Chapter 951

The purpose of operating Tongguan is to make the rogues uncomfortable, and now it has successfully attracted the main force of the rogues to attack Shanmodayan.

Of course, the General Staff would not hurry up and send the main force entering the customs to overwhelm them, lest Gao Yingxiang, Li Zicheng, Ma Shouying and others be scared away, which would be unsightly.

The plan formulated by the staff department is to start the attack on the periphery first, gradually erode the territory of the rogues, and finally compress the bones of famous thieves such as Gao Yingxiang and Ma Shouying in a narrow area to prevent them from escaping into the mountains and making it more difficult to clear them.

After destroying Jiannu, Huang Han has already established a military victory, and the General Staff has issued a full-blown attack order to kill the rogues. It is estimated that Gao Yingxiang, Li Zicheng, Ma Shouying, etc. have already entered the countdown to their lives.

The battle situation has entered a destructive mode, and it is destined not to cause major waves. Today's focus must be on politics.

But Huang Han clearly realized that no matter how he beautifies, he is a usurper, so after entering the customs, he has no consciousness of dove occupying the magpie's nest. exist.

The first action is to let those who eat the imperial food take a look, who can live with peace of mind and not worry about food and clothing.

Daming owed too much military salary, and arrears a lot of official salaries. Huang Han would not be so stupid as to wipe Chongzhen's ass, but issued an order that starting from September when he took over Daming, the military salary, official salary, and the monthly salary of officials and government servants should all be reduced. An increase of [-]% will be issued immediately.

The future military salaries and salaries will be paid on time every month, and the deadline will not exceed the middle of the month.

The economic base determines the superstructure here. The rich and powerful Huang Han not only pays wages on time but also raises wages. Who is not happy to meet such a boss?
The soldiers, yamen servants, clerks, and officials who had been anxious at first got [-]% more monthly salary in September, and they immediately put their hearts in their stomachs.

The change of dynasty is not controlled by grassroots soldiers and civilians and subordinate officials. Life must continue. How can we live without money and food? The "King of Han" gave money and food, of course he had to work for the "King of Han".

The defense of the outer city of the capital was all taken over by the "Red Banner Army". Of course, the inner city, which only took over the defense of the city gate, could not be left alone.

Huang Han summoned Li Ruolian, Lou Yun, Zhang Chao, Tian Hongyu and other Jinyiwei generals to discuss matters.

The purpose of the "King of Han" was well understood by all Jinyiwei, Li Ruolian, Tian Hongyu, Lou Yun, Zhang Chao and other generals were all mentally prepared.

If you don't follow the trend, you will have to fight each other. The key question is, can there be 1000 Jinyiwei with less than [-] combat effectiveness who are willing to fight the "Red Banner Army" to the death?
The answer is self-evident.

Zuo Wenzhao, a general of Jin Yiwei with a thousand households or more in Beijing, immediately rushed to the residence of the "King of Han". As a foreign relative of the Ming Dynasty, Tian Hongyu should have been loyal to Emperor Chongzhen.

Someone took the lead, and the next step was easy, Lou Yun, Zhang Chao, You Cunqing and others knelt down on the ground, only Li Ruolian, the commander of Jin Yiwei, stood silently.

Huang Han knew that Li Ruolian would not be able to turn the corner for a while, so he didn't mind, he helped up the visiting officers, took Li Ruolian's hand and said warmly:

"Your Majesty Li is safe and well, this king still misses the spring of the third year of Chongzhen, when my army was formed not long ago, and there was not even a hundred cavalry at all times.

That little force was not enough for Jiannu to fill his teeth, even so, Lord Li still followed the king to attack Jiannu without hesitation.

It's all over, counting the brothers at that time, I am afraid that a small half have already passed away, and their tablets have been enshrined in the Martyrs' Shrine.

You and I are living the rest of our lives, what else can we not let go of?Look at the millions of people who have escaped from hunger and cold to a prosperous life!This king has no shame in his heart! "

Huang Han's words made Li Ruolian at a loss. He thought of the tragic scene of hungry people everywhere in the capital in the third year of Chongzhen, and the great achievements of the "King of Han" in these years. He was neither kneeling nor standing at this time.

He said: "King of Han, I am really in a difficult situation, I even want to sue my old age and return to my hometown."

"Haha, it's thanks to you that you can figure out how difficult the country's affairs are, and you are in the prime of your life. Not only can you not leave the court, but you have to shoulder heavy responsibilities!"

"Chen, Chen... I have failed the emperor's grace, and I am sorry for the love of the 'King of Han'. I have no place to be ashamed!"

"Don't think too much, this king will not make you too difficult, besides, this king has never thought about what to do to the emperor, always let him get face."

"I thank the "King of Han" for his kindness."

Hearing Huang Han's words with his own ears, Li Ruolian let go of the stone in his heart, and immediately knelt down and kowtowed.

Huang Han helped Li Ruolian up with a smile, looked around and said: "Lu Yao knows the horsepower, and he can see the hearts of the people over time. This king acts on the principle of serving the country and the people, and vows to lead the country to prosperity and strength. I hope you will encourage each other."

Over the years, deliberate favors have been shown to the soldiers and guards of the Beijing camp, which has achieved good results.

There is no need for the "Red Banner Army" to fight, the Jinyiwei in the capital is equivalent to collectively accepting reorganization, even if many of these people have not gained trust, it doesn't matter, as long as they don't help each other, Huang Han will be considered to have made money.

People always think about their own future. With the passage of time, the powerful "Han Empire" is established, and there will be an endless stream of civil and military soldiers and civilians who are willing to serve the new dynasty.

Huang Han has confidence in governing the country, and he has to take a long-term view. Right now, as long as he can ensure less bloodshed, it is enough.

Naturally, the next move was to control the inner city, leaving the Forbidden City aside for Emperor Chongzhen to relax, not to act too hastily, in case Chongzhen organized people to fight desperately or commit suicide directly, Huang Han would not want to see it.

Huang Han has a strong heart, he is not afraid of anyone playing tricks, he is not prepared to take Chongzhen's life, and wants to give him a decent life, of course Chongzhen doesn't know.

When Daming came to the moment when the wall fell and everyone pushed him away, the upright Qingliu was deceived to go overseas again. There were not many people Chongzhen could trust, and only Wang Chengen was by his side.

But Wang Cheng'en had only been in charge of the factory for half a year, and he didn't even have the full names of the big stalls, and he didn't know the nature of these people, so it was impossible to command them freely.

In fact, Wang Chengen's loyalty is remarkable, but his ability is really lackluster. He does not have the minimum professional standards of a spy chief.

However, the emperor, who had nothing to do, was full of grievances and had no one to confide in. He could only vent to Wang Chengen, the old man in the hidden mansion beside him.

And Wang Cheng'en also felt helpless, because he found that the East Factory was not stable, and many soldiers and stalls got too close to the "Red Flag Army".

Recently, it has been rumored that the "King of Han" will take over Jinyiwei and Dongchang, and everyone will receive [-]% more monthly salary on the basis of the original salary, and there will be no default in receiving monthly payments.

The internal funds are stretched, and now because the civil servants and military generals of the "King of Han" have taken over all the affairs of the Ming Dynasty, the emperor's internal funds have been cut off. Not to mention the extra monthly salary for the Dongchang servants, even if it is paid in half, it has already been paid. Sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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