Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 1018: The Remaining Brave Should Pursue the Poor Bandits

Chapter 1018: The Remaining Brave Should Pursue the Poor Bandits

late July.

The city of Chang'an was still scorching hot. When the Tai Chi Palace was originally designed, the geography and astronomical phenomena corresponded. The Tai Chi Palace, the imperial palace symbolizing the North Star, was arranged in the center of the north of Chang'an City.

Although the imperial palace is located in the center of the northern part of the city, and fulfills the identity of the emperor, it ignores the defects of the terrain, and the design is too ideal, so that the Taiji Palace is located in the lowest depression in Chang'an City, which is humid and hot in summer.

The emperor's sudden stroke was even partly caused by the Tai Chi Palace.Sun Simiao, the newly appointed military doctor, once suggested that the emperor leave Taiji Palace and choose another place to live and recuperate in case of summer heat.

After surveying the topography of Chang'an, Jiang Zuojian and the Ministry of Industry selected Longshouyuan in the north of Chang'an City, thinking that a new palace city could be built here.

It's just that the emperor rejected the request on the grounds that the use of troops on the front line of the country was urgent.

But in the end, the prime ministers still proposed to build a villa on Longshouyuan for the emperor to live in.

Sun Simiao also asked the emperor to live away from the Tai Chi Palace temporarily, in case the wind died and he got wind paralysis again.Wind Arthralgia is rheumatism, living in low and humid places is indeed easy to get Wind Arthralgia.In the end, Luo Cheng had no choice but to agree to the request.

In the end, in charge of the decree for the construction of wood and earth craftsmen in the state, the general supervisor of the four bureaus, three supervisors and hundreds of craftsmen was responsible for the construction of the emperor's summer residence. Pi and his son Yan Liben designed the villa together.

The villa is not big, not even a separate palace, but they have reserved a plan to build a new palace in the future. This villa can be a courtyard in the new palace in the future.

It only took half a month to build a high and airy villa on Longshouyuan, and the emperor also moved there from the Taiji Palace.

After switching to the Daming Palace Villa in Longshouyuan, Luo Cheng really felt that the environment was good, and he seemed to be recovering better.

People's mood also changed for the better.

The villa is located in the north of the Daming Palace planned by Yanbi, in the position of the imperial court. He plans to dig an artificial lake next to it, named Taiye Pool, and fill in the pool with an island in the middle of the lake, named Penglai Mountain. .

At this time, the emperor's villa was just a lonely courtyard named Hanliang Palace.

There are ice cubes in the front and back of the hall to cool off the heat. On the edge of the Hanliang Hall, there is also a self-rain pavilion. At noon, the pavilion is also very cool.

There is also a windmill driven by a waterwheel in the Ziyu Pavilion, which is cool with the breeze.

"Your Majesty, Tuyuhun Feixin has won!"

"Great victory!"

Since the emperor moved to Chang'an, the state affairs seemed to be very unsatisfactory, and the atmosphere in the court was also cold day by day.

The emperor died in the wind and almost woke up.

And the northwest front has also been invincible for a long time. The imperial court has increased the conscription time and time again, which has already bet on the national fortune.

No one dared to imagine the consequences of losing the war, and everyone was praying for victory in the Tuyuhun war.

Every day, there are special officials waiting at the gate of Chang'an City, hoping to meet the envoy of victory from Longyou.

After waiting for a long time, the good news finally came.

Although the place called Hanliang Palace is only a small villa, the prime ministers who came to congratulate him all smiled happily.

The emperor's face also changed.

"What about the good news?"

Wei Zheng hastened to deliver the good news, which had passed through the hands of the prime ministers in the Political Affairs Hall and the Imperial Academy many times, and a few prime ministers with good memories could even recite the content directly.

"Your Majesty, don't get excited. It's good news. Come and attack on July [-]th, go around behind the Tuyuhun army, defeat Murong Anyuan's [-] people, then go north to Mantou City, and attack Yuchi Gong inside and outside on July [-]th. , and then defeat Murong Ke and Tianzhu Wang's [-] troops."

"On July 4th, General Yu Chigong and Laizheng led [-] troops from the two armies to the north, and intercepted the [-] troops of Tong Yehu behind the West Turkic Palace. They started a siege battle with Qin Qiong, and the Western Turkic Army was defeated."

In seven days, the Qin army won three battles and three victories.

The [-] Tuyuhun Army and the [-] Western Turkic Army were defeated. The Tuyuhun Army and the Western Turkic Army in the Qinghai Lake area were all defeated.

"Your Majesty, General Cheng Yaojin of the North Route defeated the West Turkic Route first, and now General Qin Qiong has defeated Tuyuhun. Now, the crisis in Longyou, Hexi has been resolved, and there are only [-] Tubo and Qiang troops left in Dafeichuan."

The Three Kingdoms solved the two countries, and Daqin had completely loosened its shackles, and was able to go south to Dafeichuan with all its strength and no worries, and fought a decisive battle with the Tubo Army.

The emperor finally opened the good news, and Wei Zheng and the others revealed some content in advance, which also gave the emperor a buffer to prevent him from being too excited.

"Attack Murong Anyuan's [-] troops, kill more than [-] troops, and capture more than [-] troops. Attack Murong Ke's [-] troops, behead more than [-] troops, and capture more than [-] troops. Attack Ye Hu's [-] troops. More than [-] levels were cut, and more than [-] were captured."

The emperor couldn't help clapping his legs in amazement.

"I, I won the bet!"

This huge bet, the bet won.

Seven days, three battles.

More than [-] people were beheaded and more than [-] prisoners were captured.

In particular, Murong Ke, Prince of Tuyuhun, and King Tianzhu of Tuyuhun Kingdom were beheaded. Although Murong Anyuan and Tong Yehu escaped, and about [-] Tuyuhun and Western Turkic people escaped, these people have already collapsed, and it is impossible There is no threat to the situation in Tuyuhun.


The emperor laughed.

"Your Majesty." The servant stepped forward in panic, carefully stroking the emperor's back, for fear that the emperor would suffer another stroke when he got agitated.

"I'm fine, I'm just happy."

In Qingliang Hall, a group of important officials were all extremely excited.

Now, the discussion is how to beat the dog in the water next.

"For my grass!" The emperor said loudly.

Fang Xuanling, the servant of Zhongshu, wrote the imperial edict in person.

"Niu Jinda was ordered to stay in Dunhuang and Zhangye, Xue Wanche commanded [-] troops to move to Gaochang and Yiwu, and Cheng Yaojin, Pei Xingyan, and the second general commanded [-] troops to join the armies of Tie Le and Xi Qi to jointly attack Yanqi. , Kucha, and go straight to the Western Turkic Khan Court."

In the direction of Hexi, there was an army of 15. The emperor divided it into three groups. Niu Jinda commanded [-] troops and stayed in Hexi to sit in town.And the fierce general Xue Wanche, leading an army of [-], is responsible for guarding the newly conquered Yiwu and Gaochang.

Cheng Yaojin and Pei Xingyan, the fierce generals, joined the coalition forces of the Tie Le Xiqi tribe and attacked the Western Turkic Khan Court in Sanmi Mountain.

"Your Majesty, should you slow down on the North Road first?"

Du Ruhui reminded the emperor that although the Western Turks were defeated in Dunhuang, Yiwu, Gaochang, and Qinghai, the Western Turks sent 20 troops this time, and they were only defeated by less than 5 in several defeats. Even less than [-], Shekui Khan is still strong.

"Don't sell your name to learn to be a king, you should chase the poor with your remaining courage." The emperor chanted a poem to express his ambition, "Now is the time to turn around, and we must not hesitate to let Cheng Yaojin and the others escort Mo Heduo to Sanmi Mountain to succeed. Khan's banner, all the way to surrender and rebel, must not give She Kui a chance to breathe and adjust." The emperor raised his fist.

Some time ago, I was too frustrated.

She Kui Khan provoked and attacked him when he least wanted to fight, how could Luo Cheng spare him now.

With the two forward bases of Yiwu and Gaochang, it is completely enough to support this attack, not to mention the new Khan pawn, Mo Hedu, which is used well and is enough to make Western Turks mess up.

Even if Shekui cannot be destroyed, Luo Cheng doesn't care, what he wants is to disturb the Western Turks, so that Shekui Khan will have no chance to make a move in the future.

Thunder's anger gathered in his eyes, and raging anger burned in his heart.

In this battle, even if the Qin army won in the end, it would completely disrupt the previous national policy deployment, and it would also be a big loss of vitality. After suffering such a big loss, what can we do if we don't fight hard.

"Your Majesty, there is Dafeichuan." Hou Mochen said.

Of course the emperor would not forget about Dafeichuan. The purpose of dispatching troops in the past few months was to save Dafeichuan's heirs.But without first solving the Western Turkic Army and the Tuyuhun Army in Qinghai, the Qin Army would not dare to go deep into Dafeichuan alone. How could the Qin Army dare to easily penetrate the large net of 30 enemy troops.

Now this big net has been torn apart on three sides and two sides, and only 30 Tibetans are left with [-] enemy troops.

"Order Qin Qiong, Yu Chigong, and Laizheng to lead [-] troops to the south of Dafeichuan. Order General Feng Xiaoci to go to Fuqi City, serve as the commander of Qinghai Road Zuodu, command [-] soldiers and horses, and garrison Fuqi City , Manhead City, Stump City, etc.”

(End of this chapter)

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