Chapter 1003

Dafei River.

Tubo Zanpu Nangri Lunzan personally rushed to the front line from Subi. As soon as he arrived in Dafeichuan, Nangri Lunzan scolded the marshal commanded by Dafeichuan and the three heads of ten thousand households.

Originally, he thought that they had sent [-] Dongdai, and recruited [-] Qiang-Yi coalition troops, and organized a [-] army. This time the troops were dispatched, which can be said to be the largest use of troops by Tubo.

The mobilization of so many soldiers and horses certainly shows the strength of Tubo today, but on the other hand, since it is a war, if so many troops are summoned to fight, it must be won.

but now.

It will be three months soon.

A summer has passed, and it's autumn, but not a single Dafeiling has been won, which is simply unforgivable for Nangri Lunzan.

He came here in person to reprimand these incompetent guys and supervise the army himself.

The knife is out of its sheath, and blood must be seen.

"The great Zanpu is all about this incompetent guy like Gar."

Facing Zanpu's anger, the Marshal wisely found someone to take the blame.Gar, who was originally a thousand households in Dongben, temporarily took over the position of Wanhu in Donglu, commanding [-] soldiers and horses in Donglu.

As a result, under his command, the Tubo Allied Forces on the East Road attacked Dafeiling many times, but every time they returned in failure, losing troops and losing generals.Among them, the Tuoba tribe of Dangxiang Qiang lost more than 2000 people, and the Domi Kingdom lost more than 1000 people. In addition, the Bailan Qiang, Nvguo and other Western Qiang tribes lost more or less [-] horses.

In total, with such an addition, he had 3 troops on the east road, and the loss of soldiers and horses was as high as nearly [-], a loss of one-third.Even if the Tubo headquarters did not suffer any losses, the Qiangs were extremely dissatisfied and even resentful.

"Gar, what's your explanation?"

Nangri Lunzan glared at Gar.

Gal was a little embarrassed, he couldn't explain it.

At the beginning, he didn't pay much attention to the Qin army in Dafeiling, but he tried left and right, and finally got angry and ignored the opposition of the Qiangs, and attacked hard, but all failed.

The most terrible thing is that after the fight, he felt that he had already tested the truth of the Qin army, and the Qin army was also very tired from his tossing. He asked the marshal to send troops to take over and continue the strong attack, so as to open the gap.

But that damn guy deliberately found a reason to refuse, just not to send troops, obviously just to see him laugh.

To take military and national affairs as a trifle is simply deserving of death.

He knew that this person was a new nobleman, and they had always been at odds with their old nobles. Especially in recent years, Zanpu had vigorously reused these new nobles, causing the old and new nobles to be incompatible.

It's just that he didn't expect that this person would use such a military matter to suppress him.

"Honorable Zanpu, those Qiang people are incompetent." Gal couldn't blame the Marshal, so he could only use those Qiang people to block his guns.

Dafeiling has been unable to attack for a long time, and now there are serious sequelae.

Although Tubo fought with the Qiangs, it was not like the Central Plains Dynasty marching and fighting, which required extremely high logistics.When they fight, they directly drive the cattle and sheep to accompany the army, and serve the army while grazing.

However, the armaments also need to be replenished, and the attack cannot be done for a long time, and the cattle and sheep will also be exhausted.

If this continues, the Tubo people will still have enough cattle and sheep, but some Qiang tribes are almost unable to support them.

The most troublesome thing is that the Western Turkic Army has already withdrawn several troops.

The Northern Route Army of the Qin Army went out of Hexi to attack the Western Regions, and was caught off guard by the Western Turks. After losing several battles in a row and losing Yiwu, Shekui also panicked.

And the latest news is that Daqin actually canonized their Uncle Shekui Moheduo Khan, who was captured in Dunhuang, as Turkic Khan, and also conferred him the King of Daqin Jinshan. Ming is to split the Western Turks.

With this move, Shekui Khan couldn't help being shocked, so he withdrew several troops from Tuyuhun again.

If this continues, the other tens of thousands of troops remaining in Tuyuhun will probably also withdraw. In this case, it will become the Tubo army fighting alone.

"Send someone to Lingxia to ask for peace talks with the Qin army."

Nangri Lunzan is a very strategic person, otherwise it would not be possible to win a series of expansion victories shortly after inheriting the father's throne.

Sending troops to Tuyuhun was the result of his deep thinking.

After all, Tubo wants to continue to expand, and there is a big snow mountain to block it to the south. Although there is a road leading to the south of the mountain, Nibala in the south of the mountain is also powerful. The most important thing is that they will face extremely difficult logistical supplies to expand southward beyond the snow mountain. .

Because of this, Tubo never considered expanding south.

If you don't go south, then there are only three directions left: east, north and west.

To the west, there are the Qiang and Yi tribes, and then there is the Jiannan Road of the Great Qin, although he heard that the Jiannan Shu of the Great Qin has a pleasant climate, fertile land, and rich products.But to fight over, the first thing is to block the Qiang barbarians in between. These tribes have not yet fully surrendered, so it is not easy to cross them and fight Jiannan.

Another thing is that there are continuous high mountains and deep valleys to the east, and many places have to cross snow-capped mountains. Crossing those mountains and deep valleys is not as easy as crossing the snow-capped mountains and heading south.

In comparison, going west is easier, but there are still Zhang Zhung unconquered in the west, blocking the way.

After destroying Subi in the north, they obtained salt land and horse grazing pastures, which greatly increased the strength of Tubo and opened up a passage for them to go north.

Compared with the other sides that are either plateaus, snow-capped mountains, or continuous river valleys, the grasslands in the north are undoubtedly the most suitable direction for the expansion of Tubo.

Firstly, the logistics supply pressure is small, and secondly, there are no dangers.

And Tuyuhun was in civil strife, if Tuyuhun could be captured, then it would be able to go on to take the land of Helong.

There was nothing wrong with this strategy.

It's just that Nangri praised the enemy and underestimated the strength of the Central Plains. He thought that in the process of taking Tuyuhun, there would be some tough battles, but in the end they would definitely win.

Who would have thought that even a small Dafeiling would not be able to be defeated.

Nangri Lunzan is a relatively decisive person, if he can't attack for a long time, then he will stop holding on and slow down for a while.

"Tell the people of Qin that I, Tubo, are willing to stop fighting with Qin Xiubing and be friendly to each other."

Nangri Lunzan also put forward the conditions for a truce. First, the Qin army withdrew from Tuyuhun and Murong Ke returned to the country.Second, Tubo is willing to give 5000 taels of gold and [-] yaks as a gift to ask the emperor of Qin to marry the princess, so as to make a good relationship between the two families.

Such a condition, if the Qin people are willing to agree, this is naturally the best.

At that time, they lifted the siege, the Qin army withdrew, and then Tubo could enter Tuyuhun without hindrance. In name, they supported Murong Ke to restore the country, but in fact they replaced Daqin, stationed in Tuyuhun, and successfully expanded northward.

"If the Qin people don't agree, I, Tubo, will launch a formal attack on Dafeiling. At that time, the [-] Qin soldiers and civilians on the mountain will be reduced to powder. After capturing Dafeiling, I will personally raise [-] soldiers. Go to Chang'an City!"

(End of this chapter)

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