Chapter 955 The Battle of Tongguan

The position reserved for Fang Zhenghua is also good, the chief executive of the "Great Han Empire" and also in charge of the Inspectorate of the National Security Bureau.

A batch of inspectors of the former Daming Dongchang Fan Service Security Bureau who passed the selection will be retained, and some eunuchs who have undergone internal training will also be selected to enrich the team.

The responsibility of this department is to supervise all the civil servants and generals of the "Great Han Empire", and it is only responsible to the emperor of the "Great Han Empire".

Huang Han's letter pointed out that with the passage of time, who can guarantee that the civil servants and generals of the "Great Han Empire" will not become corrupt?
The Inspectorate is a sharp sword hanging over the heads of all officials, the purpose is to keep ringing the alarm and curb greed.

Fang Zhenghua didn't know that Ming Dynasty's gradual demise was all due to the corruption of civil and military generals. He was overjoyed when he learned that his job would be to supervise civil and military officials, and his loyalty to the "King of Han" immediately doubled.

Liu Zhilun and Fang Zhenghua actively cooperated with the reorganization, and Zhou Yuji, Chen Gao, Lin Daye and other generals would certainly not stand in the way. Now that the 20 troops are gearing up, the only difference is that a sudden north wind blows overnight, and the Yellow River becomes smooth.

In the past two years, Jin Minghu and Zhao Shisan tried their best to show off in front of Gao Yingxiang. They pretended to be obedient and got reused. The number of people under their command increased instead of decreased.

Now the status is second only to Li Yan, Li Zicheng, Ma Shouying, far higher than Tian Jianxiu, Li Guo and so on.

The gangsters mobilize the masses to attack Tongjiao, and they are bound to fail. Of course, the "Winged Tiger" department would not do such a stupid thing.

It's a pity that they were assigned to the East Road this time under the command of the "Crossing General" Li Zicheng. I'm afraid they couldn't capture Gao Yingxiang and make the first contribution to suppress the bandits when they turned their backs. It was inevitable that they would be a little disappointed.

It's no wonder that the purpose of infiltrating the rogues for several years is to plot against Gao Yingxiang, and the reason for delaying the launch is to obey the overall situation.

Now that Ping-Liao was successfully completed, when it was time to settle accounts with the rogues, they found that the goal was not here. Of course, Jin Minghu and other generals felt that all their efforts were in vain.

However, in the past few days, Jin Minghu and the others have become more confident, because the banner guards have conveyed the "King of Han" oral order to capture and behead Gao Yingxiang's son-in-law "Crossing General" Li Zicheng and the capture of "Chuangwang" Gao Yingxiang is tied for the first place.

In history, Daming was not destroyed by "Li Chuangzei". This bastard is a Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death. How can Huang Han let him go easily? He must be caught and smashed into pieces.

Therefore, an order was specially issued to Jin Minghu and Zhao Shisan to alert them not to run away from Li Zicheng, but to see the dead and the dead.

At the same time, the plan of the General Staff Headquarters was issued. The goal of the "Winged Tiger" Department is to control the two big cities of Luoyang and Kaifeng, so as to prevent the rogues from fleeing into the city and face the city's offensive and defensive battle.

Whether it consumed the troops of both sides or caused large-scale damage to the city, it was an irreparable loss for the "Red Banner Army".

Overseas colonization requires too many people, and mining, road construction, and farming require so much labor. The young and middle-aged among the rogues are all labor. Of course, they cannot be killed too much, and they must be retained to create surplus value!

Li Zicheng has a lot of eyes. When he led an army of 10,000+ bandits to attack Tongguan East, he refused to act recklessly after being deflated. He was going to contact "King Gao Chuang" to confirm how Tongguan West was playing before deciding on the next deployment.

Gao Yingxiang's plan was to capture Tongguan in one fell swoop before the Yellow River froze. He led his troops to the west of Tongguan for only one day to take turns to attack in units of ten thousand people.

It's a pity that the firepower of the defenders was so fierce that the shells fired by the gunners seemed to have eyes. The heavy equipment such as shield vehicles, rush vehicles, and trench bridges prepared by the bandits could not reach within [-] steps of the trench defense net. It fell apart with a bang.

This is not bragging. The "Red Banner Army" is rich and powerful, and they are willing to spend money on live ammunition training. The shells, gunpowder, and scrapped artillery are not in vain.

The skills of the gunners of the "Red Banner Army" have been improved by leaps and bounds. Face-to-face bombardment of heavy shield vehicles, dashing vehicles, crashing vehicles, etc., basically all the guns were fired, and the rogues who came excitedly were beaten to pieces.

Although the rogues at this time have strengthened their discipline, they are incomparable to the discipline of the "Red Banner Army". .

The rogues who participated in the attack were dumbfounded. If they rushed forward, they would die, but when they ran back, the old battalion armored cavalry team supervised by "King Gao Chuang" cut off the heads of deserters without mercy.

No way, too many rogues simply lay down on the spot. They knew there was still a chance of survival, because they had all heard of the benevolence and righteousness of the "Red Banner Army". As long as they were not big bosses, they could basically survive if they chose to surrender.

The high-spirited Gao Yingxiang came with the crowd. He thought he could win Tongguan in one go. Unexpectedly, he lost two to 3000 troops after fighting for a day. He didn't even break through the trench network outside Tongguan.

In the evening, Gao Yingxiang asked Li Yan, the dog-headed military strategist, for advice, but this degenerate literati was so-so in his political propaganda and conspiracies, and he was helpless in fighting with real swords and guns on the battlefield.

My lord asks for advice, Li Yan, a military adviser, has to perform his duties!
He could only bite the bullet and offer a plan, digging trenches and advancing slowly while the weather was still cold, pitting trenches against trenches!

The guns of the Ming army were powerful. They not only destroyed the advancing shield vehicles, but also caused a large number of casualties, which severely damaged the morale of our rebel army.

In order to reduce the loss of one's own side before the battle, the impact distance must be shortened as much as possible.

We advance by digging trenches, as close as possible to the defenders with sharp artillery fire.

As long as the rebel army has the opportunity to fight between the two armies, the rebel army's superiority in strength can basically secure the victory.

Gao Yingxiang thought about it, and when there was no other way, it seemed that this time-consuming and laborious method was the only one he could use.

The next day, tens of thousands of rogues turned into groundhogs, digging, digging, and digging.

Suddenly the disgraced rogues heard someone shouting:

"Brothers, don't waste your time in vain. When did the 'Red Banner Army' suffer a defeat? Everyone follow me, lie on the ground obediently and don't move, and sneak up at night to surrender. The 'Red Banner Army' treats prisoners preferentially. Cook cakes and eat!"

"Being a thief will embarrass the ancestors and harm the descendants. Brothers, don't hesitate, turn around as soon as possible!"

The highest instruction of the "King of Han", "The purpose of the civil war is not to kill, and force the enemy to surrender as much as possible!" All the generals of the "Red Banner Army" kept it in mind.

When they found many rogues stranded on the battlefield with their heads in their hands, the Mini shooter did not give them a headshot, but shouted for them to crawl over slowly, and the "Red Banner Army" accepted the surrender and gave them preferential treatment.

The glorious image of the "Red Banner Army" starving to death and not plundering the people spread all over the world. After confirming that the Tongguan defenders were the "Red Banner Army", more than a thousand bandits successfully crawled into the trenches and surrendered that night.

These people had a full night's rest after eating, and the next day, more than 100 people with loud voices were selected and picked up the trumpets to shout out to persuade them to surrender.

The rogues were not as tenacious as Jiannu, perhaps even worse than the Tartars. After hearing the words of their former companions persuading them to surrender, too many people were immediately discouraged.

They knew that once the trenches approached the defense network of the defenders, they would face hand-to-hand combat. How many of them, the lowest soldiers, would be able to survive?
(End of this chapter)

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