Chapter 1112 Old Iron Spear

Kaiyuan five years, May.

Chang'an City, West Market.

After the Dragon Boat Festival, the weather is getting hotter.

The market in the West Market did not become depressed because Chang'an City opened up the market and demolished the square walls.On the contrary, since the situation in the west has stabilized and the Silk Road has been reopened, countless business travelers have gathered in Chang'an.

This is an important city on the Silk Road, and it is also the commercial and trade center in the west of Daqin today, and even formed an entrepot trade city.

Noon approached.

The people of Chang'an Zhufang, the shopkeepers of those noble officials' houses, and many merchants who came to Chang'an to purchase goods and resell them to other places, all poured into the West Market.

The square walls in Chang'an have been demolished, and the square street where the Forbidden Street was originally opened has now become a bustling market, and several famous commercial streets have even initially formed.

But no matter what, the West Market is still bustling here, and it is now the largest distribution center for Hu goods in Chang'an and even in the entire Great Qin Guanlong area.

All kinds of goods from all over the world can be found here.

In the rows of spice shops, there are all kinds of orchids standing at the door.

Zhang Chao was walking on the street, his eyes were almost blurred, and he couldn't keep up with the old man in front of him.My father and I opened a food shop in the West Market, but they only sell yellow steamed buns made of millet. Because of their unique taste, the steamed buns are soft and sweet, so they are deeply loved by the merchants and common people in the West Market, even comparable to those of the Sogdian people. Flax pancakes are as good as they are, and they are also called double unique.

Dad is a veteran who retired from the army. One eye was injured and blinded in the battle, and he was blindfolded, but his body is still very strong. He used to be a spearman, but he used a family-owned iron-wrapped gun , the old man gave me the nickname Old Tie Gun.

In the early years, he was considered to have moved to other things. He served as a soldier of the Sui Dynasty, and also rebelled. He voted for Yang Xuangan, followed Li Mi, surrendered Wang Shichong, and voted for Li Yuan. Finally, after the city of Chang'an was broken, he surrendered to the general Wang Luo Siye.

However, in the battle of Dafeichuan, his eyes were injured, so he was discharged from the army after the war.

In Bashang, on the outskirts of Chang'an, he owned [-] mu of land. Because he had no children and was alone, he adopted Zhang Chao, a young monk who had returned to secular life, as his stepson.

Although the old iron gun has been discharged from the army, the hundred mu of land is still there, so life is not bad.And the stepson here is also smart. He has a secret recipe, which can extract a kind of alkali from the lake alkali that can be added to the pasta, making the pasta soft and acid-free.

When the father and father were slack in the fields, they also sold some steamed buns. Later, they became more and more famous, so they rented a shop in Xishi and sold the old iron gun brand yellow steamed buns. The business was very prosperous.

"Sanlang, let me tell you, we don't need to talk to that person, our business is doing pretty well, there's no need to be a seller."

The young Zhang Chao took his eyes away from a beautiful Persian orchid, quickly took a few steps, and followed his father, "Aye, that person is from the Cui family. He used to order steamed buns from us, but recently he ordered more and more. Many, now I want to buy a prescription, this is a popular item, so I want to make it myself and sell it.”

After all, if you order from them, firstly, the two of them can only make so much every day, so it is impossible to have a lot to supply Cui Guanshi, and secondly, buying every day will definitely cost more than doing it yourself.

The old man has a conservative temperament. He thinks that holding this secret recipe in his hands and earning him a few bucks every day will be great. Will he be content and happy?

But young people have young minds.

"Aye, our shop is still too small. I plan to buy our shop with the money after I sell this prescription, and then open a restaurant. I will definitely make more money by then. Now, let’s build a large cave dwelling with three rooms and nine houses in Bashang, and then bring a large courtyard. We will buy a cow, a horse, and a mule. At that time, Dad, you will marry Aunt Seven into the house. , the days will be much more prosperous."

The old man laughed when he heard this, "Your baby just thinks too much."

The father and father arrived at their shop in the West Market, and because they wanted to discuss business today, they simply closed for the day.

Shopkeeper Cui has already been waiting there. This shopkeeper Cui is a member of the Qinghe Cui clan, but because he came from a side branch, he served as the steward of the foreign government for Cui Shanfu, a meritorious Cao and military officer in Chang'an County, and was in charge of running a restaurant of the Cui family. .

This shopkeeper Cui is fat and round, and his skills are still very good. With the Cui family's signboard, the business of Zuo Fu Man Lou is booming, and there is a number one in Chang'an.

Although today's five surnames and seven families are not the same as in the early years, they are still famous and high-ranking families for thousands of years.

Fatty Cui stepped forward with a smile when he saw the two of them coming.

"Old Tieqiang, Sanlang, have you two already made up your mind?"

Zhang Tieqiang said casually, "It's fine if Guanshi Cui wants to buy it, but you need to talk to my son about the details."

"Don't worry, you two will never suffer. I'm willing to pay five hundred guan to buy it."

The young man was fair-skinned and had a smile on his face, but he was not in a hurry.

"Cui Guanshi, let's talk inside."

He opened the shop door and went inside.

Lao Tieqiang made Pang Cui a cup of tea, and then went to clean up the shop by himself.

"Zhang Sanlang, I have already brought the money."

"Steward Cui, don't be in a hurry. The business needs to be discussed, but it has to be discussed clearly. You also know that our yellow-faced steamed buns have a No. [-] shop in the entire Chang'an City. Every day, as many people want to buy it, they have to queue up. It's gone, everything we've eaten has been agreed to. To tell you the truth, we can make a lot of money in this business now. After one month, we'll have a hundred bucks. If you say five hundred bucks, it's actually nothing We’re just getting a little more profit for the season.”

Fatty Cui laughed and said, "Although that is the case, there will be good and bad business, and it will not always be like this. As long as you accept the five hundred guan, it will go directly into your pocket. Wouldn’t it be more profitable to do other things?”

Zhang Chao didn't follow the fat man's words, but directly took out a piece of paper with a lot of content written on it.

"Shopkeeper Cui, kindness makes money, and everyone who has money makes money together. The current emperor also encourages everyone to make money in business. It's my honor that you like my prescription. Look, this is a little transaction method I proposed. .”

Fatty Cui took it and looked at it, frowning more and more.

Originally, he was thinking of five hundred coins, and bought the secret recipe directly, and it will be his exclusive from now on.

But now, based on what Saburo proposed, there are several trading methods.

The first one is to transfer only the formula for making yellow buns, but not including one of the exclusive materials, the alkali production method. After the Zhang family transfers this yellow bun production method, they are willing to continue to provide them with alkali for sale. There are also two types, one is exclusive ownership, and the other is unlimited exclusiveness.

Prices also vary.

The other is to buy both the method of making yellow buns and the method of refining alkali, which are also divided into exclusive and non-exclusive.

But even if it was the first method of making only yellow buns, Zhang Sanlang asked for [-] guan, and if it was exclusive, he would ask for [-] guan.

The second type is more expensive, even if it is not exclusive, it will cost [-] guan, and if it is exclusive, it will cost [-] guan.

"Zhang Sanlang, you're not mean enough, you didn't say that before." Fatty Cui was upset, no matter how good the yellow buns sold, how could they be worth as much as that alkali?

"Shopkeeper Cui, before you said you wanted to buy my formula and proposed five hundred guan, I didn't agree? I just said that I will talk with you in detail today. Look at my shop is so small, how much money can you and your father make in a day?" Well, five hundred guan and you just said that you want to buy both of my prescriptions, how is that possible."

(End of this chapter)

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