of the 10,000+ army that wiped out Xiong Wencan and Hong Chengchou, and some of them were made by the bandits themselves in the past two years.

It's a pity that it's a pity that if the bandits advance one foot, the "Red Banner Army" advances more than one foot. Gao Yingxiang's vain attempt to fight for Tongguan, under the guns of the "Red Banner Army", is destined to be beaten.

At this time, the Tongguan defenders included about 6000 Ming troops from Sun Yingyuan's department, more than [-] regular soldiers from the "Red Banner Army", more than [-] guards, and more than [-] Xiangyong soldiers who had been trained for more than two years.

Everyone understands the importance of Tongguan. He Yongqing, Sun Yingyuan, Huang Huiwu and other generals have never slacked off for a day. Thirty miles east and west of Tongguan have already had deep trenches and barriers.

On September [-]th, "Crafting General" Li Zicheng led the rogue troops who rushed to Luoyang to attack the positions in the east of Tongguan, and "Chuangwang" Gao Yingxiang personally led the troops assembled in Xi'an to launch the attack in the west of Tongguan.

Gao Yingxiang had a plan to seize Tongguan two years ago, but he was unable to do so at that time.

The rogue leaders have made full preparations for this day. Li Yan, Xing Hongniang, Ma Shouying, Li Zicheng, Tian Jianxiu and other rogue leaders even personally peeped at the Tongguan defense line.

Because the defeated Ming army was captured, the rogues now also have binoculars in their hands, but the number is too small to equip the scouts. Only the bones of thieves like Li Yan and Li Zicheng can have them.

The rogues hid on the mountain in the south of Tongguan and peeped through binoculars. Although they were often spotted by the "Red Banner Army", they could still ensure their safety. After all, the "Red Banner Army"'s artillery fire could not reach them.

If Wangshan ran a dead horse, if he sent people out of Tongguan to detour to the place where the bandits were found, they might not be able to make it in a day. He Yongqing and Huang Huiwu couldn't do such useless efforts.

Therefore, the rogues on the Tongguan defense line are quite familiar with it, and they also realize that it is quite difficult, so this time they came prepared, and built countless trench bridges, trench filling vehicles, shield vehicles, and rushing vehicles.

The rogues all thought that after more than ten years of turmoil, there had never been a day when they were so well-equipped, and they had never seen such a boundless army, and their morale was good when they were no longer hungry.

In addition, Li Yan organized a group of rogues who could write and count and compiled a lot of easy-to-understand nursery rhymes that were widely sung. Too many rogues were deceived by the lie of "the king does not pay for food". Good day.

Therefore, it is very different from before. There is basically no fleeing phenomenon in the bandit army. They are all clamoring "eat his mother, wear his mother, open the gate to welcome the king of Chuang, and when the king of Chuang comes, he will not pay food."

well!In the final analysis, the vast majority of the rogues are illiterate. They have no possibility to read books or newspapers. They don't know that the "Red Flag Daily" has been publishing deceptive articles about "not paying food" as early as five years ago until today.

Hooligans are not to be feared, but they are cultured. Li Yan, an educated man, has become the leader of gangsters. He is particularly inflammatory and deceitful, which is really hateful.

Mantis catching cicadas and orioles are behind, while Gao Yingxiang is planning to seize Tongguan, Qin Liangyu has long thought of going out of Sichuan to recover Hanzhong and take down Shaanxi, and has been working hard.

Qin Yuyi tried her best to delay time. Fortunately, Qin Liangyu knew that the overall situation was the most important thing and did not go her own way.

During the Mid-Autumn Festival, Qin Liangyu saw the news published in the "Red Flag Daily" that the "King of Han" had completed Pingliao and was about to return in triumph.

Qin Liangyu issued an order to mobilize all the white-armed soldiers who could move to assemble in the direction of Jiange.

Ma Xianglin, Qin Gongming, Qin Yiming, Ma Xianghe and other white-armed generals were all itchy. This time, no one was willing to lie dormant and wait for the opportunity.

They all thought that if they didn't send troops to fight a few battles, they might sit back and watch the "Red Banner Army" wipe out the rogues. In the future, they would face no big battles to fight, which meant that they would have nothing to build.

Sichuan has been fully controlled by Qin Liangyu, Qin Yuyi, and Gu Zhun.

When the white-armed soldiers moved, the Sichuan Army would of course follow suit. How could the "Red Banner Army" be alone, so they had to unite and act together.

Qin Liangyu, Qin Yuyi, Ma Xianglin, Gu Zhun, Qin Yiming, Yang Xiaochui, Ma Xianghe, Shen Youlue, Qin Gongming and others assembled more than [-] troops, including nearly [-] white soldiers and [-] Sichuan troops.

The [-] soldiers of the "Red Banner Army" basically came out in full force, and all the affairs of stationing and governing the local area were handed over to the newly sent civil and military officials. There will be big problems.

Because of the light anti-aircraft artillery of the "Red Banner Army" participating in the attack, and because the rogue troops in Hanzhongnan were insufficient, the Chuchuan army was progressing smoothly.

The cottages and fortresses garrisoned by the bandits were as fragile as paper under the bombardment mixed with the precise shooting of the Minigun. Qin Yuyi's painstakingly trained women's barracks were brilliant, and they took down several county towns, and the casualties they paid were not worth mentioning.

In fact, the rogues are familiar with the "Red Flag Army", and they feel a little frightened when they see the red flags fluttering all over the mountains and plains.

The reason for trying to resist is not to fight to the death with the "Red Flag Army", but to prove that the other party is not bluffing and deceiving by raising the red flag.

In case of choosing to surrender, wouldn't it be ridiculous to find out that the opponent is not the "Red Banner Army" at all?

However, the result made people laugh and cry. They were beaten by a group of women and couldn't find their way. They had to sacrifice their city and surrender. I'm afraid they would also become a laughing stock.

Qin Liangyu paid special attention to the soldiers led by his adopted daughter Qin Yuyi, and every time he and his daughter-in-law Zhang Fengyi came to Qin Yuyi's army to watch the battle.

Qin Yuyi's strength is extraordinary, with three B-type battalions under his command with an establishment of about 1 horses. The shortcoming of insufficient cavalry is not harmful in mountain warfare.

(End of this chapter)

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