Chapter 1357

"Black Wolf Guard!"

Niyu's eldest son, Badu, was furious. His cousin, Yinan, had gone too far. He helped outsiders beat his clansmen, and now he is still chasing after him.

"Guardians of the Black Wolf God, take up your swords and follow me in the rear to protect the Great Khan and his clansmen to evacuate!"

"Fight to the death!"

"Kill the traitor Yi Nan!"

Facing the more than [-] cavalrymen of the Qin Army rushing straight forward, Batu carried his horse and led thousands of black wolf guards from Xue Yantuo's headquarters to fight forward. These were selected soldiers to protect the Great Khan.

Each one is a one-in-a-million warrior.

The wolf guards who are successfully selected will have black wolf tattoos on their bodies by wizards.This black wolf tattoo is on the most secret place of everyone's body, and when it swells up, a ferocious black giant wolf will be revealed.

Every black wolf guard is very brave. If anyone is cowardly and flees, even if he survives afterwards, he will be castrated in public, and the words with black wolf will be cut off. This is a great shame. To be shaved off the head, and finally expelled from the tribe, wandering in the grasslands, to fend for itself.

Because of this, every black wolf guard is extremely brave.

Ni Lu looked back at his eldest son, with heartache in his eyes.

He didn't want to give up on his brave eldest son, and he didn't want to give up on those capable black wolf guards, but now, only the strong men can cut off their wrists.

As long as the eldest son can cover them and retreat into the desert, then they have a high chance of surviving this failed southern expedition.

There will be opportunities for revenge in the future.

The more than [-] Qin troops that Yi Nan pursued were not all he was afraid of. He was also deeply afraid of the other Qin troops that would rush out without knowing when.

Not only mud, now no one is willing to continue fighting, it is meaningless.

Even if the whole army turns around and fights with Yi Nan here, so what if they win?It will only attract more ruthless revenge from the Qin army. The battle at Heihehe made them understand that the Qin army was so fierce that if they wanted to kill more than [-] Qin troops, they would probably have to pay no less than [-] casualties.

No tribal leader is willing to bear such a loss.

Duan Zhixuan's expression was indifferent.

He led more than [-] horses and charged straight away.

Three thousand light cavalry ahead.

And behind the three thousand light cavalry, there are one thousand Xuanjia heavy cavalry.

He, Duan Zhixuan, was one of the eight heavy cavalry generals under the emperor's command, the commander of one of the eight heavy cavalry, and the Xuanjia cavalry named after one of his names was a big killer.

In the previous battle of Heihei River, Xuanjiaqi never dispatched.

Now, the god of death who killed a thousand people was hiding behind the three thousand light cavalry.

Three thousand Qingqi rolled forward, kicking up countless snow powder.

Batu was furious, his eyes were red, and he brought the Black Wolf Guards and several thousand Xue Yantuo cavalrymen to ram them fiercely.

Four thousand against eight thousand.

When a cavalry meets a cavalry, he is not afraid of death.

The two armies approached.

Qin Qi shot the arrow first.

Arrows rained down on Xue Yantuo's army.


Seeing that the two cavalry troops were about to collide head-on, Duan Zhixuan shouted loudly, pulled out his horse suddenly, and ran to the left.Another rider took the lead and ran to the right.

Two large flags followed closely behind the two generals.

Three thousand light cavalry also followed a big flag, separated left and right.

The Qing cavalry of the Qin army turned into two groups, and circled left and right to the sides of Xue Yantuo's cavalry rushing like arrows.

"Fire arrows!"

Duan Zhixuan shouted while galloping his horse.

In fact, there was no need for him to shout at all, and his shout could not be heard very far, and the sound of rumbling horseshoes could be heard everywhere.

Qingqi began to shoot arrows with tacit understanding, and they sideways shot arrows at the Xue Yantuo people who were passing by.

Xue Yantuo's cavalry didn't expect this move. They were ready to collide and rushed forward with all their strength. As a result, the Qin people ran to their sides and shot arrows at them.

All of a sudden, countless Xue Yantuo knights fell from their horses.

What is more deadly is not the light cavalry on both sides.

When they couldn't stop their horses and continued to charge forward, they found that there was still a cavalry in front.

It's just that this cavalry is different from the light cavalry that bypassed to both sides. These cavalry are all in black armor, both men and horses, and the armor is dense.

"Heavy cavalry!"

When Batu saw this cavalry that was accelerating and charging straight from a distance, only one thought flashed through his mind, and he finally exclaimed.

The power of heavy cavalry is unparalleled.

When Luo Cheng conquered Liaodong and fought against the world, one of his trump cards was the heavy cavalry, and even the heavy cavalry reached an astonishing scale of more than ten thousand.

Although Luo Cheng did not develop the heavy cavalry on a large scale after he pacified the world, he still maintained a large scale.Everyone in Xue Yantuo almost forgot about these terrifying heavy cavalry.

The men and horses were all wearing heavy armor, and the armored heavy cavalry men and horses armed to the teeth weighed more than 1000 catties. When they collided so hard, Xue Yantuo's light cavalry immediately turned on their backs.

Xue Yantuo lacks armor, let alone heavy armor.

They are usually used to dismounting and fighting, even if they ride and shoot, they are just fast horses and light bows.

People turn their backs.

Almost instantly.

The vanguard of Xue Yantuo's cavalry was knocked into the air countless times.

Their soft bows and iron knives have almost no damage to Xuanjia heavy cavalry.

The heavy cavalry had to turn over if they hit them, pierced them if they were stabbed, and died if they were cut.

Only a thousand heavy cavalry.

But it directly overturned the Black Wolf Guard.

Three thousand Qingqi galloped past on both sides. After killing a large number of Xue Yantuo's cavalry, they reined in the horse's head, turned around, came back from both sides, and continued to shoot and kill Xue Yantuo's cavalry.

Batu stabbed a Xuanjia cavalry with a lance.

The precious horse spear stabbed the cavalryman, piercing the heavy armor on the opponent's shoulder.


Batu tried his best to provoke the Qin man.You can use all your strength, but you can't pick it up. The huge momentum of the horse made the horse's pole bend.

Although this is a very rare horse made by the master of the Central Plains, although it can penetrate the black armor and ride heavy armor, it cannot fly heavy cavalry.

A loud pop.

The lance, which is said to take three years to make, is worth hundreds of gold, and the lance broke just like this.

The injured Xuanjia rider's face was covered under the visor, and he couldn't see any joy or anger at all. He approached like a mountain, and swung a bronze mace with his right hand.

Batu took half a spear to meet him.

The bronze mace roared in the hand of the heavy rider, the maces intersected, and half of the mace was directly knocked into the air.

Heavy copper mace, plus the momentum of Mercedes-Benz.

This mace was thrown out, and it hit Batu hard on the back.

Armor shattered.

Batu was immediately spat out with a mouthful of blood.

Ba couldn't help spitting out another mouthful of blood, and even felt that not only did he vomit blood, but also his broken internal organs were mixed in the blood.

He felt that all the strength in his whole body seemed to be draining, and he couldn't lift any strength in his hands.

His eyes are a little fuzzy.

In a daze, he saw another rider rushing from the opposite side.

The Xuanjia cavalry held a lance in his hand and stabbed straight at him. He wanted to dodge it, but found that his body couldn't react at all.

He watched the lance get sharper and sharper, and he just hit it with his chest in a foolish way.

The lance pierced through his armor as easily as a thorn in tofu, and the lance blade penetrated all the way until it got stuck at the end of the lance blade.Then, he felt severe pain all over his body, and his whole body was picked up to the sky by that Xuanjia cavalry.

I am getting higher and higher, and the ground is getting farther and farther away.

Xuan Jiaqi threw Feibadu, but he ignored it, and continued to move forward.

A thousand Xuanjia heavy cavalry rumbled past, and eight thousand Xue Yantuo's elite knights charged the army, but they were smashed to pieces.

Three thousand Yuejia can swallow Wu, and four thousand Qin cavalry can't be stopped by eight thousand Xue Yantuo.

The iron current was rolling, and Xue Yantuo was rushed and collapsed.

(End of this chapter)

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