Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 1375 The last anti-king

Chapter 1375 The Last Anti-King

Now, the bitter fruit has finally been repaid.

In the following days of fleeing south, Shen Faxing heard a lot of bad news.

Wang Xiongsheng, a vanguard general of the Qin Army, sent troops from Tong'an in Huainan, crossed the river and invaded Xuancheng County in the east of the Yangtze River.

Ximen Junyi sent troops from Jiangxi, attacked Dongyang eastward, and occupied Jinhua.

The Qin army invaded Jiangdong from four directions together, and the situation was like a broken bamboo. There was almost no resistance, and all places surrendered one after another.


The privy envoy and General Tiance General Xu Shiji personally led the elite Yangtze River Fleet, entered Songjiang from the sea, and went straight to Taihu Lake.He led his troops to ambush Shen Faxing by the canal.

Shen Faxing's Ministry was raided and defeated.

Tens of thousands surrendered.

Shen Faxing's wives, concubines, and children were all captured by the Qin army, but Shen Faxing changed clothes under the desperate protection of his personal guards, and only a hundred people escaped.

Wen Ren Suian, the prefect of Wu County in Jiangdong Town, heard that Shen Faxing had arrived in the city.

"My lord, don't miss this opportunity." One of his subordinates persuaded him.

"But Mr. Shen treats me well. Back then I was just a pirate from Taihu Lake."

Shen Faxing didn't go directly to Wujun City, he was worried about Wenren Suian, so he first sent someone quietly into the city to deliver a letter to Wenren Suian, asking him to come and greet him personally.

But they waited and waited, but they only waited for Ye Xiaobian, the general under Wenren Suian.

Ye said that the prefect was preparing a banquet in the city to cleanse the dust.

Shen Faxing was very embarrassed, but as a hero who came out of troubled times, he was also very cautious, and his gaze was even more sharp.

A few words of dialogue, plus Ye's expression, he could see the problem.

"Take it!"

In a room in a small village, Shen Faxing shouted loudly, and the guards drew their swords one after another, and surrounded Ye.

The sword is added to the body.

Ye smiled.

"why are you laughing?"

Ye Xiaobian said with a smile, "At first I wanted to trick you into the city, but I didn't expect you to see through, so I will stop pretending. That's right, the prefect Wenren has sent someone to ask Marshal Xu in the north to surrender, and he sent me to lure you Entering Wucheng, I will capture you as a certificate of honor."

"Rebellious officials and traitors!" Shen Faxing cursed, this Wenren Suian was only a water bandit in Taihu Lake back then, and later he was captured by himself for robbing his own food and grass. In the past year, he has been able to achieve the important position of the prefect of Wujun, but unexpectedly he betrayed himself at this critical moment.

"Mr. Shen, if people do not do what they want, heaven and earth will destroy it. It is the general trend that the world is united now, but you have been going against the sky. This is your own death. You can't die by yourself, but drag everyone to die together, right? I persuade Mr. Shen to let me go and return to Wucheng with me, and then surrender to the court with Wenren Taishou."

Shen Faxing gritted his teeth.

Ye Xiaobian raised his head and continued, "The people outside here are all under my command, all my cronies, all my servants, if I am killed, no one here will even think about going out."

After tearing his face apart, only the threat of Chi Guoguo remained.

Shen Faxing couldn't help but despair.

He clearly knew the truth of Ye Xiaobian's words. Although the Jiangdong Fanzhen was a big town that had been separated for ten years, Jiangdong was not monolithic, it was composed of local powerful forces.

As the lord of the Jiangdong feudal town, Shen Faxing does not have the absolute centralization of power like the central government. What he can really control are his soldiers.

But even as the dental soldiers directly under his direct line, they didn't listen to him completely.

For example, Wenren Suian, the prefect of Wu County, was born as a water bandit, but he was subdued by him later, and became his direct subordinate, and he was the same direct descendant as Jiang Yuanchao and others.

But Wenren Suian's subordinates were more loyal to Wenren than Shen Faxing.


Shen Faxing suddenly burst out laughing.

Now Ye Xiaobian was also confused by Monk Zhang Er, Shen Faxing had no room to resist now.

Shen Faxing walked up to Ye Xiaobian.

"I remember, you used to be a water thief who robbed Taihu Lake with Wenren Suian!"

"Yes." Ye nodded. He was one of Wenren's older brothers, so Wenren asked him to carry out this important task this time.

"Why didn't Wenren come?"

Ye Xiao argued, "Duke Shen only has more than a hundred people, and it is enough for me to come to kiss him. Prefect Wenren went north to meet Marshal Xu."

"I treat you well. I heard that Suian has grown from a water thief to the current prefect of Wu County, and you, Ye Xiaobian, are also the captain of Wu County." Shen Faxing shook his head as he said.

Finally, he suddenly drew a knife and slit Ye's throat.

Ye clutched his throat in disbelief, staring at Shen with wide eyes.

"Hmph, you want to threaten me too?"

Shen Faxing snorted coldly, he came from a famous family in the east of the Yangtze River, but in his bones he always looked down on people from reckless backgrounds like Wenren Suian.Now that things are running out of water, Shen Faxing's arrogance does not allow him to be threatened by two grassroots bandits.

Blood sprayed all over Shen Faxing, but he didn't have the slightest intention of avoiding it.

The knife in his hand gently wiped the blood on Ye Xiaobian's skirt.

Ye Xiaobian fell down, dying with regret.

He originally thought that Shen Faxing was settled, but he didn't expect that Shen Faxing would still have the heart to kill him at this time.

Glancing at Ye who fell on the ground, Shen Faxing spat at him.

"My lord, Ye Xiaobian's people have already surrounded us." The Commander of Yaqian Du reported the bad news.

"Kill it out!"

Shen Faxing said something coldly.

As of now, there is no other choice.

Since you are not willing to surrender, then kill it, kill it happily.

The dental soldiers nodded one after another. These were wolves fed by Shen Faxing, and they were also the most loyal and reliable people. Unfortunately, there were too few of them.


Teeth will rush out first.

After a fierce fight, Shen Faxing finally rushed out, but when he turned around, there were only a few people left, and even the most loyal and brave general fell on the road behind the palace.

He fled all the way, but the pursuers behind him pursued him relentlessly.

Ahead is the canal, which is shimmering and shimmering, but difficult to cross.

The most terrible thing was that when Shen Faxing saw several big ships coming up the canal with the wind, and the red flag fluttering high on the bows of the ships, Shen Faxing's heart fell to the bottom of the valley.

There are cavalrymen chasing after them, and the canal ahead intercepts them, and the court's naval warships also kill them on the river.

"God to die for me too!"

Shen Faxing stood by the canal, laughing loudly at his own reflection on the water in the river.

It's just that the laughter is a little bleak.

Shen Faxing, the last anti-king since the end of the Sui Dynasty, has come to a dead end after all.

"Even if I die, I will not go to Luoyang to bow down to Luo Cheng and praise his stinky feet!"

After Shen Faxing finished speaking, he drew his sword and killed himself by the canal.


The last tooth soldiers watched Shen Faxing commit suicide and his body fell into the canal, and they cried out loudly.

They glanced at each other, and then they all committed suicide with their knives in their hands, and continued to follow and serve Shen Faxing.

(End of this chapter)

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