Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 1023 Jishi sings triumphantly

Chapter 1023 Jishi sings triumphantly

After receiving the gold and the letter of incrimination from Tubo Zanpu, Siye dispatched a light cavalry to watch the Tubo army and the Qiang army cross the Jishi Mountain on the southern border of Tuyuhun.

The leader of this Qin army Qingqi was Wuqi Wei Wang Xuance. He led his army to the top of Jishan Rock, and then planted a red flag with Qin characters on the top of the mountain.

On the top of the mountain, there is still snow.

The red flag looked brighter and brighter.

Jishi Mountain South.

The Tubo people turned their heads and looked back, seeing Qin Qi, who had been following behind, erecting a red Qin flag on the mountain, all of them looked complicated.

Zanpu Nangri Lunzan gritted his teeth so hard that he almost fell over and fell off his horse.

"Zanpu?" Gal Dongzan rushed forward.

Nang Rilun Zan grabbed his chest with one hand, and waved with the other, "I'm fine."

After crossing Jishi Mountain, the Tubo army did not stay any longer, but continued northward, returning to Subi.

However, Mi Yao, Bai Lan, and Dangxiang Sanqiang each returned to their own tribes in the south of the mountain after crossing Jishi Mountain.

"The Tubo people retreated simply, but we have to be caught in the middle. We don't know what will happen after this?"

Tuoba Leopard said to his son helplessly.

Miyao, Bailan, and Dangxiang Sanqiang are in the south of Jishi Mountain, and among them, Dangxiang is close to Tuyuhun in the north and Jiannan in the east. Qin people are on both sides, and Tubo is behind them.

"Will the people of Qin take revenge?"

"That's for sure." Tuoba Leopard said almost gnashing his teeth. He thought that even if he were from Qin, it would be impossible to just let it go after suffering such a big loss this time.

"Then what do we do?"

"The Tubo people gave the Qin people gold and wanted to marry a princess, what should we do?"

Tuoba Leopard didn't know how to reply to his son for a while, but this time their Tuoba tribe was the most active in attacking Tuyuhun, sending a lot of troops, but in the end they lost the most.

"Son, I don't have time to worry about the people of Qin right now. What I'm most worried about is the Xifeng Department." The Xiaofeng Department only sent [-] troops this time, but there were basically no losses.

The foreign Tuoba tribe and Dangxiang Qiang's largest private tribe have always been at odds with each other, and they have always been competing for the leadership of Dangxiang Qiang.

This time the Tuoba Department suffered such a big loss, and it was bound to be compensated by the blood relatives of the Sealed Department.

The remuneration competition among the tribes may be more violent than the revenge of the Qin people.

"It's really chilling for the Tubo people to leave like this." said Tuoba Hu, the son of Tubo Leopard, "If you ask me, the Tubo people are like sheep dung eggs with a smooth surface. They look powerful on the outside, but they are actually very incompetent. Compared with the Qin people, Tubo is still too weak."

Tuoba Leopard was thinking, he was considering his son's words, when the Sui Dynasty was in turmoil, the Han land was in turmoil, seeing the Han people weakened, and the places were in chaos, but the Tubo people attacked again and again, and defeated the mighty Su Pi in one fell swoop.

Faced with the aggressiveness of the Tubo people, Tuobabao finally decided to surrender to Tubo, also out of practical considerations.But who knew that the chaos of the Han people would end soon. The Great Qin, which was established in place of the Sui Dynasty, was only established for a few years, but its strength was not weaker than the Sui State that once frightened the Qiangs.

When Tubo fought against the Qin people, I thought it would be a battle between two tigers. Who would have expected that Tubo would look like this in front of the Qin people.

"Perhaps we also need to send someone to contact that General Luo Siye in Dafeichuan." Tuoba Bao said.

On Jishi Mountain.

Wang Xuance looked at the mountain.

"Choose a dangerous place, cut wood and get rocks, and prepare to build a camp."

He sent a small group of Qingqi back to Dafeichuan to report to Luo Siye that the Tubo people had withdrawn from Jishi Mountain, and at the same time he was going to build a fort here according to the previous order.

"The fort here is called Jishi Fort."

When the news came back to Dafei Mountain, Siye was completely relieved.

One hundred thousand soldiers and horses in Tubo are withdrawing without a fight. This is the best news at the moment.It has been more than three months since he was trapped on this mountain, and it has been more than half a year since he went south from Fucheng City.

In the past six months, the lone army was under heavy siege. At the most critical time, 30 troops surrounded them heavily.

The [-] Qin army, the Tuyuhun army on the mountain, the Yongminfu from the Bing Township of Longyou County, and the attached Shuqiang tribal soldiers were suffering extremely.

If the siege continues, they will really not be able to hold on.

On the Dafei Mountains, the grain brought from Longyou had already been eaten up, and the cattle, sheep and livestock seized in the two battles had also been eaten up.In fact, these days, they have already started slaughtering poor horses and pack mules, and even some infantry mounts have also begun to slaughter and eat meat.

These mules were already very thin, but every time a batch was killed, Si Ye felt very distressed.

Especially when all the horses and mules used for transportation were killed and the mounts were killed, the soldiers were extremely reluctant.

The Tubo people left behind 3000 taels of gold, which is only about [-] guan, which is not enough for the mule money lost by the inheritance.

Fortunately, there are still tens of thousands of Tuyuhun captives, or this time it will be a big loss.

"General Guo, you immediately lead an army of four thousand to Wuhai City, restore the city, garrison troops, and build a station fortress."

Wuhai City is located in the northwest of Jishi Mountain, where there happens to be an important road connecting Tibet and Qinghai on the plateau.

Even if the Tubo people have temporarily retreated, they cannot underestimate the enemy.

"For Wang Xuance, send prisoners of war, mules and horses to help him build the stone fortress."

One east and one west, Wuhai City and Jishi Fort just guard the two ends of Jishi Mountain, guarding the southern gate of Qinghai.

Coupled with the existing strong camps in Dafeiling, it happened that an army was also stationed in the middle to support the two sides.

seven days later.

The reinforcements from the former army led by Laizheng finally arrived, but they did not meet the Tibetans or the Qiang soldiers, only the Qingqi of the Dafeiling Siye who went north to meet them.

Later, when Qin Qiong and others heard the news, they simply ordered to stop going south, but ordered the follow-up soldiers and horses to return directly the same way.

Qin Qiong, Yu Chigong, and Laizheng joined forces with Luo Siye, Guo Xiaoke, and Xue Wanjun in victory.

"Unexpectedly, the Tubo people ran away."

Qin Qiong agrees with Siye's decision not to pursue him.

"To be honest, we should have gone south a long time ago, but if we don't deal with the Tuyuhun people and Western Turkic people in Qinghai first, we really don't dare to go deep into thousands of miles alone. Fortunately, you persisted, otherwise I would be a sinner gone."

Siye hurriedly said, "Cousin, please don't say that. It was because I didn't listen to the court's order before, and insisted on going my own way. I wanted to attack Wuhai City, otherwise there would be no such siege of Dafeichuan. This time the court I, Luo Siye, am a sinner for spending countless money and food."

"We won the battle, we are all heroes, there are no sinners." Yu Chigong comforted them.

Now that the Tubo people have retreated, it is unrealistic to cross Jishi Mountain and pursue thousands of miles. The Qin army is also exhausted now, let alone the logistics have been stretched to the limit.

This time Qin Qiong and the others came here with cattle and sheep, so it can be seen that the Qin army's logistics has collapsed.

After resting in Dafeichuan for a few days, Qin Jun began to teach.

Wang Xuance was appointed as the commander of the capital of Jishibao, commanding two thousand troops to guard Jishibao.Guo Xiaoke temporarily acted as the envoy of Wuhai City, and inspected the prefect of Heyuan County, commanding four thousand troops to garrison Wuhai.Cheng Mingzhen led an army of 4000 people, stationed in Dafeiling village, and inspected the governor of Heyuan County.

Siye, Xue Wanche, Qin Qiong, Yu Chigong and others led their troops back north together.Murong Shun also led his troops back north together.

The civilian husbands, county soldiers, and Qiang soldiers recruited from the counties in Longyou were also ordered to return home by the same route.

"The commander-in-chief has ordered Kuaima to send the military merit book to Chang'an City, and please reward me for your merits. You can return to your hometown with peace of mind. There will be no shortage of rewards for your achievements."

Siye stood in front of the gate of the Dafeiling camp to see off the troops.

(End of this chapter)

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