Chapter 1019

"Your Majesty, do you think it is possible to withdraw some soldiers, horsemen and civilians from Hexi and Qinghai first?" Du Ruhui, as a peacemaker, and Shangshu Zuopushe now feel the huge logistical pressure. The imperial court is almost squeezed dry.

Now that the Hexi and Qinghai battlefields have already been decided, he suggested that there is no need to keep so many troops on the front line, especially in the two places, the county soldiers and village warriors who were originally recruited and in the first-level preparation state can be disbanded Going home, the folk husbands of the two Dao can also return to their hometowns.

The general's decisive victory is on the battlefield, but it is also inseparable from the support of the temple.

And to support tens of thousands of people to fight, and to fight simultaneously on the fronts thousands of miles from east to west, the logistical pressure is enormous.As the saying goes, every minute of food on the front line, 10 minutes of food delivery to the rear must be conscripted.

For a soldier to fight on the front line, there must be several or even more civilians to support him in the rear.

The Habayashiro in the Emperor’s Habayashi Palace all learned military logistics. The generals taught these Habayashiro that under normal circumstances, a civilian husband can carry six buckets of rice, a soldier can carry five days’ worth of dry food, and a civilian husband supplies a soldier. That one can last for eighteen days.

If you want to count the return journey, you can only advance nine days.

However, if two civilian husbands provide for one soldier, they can last for 26 days at a time, because the rations consumed by the three people have also increased.Eight days later, one of the peasants had eaten up all the rice he had carried, so he was given six days' rations and asked to return first.

If the return journey is counted, it can only advance for thirteen days.

Three civilians can only supply a soldier for 31 days at a time, and if the return journey is counted, it can only advance for [-] days.

Sun Tzu said in the opening chapter of the Art of War that war is first and foremost about calculation.

If a general can't count, he can't fight well.You have to calculate everything well, and you can only use troops if you have a high enough victory.

This is the correct way to use troops. Just blindly wanting to fight recklessly and using tricks and tricks is a very dangerous gambling behavior. When using soldiers to fight, you should not rely on gambling, but rely on calculations.

Theoretically, three civilians supplying one soldier has reached the limit.

If a 30 army is dispatched, one-third of the supply will be taken up, and only [-] soldiers can go to battle, and [-] civilians will be used to transport food to support it.

It is very difficult to expand the scale.

It is precisely because of this that troops are generally sent along the way, with a maximum scale of 10 people.

Daqin used more than 40 soldiers for this counterattack, but they were also distributed on multiple battlefields on the front thousands of miles away. There were 15 horses on the Hexi battlefield, 15 horses on the Tuyuhun battlefield, and 5 horses on the Jiannan battlefield. There are more than [-] troops defending on the second line.

Among the 4000 people in each army, the Sanya soldiers accounted for 1, and the county soldiers recruited as auxiliary soldiers accounted for [-].The rear of each army is also equipped with [-] civilians to support the supply of logistics, food, grass and supplies, and more than [-] militiamen are responsible for protecting these civilians.

Of course, the Qin army has high mobility.

Not only the cavalry accounted for a high proportion in the army, but the infantry also had many motorized mounts, and even had enough pack horses for transporting tents, armor, weapons, etc. There were nine pack mules and donkeys for a fire with nine men.

However, having a large number of war horses, mounts, and pack horses enabled the Qin army to have high mobility, and it also brought about a problem, that is, the demand for food and grass was greater, and it consumed more. At the same time, such a high-intensity war caused the casualty rate of livestock in the army Very high.

A peasant can only carry six buckets, but a camel can carry three stones, a horse or mule can carry one and a half stones, and a donkey can carry one stone. Compared with humans, the transportation capacity has increased.But if the fighting time is long and the tasks are urgent, and the grazing and feeding cannot be done in time, the animals will become emaciated and die.

On the way of transportation, once the animals die, they often have to throw away the grain they are carrying.

Not to mention, the cost of each horse and mule is very high, and if one dies, the court will lose a lot.

In this war, there were hundreds of miles of raids at every turn, and thousands of miles of turning in. The demand for logistics and transportation was extremely high, and the losses of war horses and pack mules were also huge.

Du Ruhui could predict that after such a battle, the cavalry would lose at least [-]% to [-]% of their horses, the infantry would also lose more than [-]%, and the pack mules and horses would lose more than [-]%.

Just the loss of horse mules in the army can bankrupt the Daqin military.

An army of 10 people, with 30 soldiers, [-] auxiliary soldiers, and [-] civilians, marches [-] miles a day, and the logistics supply can only support its combat radius of [-] miles. No matter how far it is, it will not work at all. up.

Starting from Chang'an City to Jincheng County (Lanzhou), it has exceeded this combat radius, which is already more than 400 miles.

If it goes from Chang'an to Gaochang, it will take at least two months for this [-] army.

Of course, in the actual combat process, there are also local supplies along the way, or captured and looted, to support the war with war, but the more soldiers and horses are dispatched, the more difficult it is to rely on the war to support the war.

Of course, Du Ruhui also knew that the battle on the front line had not yet ended, but whether it was the [-] garrisons left behind in Qinghai or the [-] garrisons left behind in Hexi, it would bring huge pressure on logistics supply. Over a thousand miles, for every garrison to be maintained, at least three civilians must transport food and grass.

Every time a stone of grain was transported from Guanzhong, the peasants consumed ten times as much grain on the way.

"The war is not over yet, so we can't withdraw our troops now." Hou Mo Chen Yi had been the emperor's commander in chief before, so he didn't know about the difficulties in logistics, but if these two armies were withdrawn early, then they would go deep into the Western Regions or Tuyuhun for a decisive battle. The two [-]-strong troops will be helpless in the future. Once there is a need to respond, it will be too late to recruit troops temporarily.

"Your Majesty, I believe that by disbanding the troops from Dunhuang and Zhangye in Hexi, we can reserve the grain and grass in Hexi for the Western Expeditionary Army, so that we don't have to transport grain all the way from Guanzhong to the Western Regions. Your Majesty, from Chang'an to Gaochang , it's five thousand miles away!" Du Ruhui said.

Two soldiers had to recruit a county soldier as an auxiliary soldier, and six civilian men to provide logistical support, and even a militia to protect the militia and food roads.

Many oxen and horses have to be used to carry mules, and the consumption of people eating horses and chewing is really amazing.

Luo Cheng had to consider this.

The Qin army was unprepared for this war. It hasn't been long since the land of Helong was returned to Qin. The Qin Dynasty didn't have any foundation here, let alone much reserves. In the past few months, Helong had already been emptied.

This kind of war was never fought by the Qin army before.

"What Du Pushe said is indeed true. The rivers and dragons have dried up and the Guanzhong is empty. It has indeed reached its limit. Then Gaochang and Yiwu each have 4000 troops, and Dunhuang also has 15 troops. Cheng Yaojin and Pei Xingyan are in charge of the two armies. Forty-eight thousand troops, except for the 9 troops, the other [-] troops of the [-] troops on the North Road, are ordered to return to the military mansion, disarm and return to the fields."

"As for the land on the North Road and Hexi, the county soldiers, villagers, and more than [-] civilian husbands who were conscripted were all ordered to return home."

Sometimes, the collapse of logistics is more terrible than the defeat on the front line.

The occasional gains and losses of a city or a pool on the front line are not the worst. The most feared thing is the collapse of the organization and logistics, which is the most terrible thing.

Qin Jun's string was too tight before, now it's time to relax a little bit, or it will break.

However, regarding Qinghai, the emperor considered it more carefully. After all, Hexi was originally the land of Qin, but Qinghai was the territory of Tuyuhun.

The emperor cut off half of the 4000 troops left behind in Qinghai, leaving [-] people, retaining the strength of one army.

However, the emperor only kept 2 or [-] of the hundreds of thousands of Guanzhong Longyou County soldiers, village braves, and civilian husbands who were recruited to supply Qinghai before, and the rest were all ordered to return to their hometowns.

(End of this chapter)

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