Chapter 123 Luo Ziying

Mao Shi three quarters.

The horn sounded, and the drums also rumbled.

Beat the drum and gather the generals to order troops.

A team of light cavalry was added, and now Luo Cheng had a full ten teams, exactly one battalion.

In front of the camp, there was a big banner given by Zhang Xutuo, with the word "pioneer" written on it.

This is the Pioneer Camp, and it is also Luo Cheng's camp. Next to the Pioneer Flag, there is a general flag with the word Luo painted on it.

This camp can be called Zhangqiu Camp, Pioneer Camp, Luozi Camp, or Luojia Camp.

Standing on the general platform, Luo Cheng felt that he looked like a general now.

He originally had a pair of Mingguang armor at the head of the team, but this time he was appointed as a vanguard, and appointed a deputy county captain and captain, so Zhang Xutuo gave him a better armor. Zhang Xutuo's own armor.

Tiger helmet, lion barbarian armor, unicorn iron boots, white tiger cloak.

One Zhang Bama Lance, and a Six Leaf Star Morning Hammer with both hands.

There is also a general version with two-handed crossbow, a rhinoceros horn bow, a one-armed hand crossbow, and two pots of arrows.

Then there is a bronze pioneer seal, a county lieutenant official seal, and a captain's seal.

Three official seals are placed on the front case.

Kan Leng is holding a horse lance, Wang Xiongdan is holding a six-leaf hammer, and Ximen Junyi is holding a tiger helmet.

Compared with the original set of [-]-jin team-level Mingguang armor, this full set of Mingguang armor weighs nearly [-] jin. Not only is the armour thicker and the material is better, even the cloak is made of silk and silver. Also inlaid with gold and silver.

Even the horizontal knife is much better than the previous one. Its weight can reach more than four catties, and its length has also been lengthened. Whether it is made of materials or build, it is top-notch. In Zhang Xutuo's words, this horizontal knife , can cut off five layers of cowhide with one knife, and pierce a piece of iron armor with one knife.

The main weapon is still the horse spear, although it is not very successful, but I haven't thought of a better one for the time being, so I will use it first.

Xiaoliu also got a set of Mingguang Armor of the captain's level, which weighed thirty catties and had strong defensive power.

"With our equipment, one battalion is enough to wipe out Changbai Mountain." The fourth child put on the captain's bright light armor, and he couldn't help feeling obsessed with King Yu.

"Arrogant soldiers are bound to be defeated. Don't underestimate the enemy. We are going into the mountains to suppress bandits. The terrain in the mountains is complicated, and it is difficult to deploy an army. Especially weapons such as bows and arrows are unable to exert their might and salvo power. Even guns and shields are useless. Knowing the terrain, we need to be careful."

Scarface Zhao Gui held his new hard bow and was very satisfied. The strength of this bow was just suitable for his strength, especially the armor-piercing cones that were equipped with it, which could simply ignore the armor of bandits.

"Although there are restrictions on bows and crossbows in the mountains and forests, we now have many bows and crossbows. As long as thieves dare to show their heads, they can still be shot into hedgehogs."

The new county barracks not only has a complete crossbow team, but also more than [-]% of the other teams are equipped with bows, not to mention that everyone above the captain has a bow, and the number of bows has a long-range advantage.

What's more, Luo Cheng also has a scout team and a light cavalry team. These two teams are equipped with mules, and they are actually two teams of light cavalry.

As for the pioneers going into the mountains to suppress the bandits, everyone felt that it was enough to have them out.

However, Luo Cheng was still very cautious.

There are too many unexpected factors in fighting this thing, so we can only make more preparations to be safe.

For this reason, he not only brought all the barracks of the five hundred counties, but also the remaining seven regiments of auxiliary soldiers, but the task of these people was to carry food and grass.

A soldier needs at least one liter of rice a day, and if it is for training or marching and fighting, it will consume more, and it will be calculated as two liters a day.

In order to ensure the physical strength and mobility of the soldiers, Luo Cheng only asked each soldier to carry three days' worth of combat food, and did not eat until the critical time.

When marching and fighting, the auxiliary soldiers must carry food supplies.

His plan was to suppress the bandits in the mountains for one month. After all, the mountains were high and the forests were dense, so no one knew how long the battle would last.

Calculated as two liters per day per person, one soldier per month would get six buckets of food.As for the five hundred warriors, they get three hundred stones of food in one month, and this has to be corn that has already been pounded into shells. If it is shelled, it needs to bring two hundred stones more.

Furthermore, there are more than 100 horses and mules in the warrior camp, and the consumption of these mounts even exceeds [-] warriors.

In this way, Luo Cheng had to prepare a thousand stones and shelled millet to set off.

A thousand stones of food, carried by the auxiliary barracks, and one person carrying half a stone means that 2000 people can carry it. The problem is that these auxiliary soldiers also consume food every day.Even in order to improve efficiency, some carts, donkeys and mules have to be prepared, and consumption has to be increased.

Originally, only one thousand stones of grain was enough to use troops for a month, but now we have to count the consumption of auxiliary soldiers for transporting grain, plus some surplus, at least two thousand five to three thousand stones of grain.

No wonder it is said that wars cannot be fought. The more people there are, the more food and grass will be consumed.

Especially for this kind of field battle, the cost is several times higher than that of defending the city.

For this reason, after discussing with Lao Jia and others, Luo Cheng felt that it was unrealistic to simply lead a food transportation team, and it would not be possible to bring so much food at one time.

We can only set up supply depots and granaries along the way, and transfer them through relays.

This can not only save manpower, but also improve efficiency, and the key is to increase food security.

At the same time, these military depots can also be used as a resting place for the bandit suppressing soldiers. In case of an attack or something, there is a place to retreat and rest before fighting again.

It's just that such a military station must have defensive capabilities, and it must not be open to the open air. It must build a simple fortress camp, which requires labor and time.

A group of people did some calculations and found that it would be a huge logistical burden to maintain this 500-man battalion to go deep into the mountains, but they didn't dare to really go deep into the enemy's territory with only [-] soldiers.

Fortunately, food and grass are readily available and sufficient, so we just need to find a way to transport them.

"Along our marching route, every [-] miles or so, choose a dangerous place on the side of the road, build a pier camp, garrison auxiliary troops, store and transfer food and grass, and it can also be used as a recuperation place for wounded soldiers."

In the end, Luo Cheng came up with such a nail plan.

Although it was not straightforward enough, but in the end, considering that this is a new barracks, everyone agreed.

So early this morning, Luo Chengdian will send out troops. The scouts of the scout team will explore the way ahead, and then a few teams of infantry will follow, followed by two regiments of civilian men to escort food and grass and materials for building the fort. After that, several teams of infantry will come, and then again Two regiments of auxiliary soldiers, and finally Luo Cheng led two teams of troops to the rear.

The light cavalry team is responsible for patrolling and guarding, supporting back and forth.

The cold wind was blowing, and Luo Cheng's team left the city before dawn.

In the dawn, Zhang Xutuo stood on the north tower and watched the long snake-like team go away.

"Watching his march, he is calm, so I am relieved."

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(End of this chapter)

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