Chapter 950 Invincible
It is well known that the "Red Banner Army" is powerful, but why are women so fierce?What the hell!
The bandits wanted to cry but had no tears. Under the sharp attack, they either fled or raised their hands in surrender.

The women's barracks marched forward all the way to show their military prestige, the "Qin" flag pointed everywhere invincible, the "Han King" concubine Qin Yuyi became famous, and the status of Sichuan girls increased day by day.

Ma Xianglin, Qin Yiming, etc. all made their younger sister Qin Yuyi not take the initiative to fight for merit. They deployed troops to prepare for the "Red Banner Army" female barracks at any time in every battle.

Later they found out that the women's battalion really did not give up to men, and their overall combat effectiveness was stronger than that of white soldiers. It was inevitable that they felt emotional!
Qin Liangyu and Zhang Fengyi, who were watching the battle, were all experts. They had watched several battles in which infantry and artillery coordinated to seize the city, and they realized the importance of firepower.

The development of firearms is the only way to go. Qin Liangyu made up his mind that after this battle, he must strive to equip all the white-armed soldiers with self-generating guns.

The Chuchuan army achieved brilliant results, attacking the city all the way to pull out the strongholds and recruit the rebels. On September [-], more than [-] troops had advanced to the southern foot of Guangwu Mountain, which is only [-] miles away from Hanzhong City.

Gao Yingxiang's general, Li Zicheng's nephew, Li Guo, nicknamed "a tiger", was stationed in Hanzhong. Gao Yingxiang's son Gao Yigong and his confidant generals Liu Zhe and Huang Long were stationed in Xi'an.

Li Guo's garrison in Hanzhong was to prevent the Ming army from coming out of Sichuan to launch an attack. He had psychological preparations and contingency plans.

As long as you stick to Hanzhong and win about a month, you can wait for the main force to come back. At that time, the anti-siege will be launched, which will inevitably severely damage the Sichuan army, and then follow and chase into Sichuan.

The plan is beautiful, but the reality is cruel. There are not only infernal affairs like Jin Minghu among the rogues, but also too many flag guards lurking.

The general staff of the "Red Banner Army" has long known the offensive and defensive plans formulated by Gao Yingxiang and the military actions taken.

To be honest, Sun Chuanting, Chen Qiyu, Cao Bianjiao, Huang Degong, etc., who led the Ming army and the rogues before, didn't take the mob seriously.

The current subordinates are all "Red Banner Army" soldiers with impeccable loyalty, discipline, and combat skills. They don't care about rogues.

They also didn't worry about the combat effectiveness of the white soldiers, nor did they underestimate the tenacity of the Sichuan army. In addition, there were six battalions of the "Red Banner Army" Type B battalion participating in the operations in northern Sichuan, so many rogues could not bear it.

Qin Liangyu, Ma Xianglin, Zhang Fengyi, Ma Xianghe, and Gu Zhun are all battle-hardened. They have more than [-] armies in their hands, and they have excellent equipment. Even if they can't take Shaanxi lightly, they can still protect themselves.

Huang Han is a traveler with the perspective of God, and he knows that the bandits in the late Ming Dynasty are just a group of jumping clowns who harmed the country and the people.

In the 17th year of Chongzhen, when the rogues headed by "Li Chuangzei" took over the capital, it was at its peak. Wu Sangui's tens of thousands of Guanning troops could fight them to death on a stone.

After Dorgon's tens of thousands of Manchu and Mongolian cavalry joined the battlefield, it was as if they were destroyed. "Li Chuangzei", who had fought for more than ten years in the First World War, lost all his capital and never recovered.

The quality of the current rogue bandits may not be as good as when "Li Chuangzei" captured the capital, but the "Red Banner Army" has developed to a climax. Now the number of soldiers inside and outside the pass is no less than 25, and the soldiers in the guards are still there. To exceed 25.

Not counting the township bravery and regiment training, there are more than 50 guards and regular soldiers alone. The number far exceeds the actual strength of the rogues. Even if the quality is not up to ten, one enemy is more than three.

Huang Han even suspected that even if all the rogues were mobilized, they might not be able to win the Tongguan position that He Yongqing, Huang Huiwu, Sun Yingyuan and other generals had been operating for more than three years.

The attacking ability of the rogue bandits is too poor. In history, "Li Chuang Zei" almost chose to give up under the Ningwu Pass that Zhou Yuji insisted on because of too many casualties.

Tongguan is not only bigger than Ningwuguan, but also much stronger.

The troops stationed in Tongguan are more than double that of Zhou Yuji in history. They are completely different from Zhou Yuji's Ming army who lacked food and clothing. The troops of Sun Yingyuan, He Yongqing and other generals are well-equipped and strong.

After the news that the rogue bandits besieged Tongguan in two routes, east and west, was confirmed.

The General Staff issued an order that the "Red Banner Army" in the Mainland will attack across the board, striving to solve the rogue bandits and recover Shaanxi and Henan within this year.

Fang Liandong, Zhao Kun, Gu Rushan, Ma Fulin, Pei Yuanwu, Lin Shunwen, Wang Xuan, Lei Mingchun and other generals who received the order immediately gathered their troops and rushed to Shaanxi and Henan from all directions.

It is harmless without the swiftness of the cavalry's rush, and the infantry advances step by step and fights steadily.

Immediately screen after winning a place, pick out and kill the big bosses among the rogues, arrest the small bosses for labor reform, and send these people to America in the first spring of next year to perform crimes and meritorious deeds.

It is no exaggeration to describe the defense line of Tongguan as impenetrable. When I learned that the main force of the rogues came to attack in two ways, Sun Yingyuan, He Yongqing, Huang Huiwu and other generals did not have a trace of fear, and they all screamed secretly.

Of course, the most active ones were the soldiers of the "Red Banner Army" headed by He Yongqing. They all learned about the situation of the Ping-Liaoning War from the serial reports of the "Red Flag Daily", and they all regretted that they were not able to participate in it.

Without the chance to fight Jiannu and Tartars, it's better to take the rogues out of your chest than nothing!

Tongguan borders the Yellow River in the north and the Qinling Mountains in the south. Theoretically, scouts and messengers can use sheepskin rafts to cross the Yellow River to get in touch with the outside world.

The "Red Banner Army" was more advanced, and they could use the fixed telescope erected at the head of the northern city of Tongguan to communicate with the flag guards lurking on the north bank of the Yellow River using semaphore and light codes without sending people across the river.

Although Sun Yingyuan has [-] Ming troops in name, the soldiers including himself have completely surrendered to the "King of Han", and they have also enjoyed the treatment of the "Red Banner Army" in the past two years.

The food and salaries of the "Red Banner Army" are not free. Since the salary is the same, the training must of course keep up, and the equipment will naturally not be treated badly.

Therefore, the combat effectiveness of Sun Yingyuan's soldiers was not much different from that of the "Red Banner Army" soldiers. They were also full of confidence, just waiting for the rogue bandits who knew nothing about the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth to come and fight them.

The rogues came aggressively, so it was only natural for Sun Yingyuan to send a messenger across the river to report to his superior Liu Zhilun, asking for reinforcements, food and equipment.

He Yongqing also wanted to report the military situation to the General Staff, but he did not ask for reinforcements, but assured his superiors that the food and grass in Tongguan would be enough for three 10,000+ soldiers and civilians to consume for a year.

The implication is to let the rogues come. After fighting for a year, they won't get half a penny.

(End of this chapter)

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