Chapter 952
Firstly, he has no ability, secondly, he has no financial resources, and thirdly, he has no commanding power. Wang Chengen, the factory supervisor in history, is also a big fool.

At the critical moment, he didn't play the role of a spy leader, and he didn't even recruit some dead soldiers who would personally protect the emperor.

In the end, I stumbled and ran up Meishan with Emperor Chongzhen. The two hanged themselves from a tree with a crooked neck, and there was no one around them. The body was not found until three days later.

It can be seen from this that Wang Chengen was loyal, but he was in a high position but had no ability to adapt. It was almost equivalent to killing Chongzhen's family.

In fact, there is no way to blame Wang Chengen. Chongzhen himself is also a swindler.

At Wang Chengen's level, knowing that the "King of Han" would be futile to deal with Dongchang, he had no countermeasures at all, just like facing intruders in history, he could only resign himself to fate.

Huang Han really wants to incorporate Jinyiwei and Dongchang, and for the sake of the overall situation, he will take over all of them, and start to rectify after the situation stabilizes, and gradually plan it.

The plan is to break up some soldiers from Qiwei, Jinyiwei, Dongchang, and Qinwei Battalion and reorganize to form the Dahan Intelligence Bureau and the National Security Bureau.

Banner Guards and Jin Yiwei belonged to the Dahan Intelligence Bureau, and Dongchang and Qinwei Battalion were under the jurisdiction of the National Security Bureau directly led by Huang Han.

I heard that the position remains the same, the income can be increased by [-]%, and the monthly salary will not be missed for many years. Except for a small number of high-ranking leaders in Jinyiwei and Dongchang, the rest not only don't think about doing their duty for Daming, but even expect "" "Han Wang" took over early.

This is actually quite normal. In the 17th year of Chongzhen, when such an unbearable "Li Chuangthief" broke into the capital, how many Jinyiwei and Dongchang fought to the last moment?
Except for Li Ruolian, Fang Zhenghua and the few loyal ministers and righteous men, I really haven't heard of how many, those Qingliu didn't wield knives to fight the bandits, but chose to commit suicide by throwing water or hanging themselves.

Now the well-known "King of Han" came to Beijing to reorganize the Jinyiwei, Dongchang, and Jingying troops with the power to beat the slaves and destroy the country, and immediately paid a monthly salary increase of [-]%. How could there be people who rose up and resisted?

The "King of Han" has finally returned home, and the happiest one is of course Princess Zheng Xiu'e. After a long absence, she is newly married. She has endless things to say in her heart.

But Zheng Xiu'e didn't have time to stay in the palace all day to accompany her husband, but went to the Forbidden City almost every day to meet Empress Zhang, Empress Zhou, Concubine Tian and other concubines of Ming Dynasty, to send some gifts from overseas, and to make homework.

This is not what it used to be, because Zheng Xiu'e, Chu Chu, Xu Miaoyan, and Xu Miaoru often brought their maidservants to the Forbidden City these years, and brought many new books published by the "Red Banner Army" system. The women in the Forbidden City also got the opportunity to see the world with their eyes open. .

The extent of the power of the "King of Han" has long been no secret. Everyone in the Forbidden City knows it well, and the direct impact is that the status of the "King of Han" concubine Zheng Xiu'e is getting higher and higher.

The two empresses have long stopped using the etiquette of monarchs and ministers in front of Zheng Xiu'e, but instead communicate with each other on an equal footing. Those low-ranking concubines will offer their blessings when they see Zheng Xiu'e.

The news that the "King of Han" led an army of 10,000+ into the capital was widely known, and the concubines in the deep palace also knew it.

Zheng Xiu'e, Xu Miaoyan, and Xu Miaoru still maintain contacts with the Daming Harem, and the frequency is higher, the purpose is to reassure the women in the Forbidden City.

Zheng Xiu'e talked to Chongzhen's concubines every now and then, just to let them know that no matter how the outside world turned upside down, the monthly money that should be given to them could not be less, and they could still enjoy the glory and wealth, and life would only be better.

Zheng Xiu'e vowed several times that she would treat the emperor and all members of the royal family kindly, and the effect was remarkable.

The empresses and concubines who were originally uneasy really felt better, but seeing the sluggish emperor's back became even more bent, they felt sorry for him.

The virtuous Empress Zhou has seen many husbands reviewing memorials day and night in recent years, and she is always frowning. She may feel sorry for Chongzhen, and she doesn't feel that the throne is so worth nostalgic in her heart.

It's just that she also read too many history books, and she didn't find that the few emperors who stepped down could die well. After hearing Zheng Xiu'e's vow to treat the royal family well, Zhou Hou finally asked if the "King of Han" was in power, what would the current emperor do?

Zheng Xiu'e once asked Huang Han this question, and the answer she got was that Chongzhen, who was conferred the throne of Zen, was the Xinwang of the "Great Han Empire", and he was free as a prince and could go anywhere.

Huang Han can kill the white horse on the day of the enthronement ceremony to guarantee the treatment, personal safety and freedom of life of the king, if anyone dares to harm and destroy the nine clans.

Zhou Hou got Zheng Xiu'e's permission, and learned that the "Han King" considered that there might be speculative generals who thought that the "Han King" treated King Xin kindly because of his scruples about reputation, and he made his own decision to kill him.

Therefore, in front of the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty and thousands of soldiers and civilians, he deliberately killed the Baima League oath to protect the king Zhouquan.

Zhou Hou chose to believe, expressed her position to Zheng Xiu'e, and would speak to persuade the emperor when the time was right.

After all, the Zheng family is an aristocratic family, and there are not many people who hold high positions in Daming. Zheng Xiu'e has been influenced by her ears and eyes, and of course she wants her husband to treat the Daming royal family well. She has learned that her husband will be canonized as Queen Xin, the abdicated emperor, and has already arranged for a surprise renovation of the Xin Palace.

Zheng Guochang learned from his daughter how his son-in-law planned to arrange for the current emperor to comfort the old man, and he made a decision, even if he was spit on by Chongzhen, he would persuade Chongzhen to choose to abdicate based on current affairs.

Princess Kunxing is already twelve years old, she is a bit precocious, her white and tender skin can be broken by blows, she must be a one in a million beauty when she grows up.

She was able to read and learn shooting since she was a child, and she was considered capable of both literature and martial arts. The little girl grew into a little girl, but she lost the carefree childhood.

It's really not good to be sensible. The hero Huang Han in her heart covets her father's throne. As a royal princess, she should hate Huang Han.

But for some reason, Kun Xing just couldn't hate, and always thought of Huang Han's earnest teachings like father and brother all these years.

Kunxing saw the letter delivered by the "Hanwang" concubine again, and received a gift from the "Hanwang"—three bicycles with inflatable rubber tires.

Compared with the previous bicycles, these three bicycles are lighter and more comfortable to ride, and save effort.

Xiao Kunxing understood the technological innovation mentioned in the "Hanwang" letter, and wanted to accept the invitation of the "Hanwang" to visit "Guangzuo Fudi" and "Hamburg", and even wanted to take the "Hanwang" that can sail fast even against the wind. Steamer" went out to sea to have a look.

But the emperor often loses his temper these days, the reason is that the "King of Han" has come to the capital, how dare she ask for bad luck at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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