Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 1358 Go Deep into the Desert

Chapter 1358 Go Deep into the Desert
The new wind blows and the snow falls.

The southern edge of the desert.

Sandy mouth.

Yu Chigong's iron armor was frozen into an ice armor, and his beard was covered with ice stubble.

"What, Rock used more than 25 against Xue Yantuo's [-] at the bank of the Heihe River, and also captured and beheaded [-] Xue Yantuo's soldiers? Did Xue Yantuo's [-] Black Wolf Guards fight? Ni Yu cut off his tail to survive, and led his army to escape into the desert ?”

Yuchi Gong didn't expect that he was rushing all the way and still didn't catch up.

"Deputy Marshal, don't let Niju escape!"

After expending so much effort, if Ni Yu were to just sneak into the desert like this, then their previous efforts would be wasted.

"Be sure to block the mud!"

Yu Chigong called the scout captain, picked up the map and compared it carefully, and found that there was still a long way to go.

"The whole army marches quickly!"

"Deputy Marshal, we have been marching in this grassland and desert these days. The troops and horses are exhausted, most of the soldiers have frostbite, and everyone is tired."

"Don't you know, but now is not the time to stop. Rocky has led more than 25 people, including [-] militiamen and more than half of the infantry, who can hold on to the [-] Xue Yantuo army, and have won huge battles one after another. Could it be that our Eight Thousand Horsemen are here to watch a show?"

"Withdrawing now, I can't afford to lose this person, and I can't explain to the saint."

"But the mud has already entered the desert."

There are no supplies in the desert, and they are not familiar with the roads, so it is dangerous to break in like this.

Yuchi Gong didn't care about these things.

"Niguo can enter the desert, why can't we enter, there is no food and supplies? When we catch up with Niguo and defeat them, even killing horses, eating meat and drinking blood is enough."

"Deputy Marshal Yuchi should already be around here!"

On the edge of the desert, three generals, Rock Yong and Luo Simo Duan Zhixuan, cleaned the battlefield and took a short rest.

Looking at the desert to the north, he pondered.

"Even if you are nearby, you can't catch up."

Duan Zhixuan rubbed his hands and said, his cavalry had just made another great contribution, leaving eight thousand wolf guards behind, Duan Zhixuan's tactic of covering the heavy cavalry with light cavalry successfully defeated the wolf guards, followed closely by Rock's mounted infantry to surround the wolf guards. guard.

The mud is very ruthless, and he doesn't care about his son who is surrounded, he just leads his men to flee for his life in a panic, and sneaks into the desert.

If Ni Yu turned around to rescue them, it would be very difficult for them to eat all of the eight thousand wolf guards.

"How many cavalry can fight?" Rocky asked.

"Three thousand!"

"Where's the militia?"

"Five thousand," replied Rothmer.

Rocky nodded, and the infantry also suffered more than a thousand casualties, with about thirteen thousand remaining.

Calculated in this way, after this battle, they still have more than [-] soldiers and horses.

The strength is still there, but the soldiers are exhausted.

"This black wolf guard is really tough, and it actually caused us three thousand casualties." Duan Zhixuan sighed, the casualties were no less than the previous battle.

"The battle of trapped beasts." Rock could understand it. In this battle, the Black Wolf Guards were not defeated. They fought to the end. This is unmatched by other tribes. The Black Wolf Guards were finally wiped out and died in battle. There were more than 2000 soldiers, and only more than [-] were captured due to injuries.

Basically no one is willing to surrender.

The most elite and brave fighters of Xue Yantuo, after this battle, can be said to have lost all their casualties. Even if Ni Yu can run back to Mobei this time, his vitality will be seriously injured.

"Leave the lightly wounded to take care of the seriously wounded and guard the prisoners. The rest wait and continue to chase!"

"Still chasing?"

Duan Zhixuan felt a little heartbroken.

"Chasing, even if I go to Yudu Mountain in Mobei, I will chase to the end this time. If I don't catch the mud, I will never return it!" Rock said with a firm attitude, gritting his teeth.

"But it's too dangerous for us to chase into the desert like this."

Unexpectedly, Rothmore agreed to continue the pursuit.

He proposed to keep the wounded and prisoners, and then lead the remaining [-] Qin troops to continue the pursuit.

"There are [-] Qin Tianbing soldiers, even if they chase them to Mobei, they won't be afraid."

Although Nishu still has more than [-] horses, after this battle, Nishu's status as a great Khan is already in jeopardy. At this time, he must continue to pursue, so that the various ministries of the Xueyantuo Khanate may fall apart. If the mud is given a chance to breathe, the situation may change again.

In the wind and snow, [-] Qin troops also sneaked into the desert along the traces left by the army of mud.

In the vast desert, three armies are advancing.

Duan Zhixuan led two thousand light cavalry and held on tight, while Rockyong and Luo Simo led the infantry and heavy cavalry followed closely.

"If you can't run away, we can't run away."

In the snowstorm, the muddy war horse was surrounded by a group of Tie Le leaders.

"My son Batu sacrificed eight thousand wolf guards to help us evacuate into the desert." Ni Shu roared with red eyes.

"The people of Qin are going to chase to the end, we are finished this time." Leader Ba Yegu said loudly.

"Then what are you going to do? Surrender to Qin?"

"Let's disperse and retreat!" Tong Luo's leader said.

Divide the way to break through, the target is smaller, the Qin people are only 2 people, it is impossible to divide the troops to pursue each way.

"But what about the fifty thousand herdsmen?"

These [-] Xueyantuo herdsmen were originally asked to drag their families, drive cattle and sheep, and carry fodder to the south, not only to provide food and grass for the army, but also to resettle them in the south of the desert and north of the Yinshan Mountain after they reached the desert. , in an attempt to regain a foothold in Monan.

But what will happen to these herdsmen if all the divisions retreat now.

A group of leaders did not speak, the meaning was obvious, and when the disaster came, they flew separately. At this time, who can control these people, anyway, they are not from their own tribe.

Come galloping.

"Khan, there is Qin Jun in front of you."

After the man said this, he fell off his horse and carried a feathered arrow on his back.

Everyone's complexion changed drastically, the front was the north, how could there be Qin army in the north.

"No, the ground is shaking."

"This is a large group of cavalry coming."

"Look, Red Flag!"

On the white snow line in the distance, a little red suddenly appeared, followed by a red tide.

Holding a red flag, the cavalry of the Qin army in red robes came from the north.

Thousands of horses galloping.

Two generals, Yu Chigong and Li Daliang, led [-] Qin cavalry, hurriedly catching up, and finally caught up. They chased into the desert, and finally stopped Xue Yantuo's army.

If Xue Yantuo's vanguard Ranger hadn't spotted the trace, Yu Chigong would have even planned to set up an ambush, but if the ambush failed, he could only switch to a surprise attack by the whole army.

Eight thousand, against more than two hundred thousand.


Ni Yu and the leaders of the various tribes around him were almost desperate, there were pursuers behind him, and there were interceptions in front of them.

"Rush over!" The leader of the Tongluo tribe hurried back to his army, and then gave the order to break out, and the soldiers of the Tongluo tribe didn't care about other people, and directly initiated the breakout.

"Fucking shit." He cursed angrily.

The whirring charge horn echoed across the wasteland.

There was a trumpet sound from the south, and in that sound, two thousand Qingqi led by Duan Zhixuan arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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