Chapter 1002

Tang Jian stayed in Jiacheng for three days and then left again.

One hundred packs of tea leaves were left behind, and they were directly given to Xifeng Bulai as a gift.Xifeng Bulai returned him a thousand party horses as a gift, and at the same time handed over his son and daughter to Tang Jian for him to take back to Chang'an.

Xifeng didn't get his father's consent, so he decided the matter on his own. He didn't even choose a younger sister to go to Chang'an, but chose his own daughter.In this regard, he is also a little cautious. It is better to be the head of the country than to be the country's uncle.In order to show sincerity, he did not send his younger brother to Chang'an, but sent his son directly.

Saifeng Aurai, who once went to Chang'an as a proton, actually knows very well that it is definitely good for his son to have the opportunity to stay in Chang'an for ten or eight years. It can greatly broaden his horizons and learn many useful things. When the son returns to the country, he will inherit the position in the future, and Zhongyuan will feel more at ease.

Therefore, it was his eldest son, a young man, who handed over the seal to Tang Jian.

Before leaving, Xi Fengwei asked his father in a puzzled manner, "Why didn't you report such a big matter to your grandfather first, and is it really the best choice to return to Qin?"

Xifeng Bulai fastened the saddle for the eldest son in front of the city gate, and handed a bag of gold and silver to his son, "When you arrive in Chang'an, you will realize that the world is so big, and you will know how powerful the Han people are. The Han people have Yelang is arrogant in a word, and there is another idiom called sitting in a well and watching the sky. Nowadays, many people in our tribe just stay in this small place all their lives. They don’t know what the outside world is like, let alone how powerful the Han people are. After the Sui Dynasty, Helong was weak and chaotic, but he could not see that the Central Plains had been reunified. A new emperor who far surpassed the two emperors of the Sui Dynasty was ruling the world. Look at Goguryeo and the fate of Eastern Turks. Tang Jian said Yes, we are not their opponents, nor are they all added up."

"Is Qin really that strong?"

Xifeng patted his son on the shoulder, "Yes, very strong. Among the eight major tribes of our party, the strongest Tuoba tribe is no more than ten thousand cavalry warriors, but the Central Plains has millions of soldiers and tens of millions of people. East Turkic and Goguryeo is a big country with 40 to [-] troops, and it will still be destroyed by the Qin people."

In fact, he was very opposed to his father joining Tubo with the Tuoba tribe at the beginning, and even more opposed to their going north to attack Qin.

Xifeng turned his head and confessed to his daughter on the horse, "Father knows that he will send you to the Chang'an Palace. You will travel thousands of miles away from the tribe's family, but this is for the tribe. When you arrive in Chang'an and enter the Taiji Palace, remember one thing Things, don't be impulsive and lose your temper, especially with the Emperor Daqin. Also, find a way to please the emperor, make your belly bigger as soon as possible, and give birth to a cub, preferably a cub with a handle, so that you will be in the palace. The status will be much higher, the mother is more expensive than the son, and our tribe has a prince's nephew, and the status can also be improved."

"Actually, I really want to give your brother a princess or princess, but this emperor of Qin is different from the emperors of the Han and Wei dynasties. It's really a pity that he has set the national motto not to marry a princess without getting along with him." As he said, he Then he turned his head and said to his son, "When you arrive in Chang'an, remember to make more friends. Don't be afraid to spend money. If you run out of money, Aye will send it to you. If you make more friends, you will have more roads. Especially remember to make more friends." Children of noble Qi, but remember not to associate with the prince's clan, remember."


"Except for the crown prince, although the other princes have high status, they are also very dangerous. If one is not good, if they are involved in the battle for the crown prince, they may be fine, but others may become pond fish. If there is a chance, your boy It is great to be able to marry the daughter of the prime minister of the court, even if it is a concubine, but if it is not good, you have to marry a daughter of the noble family of the Han family. This will be of great help to you in the Central Plains. Even after you come back in the future, if If you have a Han wife and give birth to a child, then you will be approached by them as half of your own.”

What Xifeng Bulai said was what he realized during the years he stayed in Chang'an and after he came back.At that time, he just failed to marry the daughter of a Han public official and noble family.

The young Xifeng Weiming asked curiously, "Father, is what Tang Jian said true? When we go to Chang'an, the emperor of Qin will issue an edict to canonize grandfather as the king of Dangxiang?"

Ayumi Hosou just smiled.

Of course, things are not that simple. He sent his daughter into the palace and his son as a hostage, but it was only a little bit of sincerity. Postscript.

Only by destroying the strongest Tuoba tribe among the eight tribes of the party, can they really be canonized by the king of the party.

Of course, if the Qin army does not send troops, it is impossible for Xifeng Bulai to fight against the Tuoba tribe alone. If he does not see rabbits and does not scatter eagles, his Xifeng tribe can be attached to Daqin and become the guide and vanguard of the Qin army, but he will never be alone fight.

"Let's go, after climbing over the snow mountain in front of you, you will leave the protection of the tribe. Remember to keep your tail between your legs and be a human being outside."

Xifeng Weiming stood beside the horse, knelt down, and kowtowed to his father.

The daughter bowed down to him too.

Tears also flashed in Xifengbu Lai's eyes, with a feeling of reluctance.

In front, Tang Jian didn't come to disturb their family's farewell, but just stood there watching the group of party horses.

And the gang of caravans who came with him were all amazed at the shopkeeper Tang's ability to do business. In three days, all [-] catties of tea were sold. The key is that the selling price is too good. Two thousand catties of tea leaves were exchanged for one thousand high-quality party horses. There is no one in this business.

The old man who led the team even came over with a shy face to ask for the secret.

After all, an excellent party horse can usually be exchanged for more than 100 catties of tea.But now, in fact, a good horse only exchanged about ten catties of tea.

"It's actually very simple. My tea is not ordinary tea, but good tea."

The old man looked in disbelief. When they crossed the snow-capped mountains, more than a dozen horses died. It’s not that they didn’t take the tea leaves from the horses and pack them on their backs. Even if it is an ordinary party horse, it has to be exchanged for forty catties of tea.

"What did I lie to you? Look, the nobleman Xifeng was very satisfied with my tea. He not only gave me a thousand good horses, but also sent his son back with me, planning to buy more of this tea. Good tea." He said with a leisurely smile, "In the future, the Qiangs of the Western Mountains must be the richest in the Dangxiang Xifeng Department, and they have good eyesight, and they are accurate."

The old man couldn't figure it out, and he couldn't figure it out, so he turned to the next best thing, "Master Tang, you see that our business has gone so smoothly, will you still take care of our caravan next time?"

"It's natural. I'll look for you next time I come." Tang Jian said cheerfully in a good mood.

(End of this chapter)

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