Chapter 1001

Xifeng Bulai hummed twice.

"It's kind of interesting, it sounds like that, but if Daqin is really so powerful, why do you still come to me? Why don't you just call me and wipe us out?"

"Do you really think we can't fight over and wipe them all out? Think about East Turks, Goguryeo, which one doesn't have hundreds of thousands of armor, thousands of miles of land, and millions of people? But in the end, they fought against the Great Qin, Although it is far away, it must be punished, even if it is strong, it must be killed, but now there are still East Turks? But there is still Goguryeo?"

Tang Jian smiled and said to himself: "I am here to find you this time, not because my Great Qin cannot destroy you, but because the Central Plains have just been unified, and my Great Qin Emperor wants to recuperate and rehabilitate the people and enrich the country. Fighting back and forth with you savages. To put it simply, fighting with you is a loss-making business. If you win, what can you get? This barbaric land that doesn’t shit? What about cattle, sheep and horses?"

"Let me do the math with you. I, Daqin, spend tens of thousands of dollars a year to raise a soldier. To fight a war, especially in a barren place like yours, dispatch 10 people. It costs tens of millions of money to fight for a few months. It costs hundreds of millions of money to dispatch a million troops, but what return can you get after you are wiped out? This barren land cannot be cultivated, just a few horses Cattle and sheep, some prisoners of war and slaves are not enough for military expenses if they are all converted and sold. Therefore, for us, it is of no benefit to fight with you. Fighting Goguryeo, we can still get millions of slaves and thousands of miles of arable land Wotu, it’s really boring to fight with you.”

"For me, Daqin, as long as you are willing to stay in this wild frontier with peace of mind, submit to pay tribute honestly, and don't mess around with things, then I, Daqin, have no interest in you."

Seeing Xifeng Burai's surprised expression, Tang Jian said with a smile, "Don't believe it, the fact is so. In fact, the imperial court doesn't care what party is outside the Great Wall or Tubo, Supi or Bailan. Speaking of you, you are all the same, you are all barbarians, as long as you submit to the vassals, I, Da Qin, don't bother to care too much about you."

Although Xifeng Bulai knew that in the eyes of the Central Plains people, they were barbarians like livestock after going to Chang'an before, but he was still very unconvinced to be despised like this face to face.

"Do you think there is any advantage for you to follow Tubo? Tubo is poorer than you, and the place you live in is worse than you. Whenever there is a chance, it wants to annex your territory and enslave your population. How can this be compared with belonging to Daqin? In comparison? At least I, Daqin, won’t take a fancy to your innocence. The only thing you can be attracted to by the Central Plains is cattle, sheep and livestock, but what I have in the Central Plains are good things like tea, silk, cloth, and salt. If you just take some points and exchange them, you can only make money and not lose money, why bother to call to impress and make a loss-making business?"

Tang Jian saw that Xifeng Bulai was shaken, so he simply added to the fire.

"If your Small Seal Department can abandon the darkness and turn to the light, then I, Daqin, will also reward you with great rewards."

"Big reward?"

"If you are willing to submit to the small seal department, as long as you are willing to send troops to kill the Tuoba tribe, then I, the Son of Heaven, will canonize your father as the king of the Dangxiang, and assign the entire territory of the eight departments of the Dangxiang to you Jianguo, just like the feudal princes of the Central Plains. , will always be a feudal lord of the Daqin clan, and will always be a fief of the town."

"You think we can kill each other? If we two tigers fight each other, will you send troops at that time?"

"What I said just now is very clear. We are not interested in this barren land."

"Even so, the strength of the Tuoba Department is still strong. If we fight against him, we will lose both."

"You can rest assured about this. My Emperor Qin has already sent a general to Jiannan to command an army of [-]. When the time comes, you will be the vanguard with my Jiannan army as the backing. The ashes are gone. After the Tuoba tribe is wiped out, the pastures and grasslands of the tribe, their cattle, sheep and livestock all belong to you, and only the population belongs to Daqin. How about this division?"

It was the first time for Xifeng Bulai to hear that the Qin army was going to send 40 troops to Jiannan.After all, the strength of the Qin army is not ordinary.When he entered Chang'an, he saw the strength of the Sui army with his own eyes.When Emperor Sui was touring outside the Great Wall to the north, even the Turkic Khan, who controlled [-] riders, had to mow the grass to clear the way for the emperor, hunt deer and offer food.

"A certain person is willing to serve the Emperor of Great Qin to destroy Tuoba, but he has a request, to marry a Princess of Great Qin."

Tang Jian shook his head directly.

"The Turks, Tie Le, Khitan, Xi and other Khans all want to marry my Great Qin Princess. These people are loyal to my Great Qin, but my emperor has never agreed, let alone Tuyuhun, Tubo, and Western Turks. It is not approved. My emperor has set up a precept long ago, not to get married."

Xifeng Bulai's complexion is not very good-looking, and he wants to marry a Daqin princess, the purpose is to be able to borrow Daqin's prestige.After all, since the Han Dynasty, it has been the glory of the vassal kings to get the Central Plains peace.When he was in Chang'an back then, he had seen the glory of Turkic, Tuyuhun, etc. after they proposed to marry the Sui princess, who could become the son-in-law of the emperor, and who would dare to provoke rebellion from the surrounding feudal clans.

"Actually, it's not that there are no workarounds."

Tang Jian said with a smile, "It's impossible for the vassals to be the son-in-law of the Great Qin Emperor, but you can be the son-in-law of the Great Qin Emperor."

"What do you mean?"

Tang Jian then told Xifeng Bulai that Daqin does not marry, but he only meant not to marry the princess to the vassal king, but he did not object to the vassals sending their daughters to the Daqin Palace.

For example, Khitan, Xi and other vassal kings all sent their daughters or sisters to the Great Qin Palace.

In this way, they will become the father-in-law or uncle of the Great Qin Emperor, and they will also be able to get the glory.

"Dangxiang founded the country, crowned the king, and became the father-in-law of the Great Qin Emperor..."

This article is very tempting to Xifeng Bulai. Although the patriarch is his father, after his father dies, won't he be the new king of the party? If he married his younger sister to the emperor, he is also the emperor of Daqin Uncle Guo.

Not to mention, with the support of Daqin, Xianbei Tuoba, who had always been disliked, was wiped out, and this fake Dangxiang Qiang disappeared, resolving the century-old grievances.

"Xifeng Shao Patriarch, the party's strength is not strong, it is normal to be with the boss, but even if you want to choose the eldest brother, you have to choose the strongest one. What is Tubo? A group of barbarians, less than [-] soldiers, no more than a hundred people Wan, what's the point of following such barbarians, what benefits can they give you? If a war is really going to happen, you will be at the front, and they will get the benefits, what's the point of that?"

Xifeng Aurai asked, "What you said sounds really good, but after all, there is nothing to prove that you have a red mouth and white teeth. I can't believe that you can represent the Great Qin Emperor. If you can Please ask the Great Qin Emperor for an edict to obtain the imperial edict and the king's golden seal for my father and son, only then can I trust you."

Tang Jian laughed, "What's so difficult about this? I can give the imperial court a seal right now, but to show your sincerity, I would like to ask the young patriarch to choose one of his sons and send him to Chang'an to meet the emperor. Of course, if you If you want to send a younger sister or daughter to Chang'an Tai Chi Palace, that's the best, but remember to choose a young and beautiful one, otherwise it's not good to be self-defeating."

(End of this chapter)

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