Chapter 956 Frustration
Seeing that the excavation progress had obviously slowed down, a middle-level leader ran over with a few personal soldiers to check.

Immediately, I found that more than a dozen small soldiers were squatting on the ground and chatting, and no one was working.

He flew into a rage, swung the back of his knife and slammed at a pawn who didn't see that he was still chattering about family affairs, and said, "King Chuang gave you a field so that you can have food for the whole family. Is this how you repay?"

Before the beaten rogue could answer, there was a sudden "bang", and the leader immediately fell down with his head bursting out of his head.

A voice sounded, and it was a dozen loud voices shouting in unison: "Brothers, the guns of the 'Red Banner Army' can hit more than a mile, but they deliberately leave you a way out of good intentions, and they are all elected officials. start.

The 'King of Han' is kind and loves the people like a son. To surrender to the 'Red Banner Army' is to submit to the 'King of Han'. In the future, there will be no worries about food and clothing. Every household will have [-] acres of dry land. "

The simple training unified the content of persuading surrender, and the voices of more than a dozen people could be heard far away, and the rogues at the front could basically hear clearly.

Sniping and killing the leader of the bandits is the task of the gunmen hidden in the frontier. One or two hundred snipers are ambushed on the several-mile-long front.

This middle-level leader should be in charge of thousands of people in the rogue team. He was well-dressed, and when he ran forward with a few personal soldiers, he was noticed by the "Red Banner Army" snipers.

How could the sniper give up when the target was within a distance of more than [-] steps and shoot him down decisively.

Several soldiers heard the sound of gunshots, but before they could react, warm blood splashed all over their faces. They were so frightened that they uttered "Oh my god!" and immediately fell to the ground with a plop.

One of the soldiers closest to him watched with his own eyes that Mr. Qian, who was with him day and night, was beaten until his brains burst, and he felt that the place was out of control.

The beaten bandit exclaimed: "Damn, the 'Red Banner Army' is amazing. The blunderbuss seem to have eyes. It is impossible for me to defeat them. I have made up my mind and crawled over to surrender at night."

A few rogues beside him echoed: "Yes, yes, yes, the 'King of Han' killed Jiannu and the Tartars subjugated the country and exterminated the species. How can the 'King Gao Chuang' and 'General Li Chuang' be the enemy? Surrender as soon as possible and get rid of it sooner. We will follow at night .”

Several soldiers dared not speak at this time, and did not dare to raise their heads, for fear that they would also be shot in the head by the "Red Banner Army" on the opposite side.

The bandits who were beaten suddenly had an idea, and bewitched: "Brothers, it's no fun for us to crawl over and surrender. If we capture five prisoners and donate them to the 'Red Banner Army', we should turn from surrender to defection. The treatment will definitely be very different." same."

A senior soldier got angry, he clenched his waist knife and cursed: "San Wang, don't fart, I recognize you, believe it or not, I cut you off first, and took your head to surrender to the 'Red Banner Army', I should do this too It can be regarded as beheading."

Holding the pickaxe in his hand, Wang San smiled when he saw this, smoothed things over and said, "Geng Da, are you lying to us? You are willing to surrender voluntarily because you enjoy the food and drink in the personal army?"

Geng Dao: "Put your mother's fart on, and still eat delicious food? It would be nice to eat pancakes. You have also seen that Mr. Qian was killed by others, what shall we do in the future?
I have strength and martial arts, and I have long wanted to find an opportunity to join the 'Red Banner Army'. Now that I am close at hand, of course I have to give it a try. "

Wang San looked at the others, and still smiled and said, "Brothers, we are all fellow villagers. Ming people don't speak secret words. If you want to surrender together, let us know. If you don't want to go, it doesn't matter. We won't use force." , but don’t spoil our good deeds.”

The other soldiers thought Geng Da's words were justified. Their chief general was killed, and there must be someone else to be the general manager. They must have their own soldiers around them. What will they do in the future?
Several soldiers said: "Who wants to be a thief all day long? It would be great to join the 'Red Banner Army'. Don't worry, let's crawl there together at night!"

Huang Han strictly managed the "Red Banner Army" from the beginning. Every soldier is used to paying attention to his own image. The 11 years of persistent efforts have not been in vain. Now it is well-known.

Efforts always pay off, and this time against the rogues, the rewards were huge. The morale of the rogues plummeted after they found out that their opponent was the "Red Banner Army".

He Yongqing, Sun Yingyuan, Huang Huiwu and other generals were still planning a fierce battle.
But after seeing the situation in the past few days, they asked some rogues who voluntarily surrendered. They judged that the rogues only appeared to be numerous and powerful, but they were actually very rotten in their bones. They might not even be able to touch Tongguan.

He Yongqing immediately reported the latest situation analysis to the north bank of the Yellow River using semaphore, clearly pointing out that the speed of the encirclement of the various armies is very important, because after the rogues are deflated outside Tongguan, they are likely to give up their actions and start fleeing.

The plan could not keep up with the changes, and it seemed too late to wait for the Yellow River to freeze. Hanzi, Sun Chuanting, Liu Zhilun, etc. immediately adjusted their deployment and chose three ferries to cross the river immediately.

Everyone knows that there are not many cavalry in the mainland. Without the ability to complete the raid and pursuit, it is impossible to wipe out the effective force of the rogues-the old battalion cavalry.

Transporting cavalry to cross the river cannot be accomplished overnight. In order to avoid unnecessary casualties caused by the refueling tactic, Hanzi ordered the troops crossing the river to stand by on the spot, and no unauthorized actions were allowed if they assembled less than [-] cavalry.

Li Zicheng did not wait for the good news of the victory of the old man Gao Yingxiang, but learned that the attack on the western front was frustrated, and he surrendered with death, and nearly [-] troops had been lost.

Seeing that the weather was getting colder and colder, Li Zicheng didn't want to waste time in Tongguan East, but he didn't dare to retreat on a large scale without Gao Yingxiang's order, so he had to draw half of his troops back to defend Luoyang, Xingyang, Kaifeng and other big cities.

At the same time, Li Zicheng sent his confidants to send a letter to his father-in-law, pointing out that if the siege of Tongguan cannot be resolved quickly, he should choose to retreat immediately, so that the green hills will be left without worrying about no firewood. You must not fight to the bone.

Of course, it is impossible for Li Zicheng to withdraw all his direct descendants such as Liu Fangliang, Hao Yaoqi, Yuan Zongdi, Tian Jianxiu and so on.

If he did this, "Winged Tiger" Jin Minghu, "Geiliyan" He Yilong, "Crashing the Sky" Liu Guoneng, "Shooting the Sky" Li Wanqing, etc. would not listen to him.

Therefore, the "winged tiger" department also got a chance to divide its troops and return to defense.

Jin Minghu, Qi Yuguo and others stayed behind to wait for the opportunity to capture or behead Li Zicheng.

Generals Zhao Shisan and Zhang Shouzhong led more than [-] troops back to the defense. They must at least stay in Luoyang and Kaifeng to ensure that these two major cities in the Central Plains are within easy reach when the main force arrives.

(End of this chapter)

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