Chapter 954

In fact, the grassroots soldiers and officials basically don't care about any changes in the capital. They only care about whether the income has decreased and whether the prices have risen.

A smooth transition is Huang Han's established policy, and he has done a lot of preliminary work for this purpose. If the price of grain is well controlled, the price can be better stabilized.

In recent years, high-yield crops have been promoted, water conservancy facilities have been built, and ship locks and a large number of small-scale locks have been built in Nantongzhou, Yangzhou, Taizhou, and Haizhou in Nanzhili to improve the disaster resistance of the fields.

Everything Huang Han did was not in vain, the natural disasters were better contained, and the total grain output could basically guarantee the supply of rations.

Of course, this is also due to the promotion of the household registration system and the grain system, which set a maximum price limit for the originally unscrupulous grain market. It is absolutely impossible for merchants in the grain business to hoard and sell at high prices.

Because the state of emergency will be enforced if the price exceeds the ceiling price, ordinary people can go to the "Red Flag Grain Bank" to buy rations at a par price with their food capital.

With the dangling sword of the ceiling price, grain merchants really dare not touch the high-voltage wires, and do business honestly, earning the difference between retail and wholesale prices, and earning hard money and technical money for processing rice and wheat into rice noodles .

The Longwu navy led by Huang Yong has been escorting the sea trade. Every year, more than 400 million shi of grain are imported from Day Viet, Guangnan, Luzon, and Siam, and most of them are polished rice.

With these grains and the [-] million shi obtained from farming, it is enough to curb grain prices and crack down on profiteers.

The "King of Han", supported by all people, led the 10,000+ "Red Banner Army" that completed Pingliao into Beijing in a high-profile manner. There is no need to deliberately show off their might, the "Red Banner Army" has already shaken the world.

Building slaves was originally a nightmare for the military and civilian officials in the northern part of the Ming Dynasty, but now they are beaten to ashes and annihilated by the "King of Han".

Big businessmen with a little strength are the spokespersons of bureaucratic capital. They are not only well-informed, but also read books and newspapers themselves, and of course they are aware of what will happen next.

If you are fawning, you are afraid that you will not be able to please, how can anyone be so bold as to dare to fight with the "King of Han"?
Moreover, more than half of the capital of too many big businesses has been invested in industries, and the funds used for speculation are already limited, so of course it is impossible to make waves.

Why do house prices keep rising in future generations?
The big reason is that capital is promoting, without others, there are more and more people who own capital, there are too few investment channels, and the depreciation of banknotes is too fast.

In the end, the poor just-needers who want to own their own dwellings have overdrawn their lifetime income and bought high-priced houses from real estate speculators. After the calculation, those houses worth hundreds or tens of millions are equivalent to being cast in silver.

With a responsible attitude, Huang Han not only wants to introduce policies and regulations to curb the greed of capital, but also guides capital to enter the industry. If the country cannot accommodate it, he simply guides capital to participate in conquest and expansion.

In the next few days, Chongzhen, who had gradually adapted to the loneliness, suddenly saw the minister again. It was a group of persuasion lobbyists formed under Huang Han's behest.

A three-person group consisting of Zheng Guochang, Wen Tiren, Yang Yipeng, Zhang Fengyi, Liang Tingdong, Wu Xiang, Zhang Zhiji, Zhu Chunchen, Zhang Zhifa, Kong Wenshi and other ministers and nobles entered the Forbidden City in turn to chat with the emperor.

Everyone expressed one meaning, urging Chongzhen to be aware of the current affairs and take the Zen position as soon as possible, clearly pointing out that the entire capital has been taken over by the "Red Banner Army", and Daming Jinyiwei and Dongchang have now taken refuge in the "King of Han".

If the emperor is obsessed with obsession, there is no guarantee that a general of the "Red Banner Army" will directly lead troops into the Forbidden City to kill the emperor in order to claim credit.

But if Chongzhen chooses to abdicate, then the "King of Han" will kill the White Horse League and swear to protect the royal family, and whoever dares to attack the Zhu Ming royal family will be punished by the extermination of the nine clans.

The biting Wen Tiren spoke very bluntly, clearly pointing out that if the emperor is obsessed with obsession, the ministers also have ways to deal with it. They can definitely announce the collapse of today's son, and then support the prince or a certain prince to succeed him.

At that time, would it still be difficult to intimidate the young Xinjun Zen position?
Wen Tiren persuaded the emperor not to be stubborn anymore, why did he have to make the Forbidden City bloody?
These ministers and nobles not only came to lobby the emperor every morning and afternoon, but also took turns to persuade the prince Zhu Cihong.

Wen Tiren, Zhang Fengyi, Liang Tingdong, etc. persuaded the emperor to maintain the proper manners, and persuaded the doomed prince who was doomed to fail to ascend the throne. Some of them were relying on the old to sell the old, and some words were blatant threats.

They pointed out that the "King of Han" was benevolent, willing to preserve Zhu Ming's royal family, and willing to give the royal family members glory and wealth.

But who can guarantee that the civil and military generals of the "King of Han" will be able to exercise restraint when they have not received news of Emperor Chongzhen's promise to abdicate for a long time!

Zhu Cihong was not a tough guy in the first place, but after being coaxed and frightened, he immediately lost his mind.

He simply went to the imperial study to see his father and begged on his knees, and made it clear that he did not want to be the emperor one day, but only wanted to be a rich man in peace and security in this life, and he would be satisfied.

Although Chongzhen is strong, he also has a soft side. In fact, he still cares about his sons very much.

In history, he forced the queen to die for the country, killed Princess Zhaoren who was only six years old with tears, and broke Princess Kunxing's left arm, but he did not kill his sons, but arranged for them to flee.

Now that several sons seem to be under the control of the "King of Han", Chongzhen feels inexplicably terrified.

Within a few days, he learned from Zheng Guochang that the 10,000 elite Beijing battalion on the Yellow River defense line had been reorganized by the "King of Han", and that when the Yellow River froze, he would go south to recover the Central Plains with [-]+ "Red Banner Army".

The last glimmer of hope was shattered, and Chongzhen realized that the general situation was over, and his heart began to waver.

The turmoil in the capital will not affect the military operations of the soldiers of the "Red Banner Army". Hanzi, Sun Chuanting, and Chen Qiyu led the soldiers to cross the Yellow River in no hurry after joining the already mobilized troops.

One is that it is time-consuming and laborious to organize 20 people to cross the river at this time, and it is not cost-effective. It is best to wait for more than a month after the Yellow River freezes to launch a general attack.

The second is that the "Red Banner Army" has to be mixed with Liu Zhilun and Fang Zhenghua's [-] elite troops from the Beijing camp, and it takes a month or two to get in touch.

The fact that Liu Zhilun and Fang Zhenghua did not return to the capital under the imperial edict was enough to show their attitude, and they also received a letter from Huang Han.

Huang Han promised in the letter that if Liu Zhilun is willing to be a Beijing official, he can choose which department to serve as a minister. .

The current Ming Dynasty is no longer two capitals and thirteen provinces, but there are more "Hanjiang Province" and "Liaodong Province", and it is temporarily "Two Capitals and Fifteen Provinces".

Next, the victory of Dai Viet and Guangnan will give birth to "Annan Province", and the consolidation of the North of the Great Wall will also establish "Beihai Province".

After solving the rogue bandits, the "Red Banner Army" had to go west and cross the Tianshan Mountains to establish "Tianshan Province", "Xijiang Province", and "Northwest Province"...

(End of this chapter)

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