Chapter 953
Emperor Chongzhen was incompetent, but he was still very proud. He loved face too much and refused to do lowly things.

He was never prepared to hold Zheng Xiu'e who was going to and from the Forbidden City as a hostage to threaten the "King of Han".

The "King of Han" has been in Beijing for more than ten days, and he has not asked to see the emperor. For some unknown purpose, Chongzhen has not issued an order to summon the "King of Han" to the court.

What's more, the civil and military officials of the Ming Dynasty did not go to court, and more than half of the ministers flocked to the "Hanwang" mansion to meet the "Hanwang". It is said that it was like a grand court meeting.

There was no waiting for an army to meet each other, nor did hundreds of officials force the palace, but realizing that the time to meet Tu Qiongdao was coming, Chongzhen was not at all relaxed.

Because he suddenly found that he had nothing to do, and those seemingly endless memorials had not increased for several days.

The emperor who has lost his power no longer has to go to court. It is not that "the king will never go to court early", but that he will not see civil and military officials when he goes to court early.

However, the country is still functioning, with Zheng Guochang acting as the agent of the Ministry of Rites, Wen Tiren taking over the Ministry of Officials, Song Pengfei concurrently serving as Minister of the Ministry of War, Wang Zheng managing the Ministry of Industry, Zheng Xiaowen managing the Ministry of Households, and Yang Danian in charge of the Ministry of Punishment.

Gao Youmou served as the Zuodu Censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, Yang Yipeng Youdu Censor, and Zhang Guowei from Dongyang, Zhejiang, served as the Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of Industry, specializing in the planning and construction of water conservancy facilities...

The difference with the Ming system is that the cabinet was abolished, and the Propaganda Department, the Ministry of Health, and the Ministry of Transportation were added.

The original "Red Banner Army" General Praise Department was officially renamed "Dahan Empire General Staff Headquarters", which has no affiliation with the Ministry of War and is directly responsible to the "King of Han".

Liu Zhilun, Sun Chuanting, Chen Qiyu, Lu Xiangsheng, Sun Chengzong, Sun Chuanting, Qin Liangyu, Ma Xianglin, Qin Gongming, etc. were all nominated as senior staff officers of the second rank, equal to the six ministers.

The "Great Han Empire Intelligence Bureau" in charge of Huang Sifang is at the same level as the six ministries, and Li Ruolian, Li Sanniangzi, Lou Yun, Zhang Chao, etc. are still serving as banner guards, Jinyiwei commanders, and Tongzhi respectively...

There is a vacancy in the Ministry of Propaganda. Liu Zaiqi serves as the left servant, Ruan Dacheng serves as the right servant, and the Ministry of Health does not have a minister for the time being.

Huang Yong, the de facto commander-in-chief of the navy, was left to hold the position of secretary of the Ministry of Transport. At this time, he did not come to the capital and had already led the fleet to sail to the Gulf of Siam again.

Huang Kezao, who had followed Huang Han loyally for ten years, was given the post of Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of Transport.

A special mention should be made regarding the appointment and dismissal of Shi Kefa. This man is also a swindler who doesn't know how to adapt. Wen can't govern the country, and military is not enough to lead troops to fight.

When people make the best use of their talents, there will always be a job suitable for people like Shi Kefa. Huang Han appointed Shi Kefa as a household doctor, and assigned him the job of supervising the mint of the "Great Han Empire".

The water for minting coins is very deep, and using the wrong person is harmful. I believe that with Shi Kefa's temperament, no one will be decapitated because of corruption.

The original "Hanwang" system had a population of more than 1000 million, and the actual territory controlled was equivalent to one-fifth of that of Ming Dynasty.

In recent years, he has paid great attention to recruiting and cultivating talents, and there are tens of thousands of officers and non-commissioned officers taught by Huang Han himself.

These people are definitely not mobs who appear to be in harmony with each other. Most of them can think in one direction, use energy in one direction, and twist up and down into a rope.

The "King of Han" who had strong soldiers, money, food, and talents lifted his weight lightly, and the imperial power of the Ming Dynasty, which seemed to have deep roots, was completely emptied in just a few days.

The common people in the capital didn't feel much except that there were more "Red Banner Army" on the streets and that life was easier, but Yuan Daming Wenwu felt the earth-shaking changes.

The most obvious change is that nothing has been discussed and deliberated for a long time, and there is no need for "Hanwang" to give instructions, and the secretariat will give an answer immediately.

There is another change that everyone likes to see, that is, the Ministry of Households no longer needs to tear down the east wall to make up for the west.

Within a few days, the "King of Han" began drastic reforms. Instead of rectifying the administration of officials, he strictly managed the army, eliminated redundant personnel and streamlined administration.

But it is not that simple to get the treatment of the "Red Banner Army". Age, physical fitness, and combat skills are all indispensable.

If you want to become the general banner officer, or keep the senior official position above the general banner officer, you can only pass the cultural examination under the premise of meeting the physical fitness and combat skills.

Ten years after Chongzhen, the Ming army in the mainland was too bad. Not only was discipline lax, but even physical fitness could not meet the standards. This time the rectification will eliminate more than 10,000%, and the number will reach [-]+.

How to arrange the 10,000+ abolished Ming army?Although they do not meet the standards of the "Red Banner Army", they have also received military training. If they embark on the road of screaming and gathering mountains and forests to loot houses, their destructive power will be no small matter.

One-size-fits-all does not apply, and must be treated differently. The best arrangement is to be willing to farm, work as a worker, and have a family and a family.

One household is given [-] acres of dry land, five buckets of miscellaneous grains and [-] Wen per month to attract the head of the household to participate in the training of village courage. Get involved with corporal chiefs and small flag officers to raise monthly money.

To deal with many people who are full and the whole family is not hungry, the only way is to adopt the method of eliminating but not eliminating, and temporarily pay monthly money according to the treatment of the guards, and participate in the construction of large projects in an organized way.

How many official roads and seriously silted rivers are in disrepair next year?

Huang Han had a lot of money and food in his hands. It was too easy to maintain the construction corps that had been formed, such as carrying rivers and building roads. It was too easy to formulate budgets, allocate military salaries, give time limits and acceptance standards, and keep everyone busy throughout the year.

Every year, the Construction Corps is given hundreds of quotas to become regular soldiers of the "Red Banner Army", and some activists are promoted on the spot, so that the hard-working grassroots soldiers have hope. It is not too difficult to manage these people well.

Backed by strong financial resources and deterred by hundreds of thousands of powerful troops, streamlined administration has been done in a spectacular manner. There have been basically no mass incidents, and a peaceful transition is underway.

Half a month after entering Beijing, the "King of Han" issued a decree, appointing Hanzi as the "General to Suppress Bandits" and set off on the expedition.

Sun Chuanting and Chen Qiyu were the chief of the frontline general staff and the deputy chief of the general staff. They assisted Hanzi in commanding the 13 "Red Banner Army" who had already marched to the Yellow River defense line and all the inland troops.

Their primary task is not to cross the Yellow River to attack the bandits, but to mix with the [-] troops commanded by Liu Zhilun and Fang Zhenghua. Of course, if there are local troops who can pass the assessment, they can also be incorporated.

(End of this chapter)

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