Chapter 1376
It depends on the biography.

Crown Prince Jiawen crossed the river, entered Jinling City with troops, and spread the appeal to the counties in the east of the Yangtze River.

Soldiers are not bloody.

Cheng Mingzhen led his army into Jian'an County to take over Fujian.

Kanling crossed the river and took over the two counties of Danyang and Piling.Wang Xiongsheng sent troops out of Jiangxi to take over Dongyang and Suian counties.Ximen Junyi's soldiers went out of Huaixi to cross the river and took over the two counties of Xuancheng and Xin'an.

General Xu Shiji led the navy into Wujun, ambushed Shen Faxing, and ended up committing suicide by committing suicide on the bank of the Grand Canal.

Shen Faxing's body was retrieved by the navy and presented to Xu Shiji. Xu Shiji entered Wujun City smoothly, and then went down to Yuhang, Kuaiji and Yongjia counties.

The eleven counties in Jiangdong are all determined.

It took only [-] days from the time the crown prince sent Kan Leng to cross the river to fight in Guangling, and when Xu Shiji's naval warship entered Yongjia Port from the sea.

In eleven days, the imperial court destroyed Jiangdong Fan, which had been separated for ten years.

Wherever the Qin army arrived, all places surrendered, and no one resisted stubbornly. Even the powerful people from all over the place organized the people to welcome the king's teacher with sheep and wine.

And the Qin Army's Southern Expedition Army was also under the order of the prince, and it did not offend the people everywhere, and the military discipline was strict.

The canal cities of Jingkou, Wuxi, Wuxian, and Qiantang on the banks of the Grand Canal, as well as the coastal cities of Yuhang, Kuaiji, Ningbo, Yongjia, and Jian'an, not only did not close their cities, they even became more lively.

It turned out that the officials of the Jiangdong Fan changed their appearances and all held up red flags, vying to become Daqin people.

For these surrendered people, Prince Jiawen, who is the commander of the Southern Expedition, welcomed them very much, and spoke kindly to them.

The prince traveled from Guangling to Jinling, and then went south to Yuhang, all the way to appease the officials and powerful officials from all over the country, and even gave them many rewards.

People around the prince let out rumors that the prince wanted to choose some young talents from various families to be by his side, so each family understood and rushed to send their children to the prince.

Everywhere he went, there were countless local tyrants who sent their children here.

The prince selected those who were good at literature to enter the Xiuwen Library under the gate of Donggong as students, learning calligraphy, Mandarin, collecting Jiangdong books, collation of books, and correcting errors.Those who are brave and strong will be selected into Luben Lecture Hall.

Luben Lecture Hall is a training course for officers under the Eastern Palace Guard led by the Prince of the Eastern Palace. Luben was originally the military title of the left and right commanders under the tenth commander of the Eastern Palace. The trumpet is super multiplied.Nowadays, the army of the imperial court is divided into Nanya, Beiya and Neiya. There are 2000 armies in Beiya, [-] guards in Nanya, and [-] houses in Neiya. Next, there are the four prefectures of Chaocheng and Luben, each commanding an army of [-] people.

The emperor cultivated the prince with all his heart, and now he is constantly training the prince's team, and even really handed over the pro-military forces of the four houses to the prince to lead.

The Donggong Xiuwen Hall and the Martial Arts Hall have also become places for the prince to train future civil and military teams. Now the prince is willing to select the children of local powerful people from Jiangdong to join these two places. The local powerful people are of course very happy. As for these children, they are sent to the prince. , became part of the hostages, they didn't care, now everyone is scrambling to send someone over, if you hesitate, you will miss the opportunity, after all, not everyone has the opportunity to go to the East Palace.

There used to be ten ranks in the Eastern Palace, but now they are the four prefectures of the two armies Chaocheng and Luben, with [-] soldiers. Although they are also scattered with the other three Yamen and Mafu battalions, they are all directly affiliated to the Eastern Palace after all. army.

Not long after staying in Yuhang, the prince went south by boat again.

After several days of sailing at sea, he arrived in Jian'an County, Fujian Province, and then went to inspect Liuqiu County.

On Liuqiu Island, the prince personally met many flat island barbarians who surrendered, and sent people to recruit some high mountain island barbarians who resisted in the mountains. , don't continue to resist.

After seeing the prince and getting the prince's personal promise, many mountain barbarians finally chose to give up confrontation and accept naturalization. Of course, the prince also fulfilled his promise and granted demarcation and recognition to their traditional territories. In the countryside and villages, below the pavilion chief, they are also elected by themselves.

Daqin also organized people to build roads, opened up transactions with them, and reduced their taxes.

Although in the farther mountains, many barbarians still resisted stubbornly, the soothing effect of the prince was still good.

After returning to Fujian, the prince visited Nan'an (Quanzhou) Longxi (Zhangzhou) and other places, and went to see the Xiamen Port and Jinmen Port built by the East China Sea Fleet in the past two years. I am very satisfied with the fiery seafaring trade in this remote place.

"Gu has already reported to the Son of Heaven, requesting that Jiangdong Road be divided into two, Liuqiu and Jian'an counties, and Jian'an County is divided into Jian'an County in the northwest, Fuqing County in the northeast, Nanping County in the middle, and Nan'an in the southeast. and Xiamen County.

These five counties and Liuqiu County are combined into one, named Fujian Road, and Fuqing and Jian'an each take one word.

As for the ten roads in the north of Fujian, the eight counties of Yongjia, Yuhang, Kuaiji, Dongyang, Suian, Wujun, Piling, and Danyang were set as Jiangdong Road.

Xuancheng County and Xin'an County, which originally belonged to Jiangdong Road, were assigned to Huainan Road in Jiangbei.

After such a division.

Jiangdong Road was completely dismembered.

Jian'an in the south is drawn out. Although this area is relatively mountainous and watery, it is a big place. One county is enough for the other counties in Jiangdong, let alone another Liuqiu county. In fact, this new The territory of Fujian Road is no smaller than that of Jiangdong Road now.

Not to mention, taking away Jian'an is not counted, and taking away Xuancheng County, another big county in Jiangdong Province, and taking away a Xin'an County.

The only compensation for Jiangdong is to put the large enclave of Huainan Road in the east of Jinling County, such as Jingkou and Jurong, under the name of Jiangdong again.

However, with the removal of two counties in the west and another large county in the south, the strength of Jiangdong Province was indeed greatly damaged.

In order to make up for the relatively weak situation of Fujian Province, the prince made another big stroke, assigning several counties to the east of Linchuan County of Jiangxi Province to Jian'an County of Fujian Province, adding three counties of Shaowu, Taining, and Junning.

Huainan Road, Jiangdong Road, Jiangxi Road, and Fujian Road have been redefined.

Subsequently, the crown prince appointed the officials of the Three Envoys of Jiangdong and Fujian, as well as officials at all levels of the county, county and township, by the order of the generalissimo.

Along with it, tens of thousands of people were selected from the Southern Expedition Army to be stationed in the two counties, and they have since been converted into military residences.

It turns out that the soldiers and horses of the Jiangdong Fan, the officers entered the court to participate in the election of marquis officials, and the soldiers were disarmed and returned to the fields, and the land was allocated.Local officials, officials also entered the capital to elect officials, and officials were either retained or dismissed after passing the assessment.

However, no matter whether they are civil servants or military generals, the prince has done one thing, that is, to protect their property. Even if the land they own exceeds the imperial limit, they will only be replaced with the imperial court, or the imperial court will pay for the expropriation.

A lot of freedom is given.

The prince handled affairs and performed very well.

Although those in the know knew that it was because of the help of big bosses like Li Jing, Xu Shiji, and Qin Qiong, but the crown prince led the troops outside, and he was indeed very stable. He didn't do anything out of the ordinary, and he always followed good advice. .

He also did a good job of appeasing the powerful and powerful people in Jiangdong, and won a lot of praise, saying that he is a sage, virtuous, benevolent and benevolent prince.

(End of this chapter)

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