Chapter 124

Changbai Mountain in early winter is undulating like a dormant dragon.

Most of the leaves of the trees in the mountain forest have fallen, the trees are bare, and the mountains look gray.

The bandit suppression vanguard battalion is like a long snake, winding its way through the mountains.

Every five miles of marching, Luo Cheng would order the whole army to rest for a while, and every ten miles of marching, there would be a big rest.It was Luo Cheng's order to only march forty miles a day.

It was too fast, he was afraid of being ambushed, and also afraid that this newly integrated new army would lose touch.

"Old man, soldiers are precious and fast. If we march slowly and swagger like this, the bandits in the mountains will already be aware of the movement. Isn't this a warning?"

"Marching like this, who are we going to kill, and we don't want to run away."

Luo Cheng ignored his impatience, and said slowly, "Haste makes waste, remember, this time we are not going into the mountains for a surprise attack, but a large-scale encirclement and suppression. So it doesn't matter whether we fight or scare the snake. Anyway, if we run away, the monk will also run away." If we don’t want to go to the temple, let’s sweep it everywhere first, destroying the hermit villages where the fleeing households lived and the lairs of the bandits one by one.”

"But what if they run away?"

"Where are you going? Run to hide elsewhere in the mountains? No matter what, first destroy their lairs and bandits, and the bandits will have nowhere to stay. If they ran outside the mountain, there would have been six armies outside the mountain, and the net would be even more so." It's just throwing yourself into a trap."

The fourth child was very dissatisfied, but he had no choice but to go back to his hook and sickle team.

On the afternoon of entering the mountain, the scouts had already reported that a village was found ahead.

"According to the information we have found before and the situation we have just investigated on the spot, there are about 200 people gathered in this village. There are mainly some fugitives in the village, and there is also a group of bandits among them, about two 30 people. This group of thieves and bandits control this small village, but they have a good relationship with those fleeing households."

Sounds weird, but it's true.

Those bandits often come out to rob, but they will not rob the escaped households in this village where they settled down. On the contrary, they still have a symbiotic relationship.

The escapees farmed and hunted here, and the bandits went down the mountain to rob. They would sell some of the production tools they robbed to the escapees, buy food from the escapees, and even absorb some fresh food from the escapees. Blood joins.

Those bandits are actually equivalent to the role of the government in this mountain. The escaped households will pay some protection fees, and they will also provide some protection to prevent other people from robbing these escaped households.

Because it is not far from the outside of the mountain, this village is actually not that big.

"Did the thieves in this village participate in the last siege of Zhangqiu County?" Luo Cheng asked.

"They have few people and little power. They didn't participate last time. Last time they besieged Zhangqiu City, it was thirteen relatively large forces in the mountains."

"Then do the culprits in this village have any record of doing evil, and are they wanted by the government?"

"Yes, they are all wanted by the government."

"That's all right. Get ready and take this stockade first. It's not far from the mountain. After taking down the stockade, it can be used as our first military station to store grain and transfer."

As soon as the fourth child heard that the fight was about to start, he came over to invite Ying as if he had been beaten with chicken blood.

"Let me go, I will only bring my team, and I will definitely take this village."

Yangjiao Village.

Because the fugitives who first fled here found that the place looked like a sheep's horn, the village was later named Yangjiao Village.

There are only a hundred people in Yangjiaozhai, there are a few members of the family, there are also a bachelor, and there is a group of heroes who protect the cottage.

On weekdays, he cultivated some land on the hillside, planted some food, and hunted, but he could barely make a living.After all, the biggest advantage of escaping into the mountains is that there is no need to pay land rent, no adjustments, and no need to pay 20 days a year for free, let alone all kinds of apportionments, handymen and the like.

Self-sufficiency, not in particularly bad years, generally self-sufficiency is no problem, although you have to worry about the government coming to investigate in the mountains, and shopping is inconvenient, salt, iron, etc. are difficult to buy through normal channels, but fortunately there are good guys, Every time they go down the mountain to rob, among the things they get back, they will also take it out and sell it to them.

As time goes by, everyone gets used to and even likes this kind of free life.

Sometimes, if the good guys in the village do big business, the people in the village will even help them go down the mountain to help them.

"My lord, what do you think of Wang Fasi's proposal?"

In a simple wooden house in the village, a group of heroes are drinking and chatting.

It's cold, roasting meat while warming up by the fire, and warming some hot wine, not to mention how refreshing it is.

"Siege the city and seize the land, raise the flag to rebel, how can it be so easy. The imperial court will not tolerate such a move against the flag. We are doing well now, and the government is also turning a blind eye. Isn't life quite carefree. If you really want to agree to Wang Bo, what good will it be if we rebel against him?"

"Could it be possible to really believe that he can still take over the world of the Yang family? Do you really think that we will also be named princes?" The head took a sip of wine, "Bah, I don't believe this kind of thing anyway."

Several people below also said, "Only Wang Bo can be the emperor? Who would believe it? Last time in Zouping, he was beaten by Zhang Xutuo like a bereaved dog. After all, Zhang Xutuo has a great reputation. But this time, he Going to fight Zhangqiu City, but still being defeated by a few kids, it would be ridiculous. If you ask me, he, Wang Bo, is actually a man who has made a name for himself. I am a person who is still dreaming of being an emperor!"

Everyone laughed.

"It doesn't matter who the hell is the emperor in this world, we brothers are here to be our king of the mountain and have a good time. Come and drink."

As thieves and bandits, this group of people has their own origins, those who kill and flee, those who eat food and are lazy, and those who escape from service and avoid school, in short, they come from all corners of the country, and finally came together, and the big guys kowtowed and sworn brothers, and they all became brothers.

At first there were only three brothers on this mountain, and then slowly developed to the current 36 brothers.

With more people, it is easier to do business, and there are more than a hundred people in the village, so it is not lonely here. Some brothers even married wives, or robbed women to be the wife of the village. Life is really too much to think about.

A corner of the cottage.

The two thieves who had just joined the gang were on duty. They said they were on guard, but they were actually guarding the fire and drinking in the hut by the small road at Zhaikou.

"Come on, drink again."

"I'll go pee first." One person put down the wine bowl, walked out of the hut with weak footsteps, the cold wind blowing outside made him shiver.

He curled up and began to pick out the dick.

Halfway through, I suddenly felt something cold slip past my neck.

Then the mouth was covered.

Blood spurted out, and the man was killed by the scouts without even making a sound.

Gently put the still warm corpse on the ground, the scout leader who led the team waved back, and suddenly several figures approached quietly.

"Does it take you so long to fucking piss? If you can't drink it, you surrender." Another voice came from inside.

A scout jumped in, threw a dagger in with his hands, and killed him with one blow!

(End of this chapter)

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