Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 1083 5 The Qin Army Fights Barbarians

Chapter 1083 Fifty Qin Army Fighting Thousand Barbarians

"How about we go back to Sunset City to report?"

Zhao San, the bow and crossbow chief, held the crossbow path. From the marks alone, it can be seen that at least a thousand barbarians stayed here, and judging from the bonfire left behind, they should have gathered here a few days ago. .

Thousands of barbarians came from the west bank of the river. What are they doing here?
It didn't take a brain to think that the barbarian must have come for revenge.The last time Luo Yi led his troops to wipe out the Chenla Man in a large area of ​​forty or fifty miles wide and two hundred miles long from the west of the mountain to the east bank of the river. Even more than a dozen war elephants were captured.

"It is estimated that the Chenla Man sent troops from the other side of the river."

"I think it's better to go back to Wenyang City first."

In fact, Wenyang City was already built on the west side of the mountain. Outside the mountainous area, this place used to be the city of Chenla Kingdom. Later, when Luo Yi guarded Annan in the Sui Dynasty, his soldiers would attack Linyi and Chenla Man, and crossed Wushiling drove the Zhenlaman who had been harassed by the Changshan Mountains all the way across the river, and later built Sunset City in the mountains, and then changed it to Wenyang City based on the city by the river.

Luo Yi was conferred the title of Queen of the Sunset, and sent troops to patrol the east bank of the river many times. Therefore, from the west foot of Changshan Mountain to the east bank of the river, Luo Yi owned all the land for hundreds of miles. Most of the remaining tribal villages surrendered to Luo Yi.

Although Qimin has not been registered yet, it will be a matter of time.

Just like now, the government soldiers of Sunset Mansion have begun to carry out regular patrols on the Shanxi foot and the east bank of the Dahe River.

Wenyang City is outside the mountain, and this is also a stronghold of the Sunset Kingdom on the east bank of the Dahe River outside the mountainous area. Although it is not yet able to completely complete the area from the west of Shanxi to the east bank of the Dahe River, which is [-] to [-] miles wide and [-] to [-] miles long. Control, but keep this stronghold, but it also shows Luo Yi's long-term plan, which is to take down the land in Hedong.

Along the big river, there are mountains to the east, and the narrow and long river and mountain area tens of miles wide in the middle is four to five hundred miles long. There are good conditions.

Relying on the mountains and blocking the river is good for defense, and the land is relatively flat and fertile, far better than the conditions in the mountains. It is most suitable for setting up more castles and villages here and moving more people here after the Sunset Kingdom develops and grows in the future.

However, it seems that the people of Chenla are not willing to give up this area just like this. They hope to take back this land now, and maybe they will take back the mountainous area in the future, until they reach the foot of the Changshan Mountains, the former border.

The original patrol mission was to patrol along the big river, and then return to Sunset City after completing the mission.

It now appears that the situation has changed.

"Change the plan, first withdraw the report from Wenyang City, and listen to the orders from the Hou." Cui Sheng made a decisive decision.It's not that he is afraid of thousands of barbarians, but since there are thousands of barbarians here, there may not be any other places.

These barbarians are obviously not just ordinary barbarians. There are barbarians in the barbarians, old and weak, women and children, but it is different if they are Zhenla soldiers.

"Strengthen your vigilance. From now on, you must be fully alert. Barbarians may appear at any time."

Everyone lifted their spirits.

The team began to turn around and retreated to Wenyang City the same way.

The river was surging, and although it was the dry season, the river was still two or three miles wide.

"I think we should change course and not go the same way."

Team deputy Lao Liu said that Lao Liu used to be a shopkeeper, and later joined the army. After the battle of the founding of the country, he was finally promoted to team deputy.

Although Lao Liu, who was born as a shopkeeper, is fierce in war, he prefers to calculate.

"You see, we came out of Wenyang City, then went north along the Zhangzi River to the mouth of the river, and then came along the east bank of the Dahe River. The journey is eighty miles. But now the situation is urgent, we have to return as soon as possible To Wenyang City, so I suggest that we go straight east, if we go straight east, it will be thirty miles."

They were staying by the river at this time. If they returned directly to the east, there was a mountain pass about five miles east from the bank. After crossing the mountain pass and walking about thirty miles, they would arrive at Wendan City.

The mountain pass is only a few miles away from the river. There is a narrow and long mountain range there, which is neither high nor large, but it stands along the river.They came from the mouth of the Zhangzi River before, walking between the big river and the long mountain.

That is a hill of sixty or seventy feet, but it is very long. They had to come to the mountain pass.After all, the mountain is not high, but if there is no road, the mountain is full of trees and weeds, and it is difficult for them to climb over.

"We haven't walked this road, and if the barbarians are in front, it's still safe to go the same way."

"However, if Manzi took this short-cut route, we would have to walk another [-] miles when we returned to the original route. If Manzi went forward lightly, he might be able to reach Wenyang City a day or two faster than us. The most troublesome thing is that , look at the traces of the fire, it was all a few days ago, maybe when we came out of Wenyang City two days ago, the barbarians were passing along this shortcut, and now, it is estimated that they may have already arrived at Wenyang City It's gone." Lao Liu picked up the horizontal knife and simply drew two lines on the ground.

One is the original road, and we have to detour another fifty miles to the north.

One is to return directly to the east, only [-] miles away, and [-] miles away.

"There are only more than 1000 households in Wenyang City, and only [-] soldiers are usually stationed in the city." Old Liu reminded Cui Sheng again.

Cui Sheng stared at the two routes on the ground, pondering for a long time.

"Old Man Su, which way do you think we should go?"

Su Balang suggested to take a shortcut.

"Okay, then we'll take a shortcut."

The team ate some dry food, fed and drank the horses, and headed east.

"The knives are out of the sheath, the bows are stringed, everyone cheer up and be careful of the enemy."

He came to whatever he was most afraid of, and traveled eastward for five miles to the mountain pass.

Lao Liu found fresh traces and ordered everyone to be careful.

Su Ba and another spear and shield commander ordered their subordinates to raise their shields to protect the periphery. The spearmen, axemen and crossbowmen were in the middle, and approached the mountain pass cautiously.

There was a howling sound in the air suddenly.

Cui Gaosheng shouted, "Arrow, the barbarian has shot an arrow, there is an enemy attack!"

"Gather together, Shield!" Lao Liu also hurriedly ordered.

Hearing the order, all the government soldiers got off their horses and quickly gathered together. Only a few people were sent to watch behind the war horses and pack horses.

The barbarian's arrows were a little sparse, and they were useless in front of the shield and armor of the Qin Army Mansion.

"Is anyone injured?" Cui Sheng shouted.

The five fire chiefs immediately asked their own people, the fire chief asked the team leader, and the team leader asked the two soldiers on the left and right.

"There were no casualties in the sword shield fire."

"There is no gun shield fire."

"Neither did our Sword and Ax team."

"The men of the Spears are all right."

"The crossbowmen are fine."

Hearing this reward, Cui Sheng smiled, "Damn, you're still shocked. Wang Hu, don't you bastard often boast that you are called Wang Yaotie? Raise the team flag for me! .”

Wang Hu laughed, holding the team flag high, "Don't worry, even if our team is the last one, this flag will not fall."


Everyone poohed him one after another.

In the forest ahead, a large group of barbarians finally rushed out.

Just looking at the numbers and momentum is a bit scary, hundreds of thousands, but looking at their equipment, Cui Sheng feels a lot more at ease. With these short knives and long spears, they don't even have a few armors, and they want to break their fifth capital armor in Sunset Mansion. Team?
"Everyone, prepare your bow and crossbow!" Cui Sheng roared, and took the lead to throw down the horizontal knife in his hand and hold the bow in his hand.

 Dear book lovers, there were three chapters that were misplaced in volumes before, and they were chapters 1075, 76, and 77. They have been adjusted and put into the sixth volume. You can click to read according to the catalog.Sorry for the inconvenience caused by the operation error!
(End of this chapter)

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