Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 1022 Lost the wife and lost the army

Chapter 1022 Lost the wife and lost the army


The Tubo nobles got their wish and asked Zanpu to hold an alliance meeting. Tubo held an alliance every year, and nobles from all over the world came to form an alliance with Zanpu. This was a way for Zanpu to win the loyalty of various ministries and nobles in the past.

At the same time, the aristocratic council was also held in the alliance to discuss important matters in Tubo. This is also a kind of power of the nobles. Through the parliament, they can participate in and decide major decisions in Tubo.

For thousands of years, Tubo has grown step by step from a small state to the most powerful country on the plateau today. The alliance and parliamentary system can be said to have played a key role.

It's just that since Zamp took office, Zamp has disliked this system more and more, and he wants to be a king who can be unquestioned and restricted.

Before the meeting started, the yaks, goats, and Tibetan horses were sacrificed by the army mages of the Bon religion, and the gods were asked for divination.

Then the mage took Nangri Lunzan and other Tubo noble officials and generals together to visit the holy mountain, worship the holy lake, make stone offerings, and hang colorful prayer flags.

And piles of fires were ignited, and many Tubo warriors painted with oil on their bodies danced a sacrificial dance.

Tibetans believe in ghosts and gods, and worship witchcraft.

At this time, Tubo also believed in Bon religion very much. Bon religion was also called Zhang Zhung Buddhism. Teaching, and as the Zhang Shung Kingdom became stronger, it continued to spread.

Tibet has accepted Bon religion since the first Zanpu, and now it has been dozens of generations. There are traces of Bon religion in every aspect of Tubo.

Xiangxiong originally meant the place where the Mipeng lived, and their totem was also the Mipeng. They once unified the eighteen kingdoms of the Qiang and became the overlords on the plateau. They created Zhangxiongwen a long time ago.

Tubo used to be just a small agricultural state, and was influenced by Bon religion in all aspects. Until now, Tubo doesn't have its own script. The nobles all learn Zhang Zhung script and respect Bon religion.

The Bon religion master who accompanied the army offered sacrifices to ask the gods.

"The gods decree to withdraw the troops!"

The mage held a pile of yak viscera to worship the god, and after looking at it for a long time, he announced the will of the god.

So Nang Ri Lun Zan stepped forward with a holy face, knelt down in front of the pile of internal organs, and accepted the will of the god.


The faces of the surrounding nobles were filled with smiles. Of course, this was not the will of the gods. It was the decision of the nobles, especially those old Tubo nobles, and Zanpu had to accept it.

Those Tubo soldiers also shouted in unison.

After sending troops for a few months, they didn't get any benefits. They were already tired of this war.

The Tubo warriors are strong because they can plunder in war, which is beneficial.

They don't want to fight a war that is not beneficial.

The leaders and generals of the various Qiangs stood in the distance, quietly watching the appearance of the Tubo people pretending to be gods and ghosts. Although they also believed in the gods, even Jialiangyi also believed in the Bon religion, they did not believe that the gods would issue orders like this. It was just an excuse for the Tibetans to evacuate.

For the Tubo people, they didn't have much loss in sending troops this time, but for the Qiang people, it was a big loss.

Leaving aside the dispatch of troops this time, so many troops were recruited, and how many cattle, sheep and livestock were consumed. Just one offending the Qin people was enough for them to have a headache.

The Tubo people can withdraw, but where can the Qiang who are sandwiched between Qin and Tubo go?

Tuoba Leopard's eyes were red. This time, Dangxiang Tuoba's troops suffered the biggest loss. They lost more than [-] riders. This is already a huge amount for Dangxiang Tuoba's troops who only had [-] riders in total. It hurts.

But they didn't see any comfort or compensation from the Tibetans for such a big sacrifice.

Blood and sweat for the Tibetans, in exchange for what?
Thinking about Tuyuhun's fate, Tuoba tribe fell into deep regret.

Before the Tubo army withdrew, Zanpu summoned the kings and generals of the various Qiangs and told them that the war was over and they should go back to their homes.

Tubo will remember the dispatch of troops by the Qiangs this time, and is very grateful for their loyalty.

After speaking, the Tibetans withdrew their troops.

Dafeiling Mountain.

A cavalry went down the mountain, and the cavalry returned to the mountain half a day later.

Bring back a team of people, and a message.

"The Tibetans withdrew their troops, and all the Qiangs also withdrew."

"Tibetan Zanpu left a mission and said he would meet with the general on his behalf."

Nangri Lunzan's mission was secretly left behind. On behalf of Zanpu and Luo Siye, they expressed the intention of Tubo to cease fighting and strike for friendship.

Tubo also presented Luo Siye with 3000 taels of gold and an apology.

Nang Ri Lun praised that the dispatch of troops this time was really deceived by Tuyuhun, and now he is willing to make amends and make amends.Nangri Lunzan even proposed that the princess of Tubo should be sent to Daqin to marry the emperor and make a good relationship.

As for the relationship between the two countries in the future, they will be friendly to each other and a country of in-laws.

Nang Ri's praises are also considered poor, Qin people just don't want to marry the princess, so why don't they come to Tubo to marry the princess.

The 3000 taels of gold is just a little compensation. When Zanpu returns to the country, he will officially send a mission to send the princess to Chang'an. At that time, he will also send 5000 taels of gold, 1 taels of silver and [-] yuan for [-] yaks. The head sheep, as the dowry of the princess.

After listening to the envoy's words, Siye looked at the boxes of gold.

Can't help laughing coldly.

"Marshal, the Tubo people are afraid."

At this time, Dafei Mountain is no longer what it used to be. Not long ago, Wang Xuance came from Longyou and crossed Xiqing Mountain. Qianniuwei and Xiaoqi broke through the Tubo people to intercept him, and sent him to the mountain. What he brought was the outside world. Case.

The court did not forget them.

The imperial court dispatched troops in an all-round way, mobilizing hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses, and more than a million civilians. This time, they will beat him vigorously.

As long as Siye and the others can persist, victory will naturally belong to Daqin.

Now that the Tubo people have run away, it means that Daqin must have won the victory in Hexi and Tuyuhun.

"Marshal, send troops down the mountain to kill the Tubo barbarians." Guo Xiaoke said with a big laugh.

But Siye just shook his head.

"Since your family Zanpu is so sincere, and you want to accompany the gold, and you want to give the princess, I, Luo Siye, can't stop it. How about this, I accepted the gold on behalf of the court first, and I won't keep you as slaves Now, you go back and tell Zanpu to evacuate to the north of Jishi Mountain as soon as possible and return to Tubo. As for whether you want your princess, my emperor, this has to be decided by my emperor. If there is news, I will naturally notify you."

The Tubo envoy breathed a sigh of relief. The envoys who went to Chang'an twice were detained as mining slaves. He was really worried that he would not be able to go back.

"Thank you, King."

The Tubo people hurried away.

"Commander, if the Tibetans want to run away, our reinforcements must have arrived, why don't you chase them and bite them?"

"That's right, how can we let them run away so easily?"

Siye just looked at the gold with a smile.

"Don't chase the poor. This battle has been going on for so long. It's okay to stop fighting for the time being. If you really want to fight, there are still opportunities later. What's the rush?"

(End of this chapter)

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