Chapter 1082

Sunset Country is more than 500 miles long from north to south, and a hundred miles from east to west, but the government soldiers stationed there are only one battalion of [-] people.

The commander of the battalion is stationed in Sunset King City, another one hundred people are stationed in Wenyang County in the northwest, and another one hundred people are stationed in Wushiling Mountain Fort at Changshan Pass in the east.

Although there are a small group of Chenla barbarians in the country, they have been attacked by the Qin army many times, and many of them have surrendered.

However, in order to ensure safety, there are still regulations in the battalion. Two teams of government soldiers are sent out regularly to patrol one east and one west.

Although most of the barbarians are very honest now, there will always be some barbarians who are not afraid of death, and will come and steal if they don't pay attention.There are even some barbarians who have been defeated and fled to further distances, and sometimes sneak back to make troubles.

Su Ba is a sword and shield player, and also the leader of the sword, shield and fire in the team.

After all, the Sunset Mansion Battalion only had 500 people, and they were the only official army in a radius of several hundred miles, so their establishment was a flower team, not a pure team like a large army.

There are 50 people in a team, the team leader and deputy plus the flag bearer and two flag guards, there are 45 people, nine people form a fire, three groups of one fire, one person in a group.

A sword and shield fire, a spear and shield fire, a spear fire, a sword and long ax fire, and a bow and crossbow fire.

The collocation is quite reasonable, which has also withstood the test in the past battles with the barbarians.

Coupled with the terrifying 50% bow and arrow equipment rate of the soldiers of the Qin Army, as well as the powerful mobility of the infantry equipped with mounts and pack mules, even if a team of [-] of them went out to patrol for ten days, they would not be able to attack. Additional supplies are required.

Su Ba registered at the place where he joined the army, and got the equipment of Benhuo, mainly armor.

Usually, the management of equipment in the battalion is very strict. They receive it during training and put it in storage after training. Only soldiers on duty can be equipped with equipment. Other soldiers who are not on duty and not training can only be equipped with horizontal knives, armor and bows. Spears and broadswords are kept in the warehouse.

Although it is a government soldier that combines soldiers and peasants, it is better to be a soldier here than in the Central Plains. Because there are fewer soldiers, and there are more land and more slaves here, even though Sunset Army Mansion gave fields to Su Ba and other soldiers, Each government soldier has a hundred acres, and the officers also have job fields.At the same time, meritorious deeds can also be honored to reward the land, and even give the slaves to help them farm the land.

Therefore, Su Ba and the others only need to train in the camp on weekdays, and take turns to be on duty in the other two castles, or on patrol.

Su Ba is not married yet, but he is considering whether to marry a barbarian woman, first to make a family, and then to have a few children. Although he also wants to marry a Han woman, there are more men than women in this country, and marriageable women are even more so. Very few.

"The left team of the Fifth Capital of Guangnan Sunset Battalion gather!" Cui Shengsheng shouted.

Fifty government soldiers quickly assembled under the banner of the battalion, and each of them had already taken their equipment. The fire chiefs also went to receive fire-level equipment, and the team deputy also received team-level equipment.

Each Fubing has its own individual equipment, but at the same time, Huo and Dui also have their own fire team-level equipment. Ten arrows, quiver, a horizontal knife, a whetstone, an awl for untangling knots, a felt hat, a blanket, and a rowing tent.In addition, grains such as barley and rice must be prepared.

As for fire-level equipment, nine people for one fire must prepare six pack horses, tents, iron horse bowls, cloth troughs, chisels, pestles, axes, saws, baskets, sickles, etc.

The team-level equipment mainly includes one fire drill, one chest horse rope, three head restraints, and three feet each.

In order to deal with the complicated situation here, you have to bring enough medicines and crossbows.

With so much equipment, fortunately, each person has a mount instead of a pack horse, which not only ensures mobility, but also reduces a lot of burdens.

However, the weather here is hot and there are no horses, and horses are prone to diseases, so it is difficult to maintain the configuration of two horses and one pack per person like the soldiers of the Central Plains.

"Check everything again, have you brought everything?"

The weather is still cool, and everyone wears armor and holds weapons, which means they have suffered less.But the camp stipulates that when going out to patrol the camp, one must be fully armed, and no party facing the battle should wear armor.

Although the road is very hard for such a fully armed patrol, it is the only way to prevent barbarians from raiding and ambush.

After checking each other, check each other.

Cui Sheng reported to the battalion commander that the preparations had been completed.

The battalion commander said a few words routinely, and then let them go.

As the sun rose, the team of 50 people rode out of the camp wearing armor, and the flag bearer in the front was holding high the red team flag.

"I think our armor is not suitable for this Fangnan. We should replace it with other armor, such as leather or rattan. This armor is too thick and heavy. When it is too hot, it is easy to rust when it rains. It's still heavy."

Cui Sheng smiled and said, "Do you want to be like those Zhenla barbarians, with bare arms and bare feet, just jumping out to fight with a sharpened stick? That's not fighting, it's gang fighting? Don't It seems that this armor is a burden to wear, but if you really fight, you will think that this thing is really useful."

The spearman Huo Chang said with a smile, "Actually, we have already smashed these barbarians, who dares to stroke the tiger's beard? This patrol is just for show, but wearing this armor all the time is really tiring."

"Cheer up, don't relax, who knows what those savages are thinking in this ghost place, maybe they will jump out at any time, I still want to go back to the Central Plains, I don't want to die in this ghost place .” Cui Sheng shouted.

For several days in a row, they patrolled according to the established route, passing through villages one by one, and Wenyang County.

At this time, most of the patrol missions have been completed, but we still have to continue to the west. There are no Han villages there, and there are still villages in Zhenlaman.

By the big river (Mekong).

Cui Sheng and his subordinates looked at a pile of bonfire embers and studied. This is not far to the west of Wenyang. The Zhangzi River merged into a tributary not far northeast of Wenyang County and then merged into a larger river. It is said that The source of this river comes from the Xishan Qiang land in the west of Jiannan.

After accepting the tributary of the Zhangzi River, the big river flows from northwest to southeast. In fact, this place has already left the eastern mountainous area, and the two sides of the big river are already full of plains.

The western border of Sunset Country is bounded by this great river.

But in fact, the actual control area of ​​the Sunset Kingdom is still bounded by the mountains on the east bank of the Great River, and the Qin Army mainly controls the eastern side.

But the last time Luo Yi led his troops over the mountains, fought to the edge of the big river, and went to the mouth of the Zhangzi River, conquered hundreds of miles of land upstream and downstream of the big river, so now the border should be at the big river.

But the last time Luo Yi sent troops to fight, he withdrew his troops back. The large area from the east bank of the river to the foot of the mountain is actually the place of the barbarians.

"Look at the traces, it seems that many barbarians gathered here overnight."

"Looking at the traces, these barbarians seem to have come from the west bank of the river."

Mountainous areas mean poor conditions and a small population, but river plains mean better conditions and a larger population.

In fact, Wendan City, the capital of the Chenla Kingdom, is actually five hundred miles upstream of the Dahe River from Wenyang County, the Sunset Country.Its location is basically parallel to Wenyang City from east to west.In fact, the river flows from east to west from Wendan City to Wenyang City. After entering Wenyang City, it joins the Zhangzi River and then turns straight south.

(End of this chapter)

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