Chapter 1111 and the slime

In a blink of an eye, it was the Dragon Boat Festival, and the military houses of Sanyasuwei in Luoyang City, according to the emperor's decree, each sent out a team to compete in the dragon boat race on the canal outside the city.

Countless people in the capital scrambled to watch, it was very lively.

The emperor watched the dragon boat race with the Supreme Emperor and the crown prince. With the emperor present, all the officers and soldiers worked extremely hard. It was exciting.

After the competition, the first place won the reward of 880 eight times, and the second and third places also got [-] and [-] rewards respectively.

Even in order to have fun with the people, the emperor deliberately let three thousand fat ducks and geese be put into the river after the dragon boat race, and let the people go down the river to fight for it, and countless people who knew how to swim jumped into the river to fight for it. , ducks and geese dance wildly, and the people rejoice.

Wei Zheng, as the prime minister, sat next to the emperor.

"General Li Jing's alliance with barbarian chiefs in Lingnan was very successful. With just scattered officials and a little salt, those sluts and barbarians were willing to become naturalized. It's really amazing. This is something that no dynasty has done for thousands of years. It’s here. You can study hard in the middle of Yunnan and Guizhou.”

Luo Cheng nodded, "Li Jing did use a very good method, but don't be too happy too early. Although these Nanman are lured into naturalization now, once the court wants to really clear the land and collect taxes, they may still not I will."

"At least now I have been naturalized, and I have drawn the boundaries of Zhuxidong, registered them in the register, and erected boundary pillars and stones. The next step is to build roads, set up post stations, and even send officials from the township pavilions. Control is increasing."

As for taxation, anyway, the emperor didn't issue an edict to Li Jing before, changing the five-year tax exemption from five-and-a-half years to a ten-year exemption from two taxes and ten-and-a-half years.When the half tax is levied ten years later, I believe that the imperial court's control over Lingnan will no longer be comparable to what it is today.

Ten years of tax exemption, in fact, the court has not lost the slightest, because it has never collected taxes in the past.But now in the name of tax exemption, and then lure these people to become naturalized with scattered officials and private individuals, the imperial court finds out their details, builds roads to enter, sets up townships, and establishes pavilions.

In county towns and township pavilions, establish markets and marketplaces to trade with these locals.Through transactions, taxes can also be collected, and this tax may even be higher than the regular tax, not to mention, through trade, you can also earn a lot.

"The most important thing is that after reaching the current covenant with these barbarians, our government can enter in a legitimate way without being blocked, and with the 72 battalion of government soldiers as the vanguard, we can also immigrate more Han people to Lingnan in the future.

In fact, Luo Cheng already had experience in managing such a barren land, and it was very useful, that is, the population.As long as the Han population can reach a certain proportion, no matter how unruly the barbarians are, they will not be able to defeat the Han people.Moreover, the expansion speed of the Han people is very fast.

It is all because of the huge base of tens of millions of Han people in the Central Plains. As long as they gain a foothold and a relatively stable environment, then a large number of Han people will flow in, whether they are businessmen, family members, or others. Now the ratio of Han to barbarian in Lingnan is one to ten, and even many Han people are still Han people who have mixed with Baiyue for many generations.

But if there are 30 to [-] Han people, even if there are [-] to [-] Han people in a county, and a few thousand Han people in a county, then the barbarians will never be able to overwhelm the Han people.

"As long as the current momentum is maintained and stability is maintained, then ten years from now, there will indeed be no chance of a comeback. But don't be careless. After all, the millions of sluts and barbarians are now scattered, so we If there is a chance, we must not make these people into a group, and finally deal with us instead."

"Your Majesty can call the children of the chiefs to Beijing, and arrange for them to enter the Imperial College or the Inner Army. This can be regarded as a preferential treatment for those chiefs who have been appointed as dismissed officials. At the same time, their children can also be used as hostages."

Luo Cheng felt that this was a good idea, as it could strengthen the connection with them. Even these barbarian children had broadened their horizons in the Central Plains, and after seeing the strength of Great Qin, they might not easily make trouble again.

"County schools in various counties can also recruit these old and handsome children of Xidongdu and Qushuai to enroll. At the same time, don't forget to strengthen trade with them. There are a lot of local products in Lingnan. In the past, the transportation was not good, and the channels were limited. Their products were not easy to sell. , we now want to strengthen trade, collect things, sell all kinds of handmade goods from our Central Plains, let these barbarians live a good life, especially let those chiefs live a good life because of the changes, so that Nobody wants to go back to how it was before."

In any case, for those Xidong barbarians, the land in Lingnan is where they lived for generations. Daqin said that he wanted to reform the land and return it to the people, but in essence it was tantamount to grabbing their territory, even though they had been in name only. Belonging to the Central Plains court.

Not giving some benefits in exchange, not letting them feel the benefits, just forcing orders will not work, it will only cause rebellion and war, and a chaotic Lingnan is not what the emperor needs.

"Building more ports along the coast of Lingnan will not only benefit the maritime supply and transit trade of maritime silk, but will also be a key fortress for us to control Lingnan."

Li Xian came over.

"Your Majesty, I just received the news that Tie Lexueyantuo Khan Yi is going to die soon."

The emperor was surprised, "What's going on, Yi Shibo came to Luoyang to pay homage in Zhengdan, it's only been a few months? At that time, his body was as strong as a cow, and he even offered me the tiger skin he hunted and killed with his own hands? "

"Tie Le's Huihe tribe rebelled, and Yi Shibo went to conquer him. As a result, he was attacked by surprise. He was shot by several arrows and returned in a big defeat. Although he withdrew to Khan Court, he was seriously injured. The arrows shot at him were even coated with wolf dung. , poisonous. Yi Shibo has sent people to Luoyang to ask His Majesty to let his grandson Yi Nan go back to succeed him, and ask His Majesty to send troops to help Xue Yantuo conquer Huihe, who is not a minister."

Huihe, also known as Weihe, is a branch of Tiele, and Tiele, also known as Chile, was originally an alliance of tribes living in the south of the North Sea (Lake Baikal).And because the cars with tall wheels are commonly used, they are also called high cars.

They are a different kind of Huns.

Both Xue Yantuo and Huihe belonged to the tribes of Tiele. At the end of the Sui Dynasty, the tribes of Tiele were constantly vacillating between the Eastern and Western Turks, and rebellion was not frequent. At the time of Daye, the tribes of Tiele belonged to the Western Turks, and later rebelled. Lost to the enemy, so he defected to East Turkic.

Later, during Sui Bi Khan's southern expedition, Luo Cheng, the general of the Sui Dynasty, was defeated, so the tribes of Tie Le were attached to the Sui Dynasty and obeyed Luo Cheng's orders.

After Luo established the state, he defeated the Jieli Khan who went south, so Yi Shibo, who was attached to Luo Cheng, led his troops to take advantage of the serious damage to the Eastern Turks and began to besiege the Turks and seize control of the Mobei grassland.

Yi Shibo established the Xueyantuo Khanate as the leader of the Xueyantuo tribe with the support of Luo Cheng, and all the tribes of Tie Le belonged to him.

Huihe is the tribe second only to Xue Yantuo among the tribes of Tiele. In the early days, the strongest tribe of Tiele was the Qibi tribe, but it was plotted against by Shibi, so Xue Yantuo became the boss of Tiele.

"Why did Huihe rebel? Your Majesty, please send troops to crusade." Wei Zheng said.

Xue Yantuo is a vassal state of Mobei of Great Qin. Now that there is chaos in him, Great Qin is indeed responsible for helping him put down the chaos.

But Luo Cheng asked him calmly, "When the two Khans Bi and Jieli were defeated, Yi Shibo really did a lot of work for me in besieging the Mobei Turks. Last year, he sent troops into the Western Regions to attack the Shekuang. The Eastern and Western Turks either perished or surrendered, almost in name only, and are no longer a danger to our Great Qin. But Xue Yantuo now occupies Mobei, commanding various tribes, but has 20 accounts. This is not counting other tribes, only the Xue Yantuo tribe There are 20 accounts. This means that Xue Yantuo can pull 20 riders at any time, not counting other Tiele tribes. Wei Zheng, Xue Yantuo occupies Mobei, with hundreds of thousands of people, and has become a potential threat .”

For the country, there are no absolutely loyal vassals,

Just like the Qimin and Shibi Khan father and son of East Turkic, they were supported by the Sui Dynasty, but they didn't survive two generations. Wouldn't Shibi be the main attacking Sui once he became strong?

Once the strength is strong, it will inevitably be like this.

Today's Xue Yantuo is indeed too strong.

Unify the tribes in Mobei, and the Western Turks in the Western Regions are now fleeing with the defeat of Shekui. Although Mohe Tuo Khan is the Western Turk Khan, he is only a puppet. The Western Turks have been beaten without a backbone.

With the three counties of Anxi and the 72 princes of Yili, although the Western Turks have not yet perished, they no longer pose a threat.

At this time, Xue Yantuo actually didn't have any other constraints or threats.

Yi Shibo has actually been loyal to Da Qin on the surface for the past two years, but he has become a bit domineering in secret.He has strict control over Tiele's tribes. In fact, he wants to imitate Daqin, strengthen the authority of the Khan court, and weaken the strength of the tribes. He is not satisfied with the traditional form of tribal alliances.

In fact, Luo Cheng had noticed Yi Shibo's behavior for a long time, and even raised his vigilance.

For Luo Cheng, Huihe's rebellion was a good thing.

"The Weihe tribe formed an alliance with Pugu, Tongluo, Bayegu and other tribes, collectively called Huihe. This is dissatisfied with Yi Shibo's authoritarian behavior. They want to maintain the traditional tribal alliance system. Wei Zheng, the land of Mobei, far away Across the vast sea and the Gobi, the imperial court is powerless to directly control it. If there is a powerful monopoly Khan in Mobei, sooner or later there will be another Turkic Khan. It is a good thing for the imperial court that Weihe and several other alliances revolted. If there are two tribes in the north, Huihe and Xueyantuo, to form an alliance and check each other, it will be better than a single family."

Wei Zheng was in a daze, the emperor's words were really outrageous, but they revealed the essential interests between countries.

Instead of believing that Xue Yantuo will always be loyal, it is better to ask Huihe to help watch the balance.

"But we are Xue Yantuo's suzerain, and the feudal vassals are in civil strife, so why don't we just watch?"

Luo Cheng smiled softly, "Why didn't you turn the corner? Of course we can't directly admit Huihe, but we can make peace in the name of mediation. The means are not important, but the result is important."

(End of this chapter)

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